Adjusting the Retargeted Mocap Data

After you have applied and possibly calibrated the mocap data for the face in Face Robot, you're ready to adjust it to fit the proportions of the face. The data from the mocap files drives the animation of the controls on the face in Face Robot.

To adjust the mocap data

  1. On the Act panel, choose Library Tools Adjust to open the Face Adjust property panel.

  2. On this property panel, you can set the following options:


    Mutes the retargeting mocap data. You can also choose the ToolsMute Retarget and Unmute Retarget commands on the Library panel to do the same thing.


    Filters high-frequency noise from the mocap.


    Sets the first frame at which the mocap is applied to the head.


    Scales the retargeting mocap data: use the sliders for each animation control in the Global Control and Special Controls areas. The scaling of the controls is modified with respect to the neutral pose as defined in the face map (.fmap) file.

    Tip: If you have applied motion capture that opens the lower jaw to an extreme position (such as a big scream or yell), you can scale back the jaw using the Global ControlJaw slider so that it isn't "hyper-extended" when the mouth is fully opened.


    Activates the global rotation on the head. You will need to select this option if you're tuning the neck weighting. Most of the time, however, you won't need to have the head rotation active. If you're working with stabilized motion, make sure that this option is not selected.


    Activates the global translation on the head. This lets you key the head control so that a head attached to a moving body will stay with the body!


    If you select the Enable Translation option, you can scale the translation of the global motion of the head with this slider.


    Adjusts the gain for each mocap marker. These sliders determine how much of the mocap retargeting data is applied to the animation control. A value of 0 means that no mocap is applied to that control, while a value of 1 means 100% of the mocap data is applied to the control.