Modify Particle Size

This compound modifies the particle size over time using different values and a profile curve, which is useful for creating size shifts.

Plug its Execute output into an Execute on Emit port of the Emit compound, or any Execute port of other compounds such as Slide on Surface, Bounce on Surface, or Stick to Surface. You can also plug its Execute output into a Port on the ICETree node.

For more information, see Modifying the Particle Size Over Time (Size Shift) [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Modifiers

Output Ports: Execute

Source Parameter

Modifies the particle size based on different sources: Age, Age Percentage, Time, or External Value.

If you use Age Percentage, you must define the particle's age limit using the Set Particle Age Limit compound.

External Value

If you selected External Value as the Source Parameter, you can set its value here.

End Value

Sets the particle size value that's used in the Profile graph when the value there is 1.'

Modification Type

Modifies the particle size in different ways using the values set here:

  • Set New Value: doesn't consider current particle size.

  • Add to Value: adds the value set here to the existing particle size value.

  • Multiple by Initial Size: multiplies the particle size value set here using the Multiplier value.


This graph determines the particle size over the time of simulation.


Multiplies the particle size value set with the profile curve.