Create Basic Shatter from Point Cloud


This compound works with Build Slice Planes. Apply Build Slice Planes on an empty point cloud and Create Basic Shatter from Point Cloud on an empty polygon mesh. For more information, see Simple Shattering in ICE.

This compound creates an instance of the specified polygon mesh and uses the slice planes from the specified point cloud to shatter it. The resulting topology is applied to the "self" object.

Tasks: Topology/Shattering

Output Ports: Execute

Polygon Mesh Name

Polygon Mesh Name

Connect the name of a polygon mesh object, or a prefix to use with Reference.


Specify a polygon mesh object. If anything is connected to In Name, it gets prefixed to the name specified here.

Point Cloud Name

Point Cloud Name

Connect the name of a point cloud, or a prefix to use with Reference.


Specify a point cloud. If anything is connected to In Name, it gets prefixed to the name specified here.