Modulate Value by Age Percentage


This compound modifies particle values depending on a percentage of their age.

Remember that you must set the particle's AgeLimit attribute in the point cloud's ICE tree for this compound to work - see Limiting the Particle's Age for more information.

Plug its Value output into Plug its Execute output into any port that accepts a scalar value, such as the Mass, Size, Speed, or Rate ports of the Emit compound.

For more information, see Modifying Particle Values by their Age or Age Percentage.

Tasks: Particles/Modifiers

Output Ports: Value


This graph determine the shape of how the particle values are modified depending on the percentage of their age as defined by its AgeLimit attribute. The graph represents the Base value (Y axis of the graph) over the particle's life span (X axis of the graph).

Tip: If you're modifying the particle Size parameter, make sure that the start value isn't 0 (zero) or else the particles will have no size at emission! Just nudge the value up a bit on the Y axis to make it any value above zero.

Base Value

The parameter's value that is represented as a value of 1 in the graph. For example, if you modify the particle Mass parameter and you set this to 5, it gives the particles a mass of 5 kg when they have reached a value of 1 on the profile curve graph.