Editing Shader Compound Properties


Shader compounds have properties that allow you to give them distinguishing information.

Do either of the following:


The class name of the shader compound — see Creating a Shader Compound.


The group in the preset manager where the shader compound is located — see Creating a Shader Compound.


Name of the author for identification purposes. This field is optional.


Information that can help you and other users identify the purpose of the shader compound. This field is optional.

Press Ctrl+Enter to start a new line in the Description box.


Version of the shader compound — see Versioning Shader Compounds for information.

Version Tag is optional information that you can add to describe this version of the shader compound.


Color of the shader compound node in the render tree. Click the color chip to select a color from the color editor.


Makes the shader compound editable or not:

  • Select this option if you want your shader compound to be edited by other users.

  • Deselect this option to prevent other users from editing the shader compound, especially by accident! When this option is off, the little "e" on a shader compound node is hidden and the Edit Compound command is grayed out.


Opens up the Shader Compound PPG Logic property editor in which you can write scripts that get executed automatically when users open and interact with the compound's property page.

Specify the Script Language, then use the Logic section to define OnInit and <parameter>_OnChanged() callback procedures.

You can also change the user interface layout of a shader compound's property page in the PPG.PPGLayout section of the script.

To link documentation to your shader compound, use the PPG.PPGLayout.SetAttribute siUIHelpFile command, then enter the path to your help file.

To see an example of a PPG Logic script, check a factory shader compound, such as the Particle Renderer Compound.