Crowd Legs on Ground Constraint


Prevents the actors' legs from penetrating the ground in a CrowdFX simulation. This is useful on uneven terrain.

This compound can be used in the Post-Simulation region of the Point_Cloud object before Set Shape Instance Bones, or in the Simulation region after Set Locomotion. You must have specified an object to act as the terrain by selecting it and choosing CrowdFX Crowd Add Terrain from the ICE toolbar first.

For more information, see Constraining the Legs to the Ground.

Tasks: Crowds/Constraints

Output Ports: Execute


Activates the constraint.


An offset from the ground.



A reference to the left/right leg root bone in the actor's Rig_Proxy.

Root Name

A name to prefix to Root to fully resolve the name.


A reference to the left/right knee (shin) bone in the actor's Rig_Proxy. This should be a child of Root.

Knee Name

A name to prefix to Knee to fully resolve the name.


A reference to the left/right leg effector in the actor's Rig_Proxy. This should be a child of Knee. In addition, the corresponding feet bones and effector should be descendants of this object.

Effector Name

A name to prefix to Effector to fully resolve the name.

Root Direction

The local vector of the leg root bone that points at the knee.

Knee Direction

The local vector of the knee bone that points at the effector.

TipIf the simulation includes multiple actor sources, you can plug multiple instances of this node into a Select Case node with its Condition port driven by Get Actor ID. This allows you to use different values for different actor types.