Transformation Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Mudbox Scenes, Scene Graph, Transformations and Coordinate Space Conversions.

Detailed Description

A Transformation is a node in the Mudbox scene that controls the size.

and position of other nodes, such as lights, cameras, or polygon meshes. It represents transformations as a combination of scaling, rotation, and translation, applied in that order. The position of a GroupNode is determined solely by the matrix of its parent Transformation node. In other words, while it is possible to arrange scene objects into a hierarchy, the transformation matrices up the hierarchy are NOT composited together to produce a final transformation.

Definition at line 85 of file transformation.h.

#include <transformation.h>

Inheritance diagram for Transformation:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual Vector  TransformToWorld (const Vector &vL, float fW=1.0f)
  Transforms a Vector from local space into world space.
virtual Vector  TransformToLocal (const Vector &vW, float fW=1.0f)
  Transforms a Vector from world space into local space.
virtual Matrix  LocalToWorldMatrix (void)
  Returns a Matrix that can transform points or vectors.
virtual Matrix  WorldToLocalMatrix (void)
  Returns a Matrix that can transform points or vectors.
virtual void  SetLocalToWorldMatrix (const Matrix &mMatrix)
  Sets the Matrix for this object that will.
virtual Vector  Rotation (void) const
  Returns the rotation component of the current transformation.
virtual void  SetRotation (const Vector &vYawPitchRoll)
  Sets the rotation component of the current transformation.
virtual void  SetRotation (const Matrix &mRotation)
  Sets the rotation component of the current transformation.
virtual void  AddRotation (const Vector &vYawPitchRoll, bool bAfter=false)
  Adds additional rotation to the current transformation.
virtual void  AddRotation (const Vector &vAxis, float fAngle)
  Adds additional rotation to the current transformation around a given axis.
virtual Vector  Position (void) const
  Returns the current position (translation) of the object.
virtual void  SetPosition (const Vector &vVector)
  Sets the position (translation) of the object.
virtual Vector  Scale (void) const
  Returns the scale factors of the current transformation.
virtual void  SetScale (const Vector &vScale)
  Sets the scale factors of the current transformation.
virtual Vector  Pivot (void) const
  Returns the pivot point.
virtual void  SetPivot (const Vector &vNewPivot)
  Sets the pivot point.

Member Function Documentation

virtual Vector TransformToWorld ( const Vector vL,
float  fW = 1.0f 
) [virtual]

Transforms a Vector from local space into world space.

The Vector class in this SDK is used to represent both points in 3d space, and true vectors (which have directional, but no positional information.) By default, this method assumes that you are transforming a point, and so sets the W value to 1.0. If you are in fact transforming a true vector, you should set fW to 0.

[in] vL The point or vector to be transformed
[in] fW The "W" value. Leave as 1.0 for points, set to 0.0 for vectors
virtual Vector TransformToLocal ( const Vector vW,
float  fW = 1.0f 
) [virtual]

Transforms a Vector from world space into local space.

The Vector class in this SDK is used to represent both points in 3d space, and true vectors (which have directional, but no positional information.) By default, this method assumes that you are transforming a point, and so sets the W value to 1.0. If you are in fact transforming a true vector, you should set fW to 0.

[in] vW The point or vector to be transformed
[in] fW The "W" value. Leave as 1.0 for points, set to 0.0 for vectors
virtual Matrix LocalToWorldMatrix ( void  ) [virtual]

Returns a Matrix that can transform points or vectors.

from local space into world space.

virtual Matrix WorldToLocalMatrix ( void  ) [virtual]

Returns a Matrix that can transform points or vectors.

from world space into local space.

virtual void SetLocalToWorldMatrix ( const Matrix mMatrix ) [virtual]

Sets the Matrix for this object that will.

transform points and vectors from local space to world space.

[in] mMatrix A 4x4 transformation matrix
virtual Vector Rotation ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the rotation component of the current transformation.

as yaw-pitch-roll (x,y,z) values in a Vector. The return values are in degrees.

virtual void SetRotation ( const Vector vYawPitchRoll ) [virtual]

Sets the rotation component of the current transformation.

The scaling and translation remain unaffected.

[in] vYawPitchRoll The new rotation value specified as yaw-pitch-roll (x,y,z), in degrees.
virtual void SetRotation ( const Matrix mRotation ) [virtual]

Sets the rotation component of the current transformation.

by specifying a rotation matrix. The scaling and translation remain unaffected.

[in] mRotation A 4x4 rotation matrix
virtual void AddRotation ( const Vector vYawPitchRoll,
bool  bAfter = false 
) [virtual]

Adds additional rotation to the current transformation.

The scaling and translation remain unaffected.

[in] vYawPitchRoll The rotation value to be added, specified as yaw-pitch-roll (x,y,z), in degrees.
[in] bAfter If true, the new rotation will be applied AFTER the existing one. If false, the new rotation will be applied before the existing one.
virtual void AddRotation ( const Vector vAxis,
float  fAngle 
) [virtual]

Adds additional rotation to the current transformation around a given axis.

The scaling and translation remain unaffected.

[in] vAxis The axis to rotate around
[in] fAngle The rotation angle value
virtual Vector Position ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the current position (translation) of the object.

(That is, the position of the origin after being transformed from local space to world space.)

virtual void SetPosition ( const Vector vVector ) [virtual]

Sets the position (translation) of the object.

[in] vVector The new translation value
virtual Vector Scale ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the scale factors of the current transformation.

virtual void SetScale ( const Vector vScale ) [virtual]

Sets the scale factors of the current transformation.

[in] vScale The new scale factors in x, y, and z.
virtual Vector Pivot ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the pivot point.

virtual void SetPivot ( const Vector vNewPivot ) [virtual]

Sets the pivot point.

[in] The new pivot coordinates

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation
Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation