Test Collision With Surface

This compound uses the particle's collision with an obstacle as a trigger for an effect.

Plug this compound's Result output into a Trigger port on a State compound or in a Condition port of an If node, and plug its Save Hit Location into the Execute on Trigger port on a State compound.

For more information on collisions, see Motion Control and Surface Interaction Behavior for ICE Particles.

For more information on states, see ICE Particle States.

Tasks: Particles/Conditionals,Particles/Surface Interaction

Output Ports: Hit, Save Collision Location


The object with which the particles collide. This must be an object with a surface. Plug the object's Value output into this port.

Collision Method

The method used for collision calculations:

  • Deformed Collision (Continuous) for colliding with a shape-animated or deform-animated obstacle.

  • Static Collision for colliding with an obstacle that doesn't change shape over time.

Offset Method

The method by which the particles are offset from the obstacle:

  • Use Particle Size considers the particle size upon collision.

  • Use Offset Distance uses the value that you enter for the Offset Distance.

Offset Distance

The distance in Softimage units by which the particles are offset from the obstacle.