
Category: mental ray > Texture

Shader Family: Environment

Output: Color

This is a simple shader that applies a gamma and a gain (multiplication) of a color. Many similar shaders exists in various software integrations of mental ray, so this shader is primarily of interest for standalone mental ray and for cross-platform phenomena development.

The shader can also be used as a simple gamma lens shader, in which case the input is not used, and the eye ray color is used instead.


The name of the shader node displayed in the render tree. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.


The input color.


Gamma value applied to the input color.


Gain (multiplication) value applied to the input color.


  • If this option is off, the shader takes the input, multiplies it with the gain, and then applies a gamma correction of gamma to the color.

  • If this option is on, the shader takes the input, applies a reverse gamma correction of gamma to the color, and then divides it with the gain; that is, this is the exact inverse of the operation for when reverse is off.