Static Text

Static text controls display text on property pages. Static text controls do not have to be associated with a parameter, but if you want, you can display the value of a String parameter as static text.

To add static text to a property page, use PPGLayout.AddStaticText or PPGLayout::AddStaticText.

function EmbeddedSynoptic_DefineLayout( ctxt )
	var oLayout,oItem;
	oLayout = ctxt.Source;

	// UI text that explains how to use the synoptic view
			"Click the sphere to translate the object by the specified increment.\n" + 
			"Click the large cone to reset the translations."
			0, // Use default width
			0		// Use default height

	return true;

PPGLayout.AddStaticText or PPGLayout::AddStaticText is a shortcut for calling PPGLayout.AddItem or PPGLayout::AddItem with the siControlStatic attribute:

// Use the name "Static" to display static text on the ppg
// The second parameter, which usually specifies the label, is the static text

oLayout.AddItem( "Static", "Static Text", siControlStatic );
oLayout.AddItem( "Static", "More Static Text", siControlStatic );

Static text does not word wrap when a user resized the property page, so you may want to specify a width and height in the call to PPGLayout.AddStaticText or PPGLayout::AddStaticText.

You access a static text control through the PPGLayout.Item or PPGLayout::GetItem property, which returns the PPGItem or PPGItem for the static text. To change the static text, set the PPGItem.Label or PPGItem::GetLabel or PPGItem::PutLabel property:

function EmbeddedSynoptic_OnInit( )
	// The static text we want to display
	// Use "\n" to insert a line break
	var sUIText =	"Click a sphere to translate " + 
					PPG.Inspected(0).Parent +
				 	" by the specified increment.\n" + 
				 	"Click the large cone to reset the translations.";

	// Set the static text
	// Static text controls are named "Static"
	PPG.PPGLayout.Item("Static").Label = sUIText;

	// If you have more than one static text control,
	// use the index number instead of the name "Static".
	// The index numbers correspond to the order
	// in which the controls were added to the layout.
//	PPG.PPGLayout.Item(0).Label = sUIText;


If you want to display the value of a String parameter as static text, use PPGLayout.AddItem or PPGLayout::AddItem to add a static control for the parameter.

function MyProperty_Define( ctxt )


	var oCustomProperty;
	oCustomProperty = ctxt.Source;
	oCustomProperty.AddParameter2("Param1",siString,"This is a Text parameter",null,null,null,null,0,siPersistable);
	return true;

function MyProperty_DefineLayout( ctxt )
	var oLayout;
	oLayout = ctxt.Source;
	// Add a static control for the string parameter Param1
	// No label required: the control displays the parameter value
	oLayout.AddItem( "Param1", "", siControlStatic );
	return true;

You can break static text into several lines by using line-return characters (for example, \n for most languages and vbCRLF in VBScript).

The following item attributes are available:

Available on all Controls also as a property on the PPGItem object:

Common to many Controls: