Using Curve Net


You can create a surface or polygon mesh by picking a series of curves in U and V. Curve Net is similar to Loft, but you can control the detail in both the U and V directions. For best results, make sure the curves intersect each other as closely as possible, particularly at the boundaries.

To create a surface or polygon mesh using Curve Net

  1. Optionally, select one or more U curves in order. You can select curve objects as well as U or V isolines, U or V knot curves, boundaries, surface curves, and trim curves.

  2. Choose one of the following commands from the Model toolbar:

    • Create Surf. Mesh Curve Net

    • Create Poly. Mesh Curve Net

  3. Pick the remaining U curves in order.

    • If you make a mistake, Ctrl+click to "unpick" the last curve. Repeat to "unpick" multiple curves.

    • With the Free Form selection tool, you can pick the curves in a single sweep. Be careful not to accidentally select a V curve.

  4. Right-click to indicate that you have finished picking U curves.

  5. Pick the V curves in order.

  6. Right-click. The Curve Net property editor opens.

  7. Adjust parameters as necessary:

    • Specify the number of Subdivisions in U and V.

    • Set Feature Match to follow the detail of the input curves more closely. Note that this may significantly affect performance.

    NoteCurve Net treats closed curves as if they were open curves with overlapping boundaries. When using Curve Net with closed curves, it is important to align their boundaries and pick the transverse curves in order, starting at the boundary.