Set Horizontal Speeds


Sets Self.__CrowdFX_Actor_HorizontalSpeed which is used to store the distance travelled in each animation used by a crowd simulation. By default, this is an array of scalars containing the Z distance travelled divided by the duration of each imported action per actor instance's actor source, multiplied by the instance's size.

You can use this compound to set it to a different value, for example by connecting it to the On Init port of the Initialize Locomotion Data compound in Crowd.Point_Cloud's Emit_Evenly_from_Geometry ICE tree. This can be useful when the original model was animated in place instead of moving along Z, or if you turned off Use Center of Gravity when importing the action sources (in which case the horizontal speeds that get calculated automatically are incorrect).

For more information, see Loading Action Sources for an Actor.

Tasks: Crowds/Animation, Crowds/Setters

Output Ports: Execute

Cycle n

The horizontal speed of the corresponding cycle. Make sure to add or remove ports so that there are as many ports as imported actions from the source.