The Environment Light and Shadows dialog box

Light Properties for this Environment

This topic describes the controls found in the Environment Light and Shadows dialog box. To open the dialog box, select Appearance > Environment Light and Shadows from the main menu.

These options determine where the highlight hits the surfaces, and controls the appearance of the lighting on the object. The settings are applicable for the current environment only.

Cast shadows

Use this control to set shadows off in the current environment, overriding the visual style setting.

Sun Light
Use this control to enable or disable the environment light in the current environment. Turning off sun light makes the objects look darker but does not make the shadows disappear from the environment ground.
Color pot

Click this to change the color of the environment light. Use the slider to control brightness between black and white.


Moves the environment light clockwise or counter-clockwise around the environment dome.

Specify the horizontal angle in degrees longitude (0 to 360).


Moves the environment light up or down the environment dome.

Specify the vertical angle in degrees latitude (-90 to 90).

Move Light

Click the Move Light button to interactively position the environment light around the scene.

  • To place the environment light higher in the sky, click anywhere in the view and drag up.
  • To move the environment light down, drag down.
  • To move the environment light clockwise around the horizon, drag left.
  • To move the environment light counter-clockwise, drag right.
  • To place the highlight at any position on a surface, hold down the Ctrl key and click at that position.
  • To move the highlight around the surface to find the best position, hold down the Ctrl key and drag over the surface.

When you have moved the highlight to the desired location, click the same button, now labeled Stop.


To maintain a realistic lighting effect, Autodesk Showcase relocates the shadow (if applicable) to oppose the new position of the highlights.

Move Shadow

(Available if shadows are selected in The environment light settings.)

  • Click this button and drag the shadow to move it to the desired location.
  • Click the same button, now labeled Stop when you have finished moving the shadow.

Autodesk Showcase automatically relocates the highlights (if visible) to oppose the new position of the shadows to maintain a realistic lighting effect.

Default Position

Restores the original position of the environment light to directly overhead (or to the original location in the particular environment). Shadows appear directly opposite the environment light source.

Ray Tracing Shadow Properties

These options control the appearance of the shadow in Ray Tracing created for the environment light, and cast upon all objects in the scene.


Ray Tracing shadow properties are saved with the individual Environment file if it is stored in a custom environment library. Hardware shadow settings are global for all environments in the scene.

Shadow and highlight softness

Adjust the virtual size of the light source to affect the shadow and highlight softness and size. (A larger size casts softer shadows and creates larger highlights)

Ambient Shadow distance

Set the distance, in units, that ambient shadows around the object are cast upon the ground plane.

Hardware Rendering Shadow Properties

These options are available if shadows are turned on in The environment light settings, and are applicable for all environments.


Click the color swatch to change the hue of the shadow.


Adjust the resolution of the Hardware shadow for greater or fewer details. Autodesk recommends 1024x1024. Depending on your hardware and the complexity of your scene, there is a risk of performance degradation at higher resolutions. You may want to turn shadows off while working with materials and objects, then turn shadows on at 1024x1024 to set the shots and choose the light direction. Once you are ready to present or create a movie, try using 2048x2048 or 4096x4096.


Controls the strength of the color of the shadow. Enter a numeric value or use the slider for ranges of 0 (weak) to 1000 (strong).


Use this control to make shadows soft or sharp. Soft shadows use more hardware resources so do not use them with a very high resolution. Click Softness, then enter a numeric value or use the slider for ranges from 0% to 100%. A shadow with a defined edge has a value of 0% while a shadow with a blurry edge has a value of 100%.

Ground Shadows Drop-off: Distance

Controls the intensity of the shadows based on the distance between the object and the ground.

To make objects that are far from the ground cast Hardware shadows, increase the Drop-off distance value. To decrease the intensity of the shadows created by objects near the ground, decrease the Drop-off distance value.

Ground Shadows Drop-off: Rate

Controls the intensity of Hardware shadows based on the distance between the object and the environment light source.

To make distant objects cast dark shadows, move the Drop-off rate slider towards the Slow end. To make distant objects cast slight shadows, move the slider toward the Abrupt end.

Shadow Casting for All Environments

This setting is available if shadows are turned on in The environment light settings, and is applicable for all environments.

Shadows are cast by:

All objects

All objects in the scene cast a shadow based on where the environment light source is located.

Specified objects

Only some objects in the scene cast a shadow.

Choose objects manually by selecting one of the followingChoose Shadow Casters options:

Shadows can be cast on the model, the environment ground or both.


If an object is removed from casting shadows in the Environment Light and Shadows dialog box, the object will not cast shadows from any other lights in the scene.

Troubleshooting shadows

If you can't see Hardware shadows:

See Also