
Removes or extracts grain from film-based clips. If the grain is removed, edges can be protected from the filter. If the grain is extracted, it can be composited back in after processing using the Grain Composite operator.

Requires an Input (RGB or RGBA).

Produces an Output (RGB or RGBA).

Grain Filter


Sets whether the image, the grain or the edges are displayed. Image removes the grain from the image. Grain extracts the grain for re-compositing later. Edge lets you view the edges ­ these will be protected from the grain removal filter.

Red, Green, Blue

Set the size of the filter applied to each component; these should be set to the size of the grain in each component.

Red Min Level, Green Min Level, Blue Min Level

Set the minimum change in intensity required to be detected as an edge in each component. The higher the value, the greater the change in intensity required for an edge to be detected.

Red Scale, Green Scale, Blue Scale

Set the intensity with which edges are drawn in each component. The higher the value, the greater the intensity.


Controls this operator's Mask Options.


Controls this operator's Output Options.