Fancy Glow

Creates a glow effect over a background clip, taking color from a second clip, and optionally compositing an RGBA foreground clip over the top. The glow radiates from a user-defined center; the color of the glow is taken from the color glow clip at the position of the edge of the masked area in the foreground clip.

Requires a Background (Any), a Color Glow (RGB) and a Foreground (RGBA).

Produces an Output (Any).

Fancy Glow


Sets the brightness of the glow. Set any floating-point value using the treadmill; 0 is no brightness (and therefore no glow),1 is the brightness of the original color.

Center X/Y/Z

Set the center of the glow as a normalized proportion of the image. Set any floating-point values using the treadmills. The Z value has no effect.

Glow Length

Sets the point of complete falloff of the glow as a normalized proportion of the vertical size of the image. Set any floating-point value using the treadmill.

Glow Offset

Sets the brightest point of the glow as a normalized proportion of the vertical size of the image. Set any floating-point value using the treadmill; 0 sets the brightest point to be the center of the glow, positive values move the brightest point outwards.

Inward Glow

If the center of the glow is not within the masked area, sets whether or not glow starts before masked area is encountered.


Sets whether or not foreground clip is composited over the glow.


Controls this operator's Mask Options.


Controls this operator's Output Options.