Color Shape Property Editor

| Shape | Mask | Transform | Display

To Display: Select a stroke shape in the FX Viewer or in the explorer and press Enter.

Allows you to edit the properties of existing color shapes, rectangles, ellipses and lines painted in a vector paint operator with the mark out shape, rectangle, ellipse and line tools respectively.



Specifies the shape's type. The type that was selected when the shape was drawn is activated when you open the property editor.

Shapes can be any one of the following three types:

  • Bezier shapes consist of a series of control points, each connected to the next by a smooth or straight Bezier curve.

    Straight Bezier curve shapes resemble polyline shapes since all of the points are connected by straight lines and the points' handles are hidden.

    Smooth Bezier curve shapes tend to curve at every point. The points' handles can be displayed, allowing you to adjust the curve.

  • B-Spline shapes consist of a series of control points, each connected to the next by an interpolated curve. Each point is assigned a weight value that defines the degree top which it pulls the curve. The higher the weight, the stronger the pull, and the straighter the curve connecting a point to its two adjacent points.

  • Polyline shapes consist of a series of control points, each connected to the next by a straight line segment.


Toggles whether the shape is closed or not.

A closed shape's last point is connected to its first point so that the outline goes completely around the fill. An open shape's last point is not connected to its first point, leaving a gap in the outline. Open shapes with no fill are often used to create paint strokes with editable points.


Controls the opacity level of the shape's stroke and fill. The higher the value, the more opaque the shape.



Specifies what is displayed in the shape's fill.

None: the shape has no fill.

Solid: displays a solid color defined by the Fill > Color parameter.

Reveal: reveals the current image through any strokes or shapes that are be between it and the shape.

Merge: displays the portion of the merge source image, as set in the FX Tree, that corresponds to the fill area.


Defines the shape's fill color. Set any RGBA value using the sliders.



When activated, the shape's outline is displayed. The outline is drawn using the brush settings that were active when the shape was drawn.

When you activate this parameter, the Brush property editor is appended to the shape's property editor. You can use it to set the stroke's properties. See Brush Property Editor.


Defines the stroke's color. Set any RGBA value using the sliders.


Controls the opacity level of the shape's stroke and fill. The higher the value, the more opaque the shape.

Drop Shadow

Applies a drop shadow to the shape's fill. When you activate this parameter, the Drop Shadow property editor is appended to the shape's property editor. See Drop Shadow Property Editor

Edge Blur

Blurs the edge of the shape's fill. The higher the value, the greater the blur.


Paint On


When active, the shape is painted on the image's RGB channels.


When active, the shape is painted on the image's alpha channel.

Obey Paint Mask

The paint mask is a matte or grayscale image that defines which areas of an image are paintable, and which areas aren't (sort of like an obey matte for painting). You can set any operator as the paint mask from the operator's contextual menu.


When active, parts of the image that correspond to black parts of the mask are protected from the shape.


When the Obey Paint Mask > Enable option is activated, activating this option inverts the mask so that parts of the image that correspond to white parts of the mask are protected from the shape.




Translates the shape from its initial position in X and/or Y. The values are in pixels.



Scales the shape in X and/or Y.

  • If the Use Pivot option is active, scaling is relative to the pivot point.

  • If the Use Pivot option is not active, scaling is relative to the center of the shape's bounding box.


Use Pivot

Activates the pivot for scaling and rotation. When the pivot is active, all changes to the shape's scale and rotation are performed relative to the pivot point.


Translates the pivot from its initial position at the center of the shape's bounding box.



Specifies, in degrees, the shape's rotation.

  • If the Use Pivot option is active, rotation is relative to the pivot point.

  • If the Use Pivot option is not active, rotation is relative to the center of the shape's bounding box.



Displays the shape's name in the explorer. You can change it by typing a new name in the text box.


Controls the shape's visibility. Disabling this option mutes the stroke in the FX Viewer.