Emit from Volume

This compound emits new particles within the volume of a geometry.

Plug this compound's Emit output into the ICETree node. This compound should be plugged in to the first port of the ICETree node because you usually need to emit particles before any other node or compound can be evaluated.

For more information, see Emitting Particles from Volumes [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Emitters

Output Ports: Emit


Turns the particle emission on and off.

Emission Parameters

The other emission parameters are the same as found in the Emit from Geometry compound.


Plug in the geometry from which you want to emit particles. This must be a geometry with volume (3D). You can plug multiple geometries into this emitter.

Initial Values

These parameters are the same as the Initial Value parameters in the Emit from Geometry compound.

Direction and Speed

The other parameters are the same as the Direction and Speed parameters in the Emit from Geometry compound.


Set this value to control the initial direction of movement for all new particles. These values use global XYZ space. If you set all the axes values to 0, the particles are emitted but stay stuck to the emitter.

See ICE Particle Direction [ICE Particle Simulations] for more information.