Scene Search Preferences


Stores the last-used settings for the Scene Search view.

To display: Choose File Preferences, expand the Editors node, and click Scene Search.

List View Mode

Choose how to display the results:

  • Object Paths displays the full path through the hierarchy from the scene root.

  • Object Names displays only the object's own name.


Choose the sorting method used:

  • None uses the default order, based on when an element was created or parented.

  • Alphabetical sorts the elements alphabetically. Any numeric suffix is sorted in correct numerical order, so Elementt2 comes before Element10.

  • Type + Alphabetical sorts the elements by type first, and then alphabetically within each type.

Search Type

Set the scope of the search:

  • Search Scene finds all elements of the specified name, type, and keywords.

  • Search Selection finds all elements of the specified name, type, and keywords within the current selection.

  • Search for Type finds all elements of the specified type and keywords.