Crosswalk Setup

A typical installation of Softimage includes all the components required for the Crosswalk for Softimage integration (dotXSI, COLLADA, and FBX support) and the Crosswalk SDK (formerly known as the SOFTIMAGE FTK).

However, you must run the standalone Autodesk Crosswalk setup program and install the Crosswalk for Max and Crosswalk for Maya integrations to enable data transfer between Softimage and your Maya and/or 3ds Max installations.

The standalone Crosswalk setup program will also update your Crosswalk for Softimage integration and the Crosswalk SDK with any new features and fixes. It is good practice to always check for updates to the Crosswalk toolset.

NoteWhen setting up on Linux, you must unpack the archive and manually copy the plug-in files to the appropriate destination folders for the supported applications. There is no plug-in version detection or automatic backup mechanism, so you should check the date of any existing plug-ins before overwriting the files. See Crosswalk Components and Install Paths for where to copy the files to enable the Crosswalk integrations.

For information on how to use the Crosswalk integrations, see Using Crosswalk for Softimage, Using Crosswalk for Maya, and Using Crosswalk for Max.