Refreshing the Viewer Window


Consider that you are viewing an animation scene in the Viewer. When you open another application, for example Windows Explorer, it opens up on top of the Viewer. Now the Windows Explorer is the active window and the Viewer window is inactive. This stops playing the animation scene in the Viewer, keeping it in an idle state. You need to bring back the focus on the Viewer to make it active and resume the play.

In the virtual production environment, it is important that the Viewer gets automatically refreshed when working with different applications. To achieve this, turn on the Always refresh viewer checkbox in the Profiling Center window. Turning on this checkbox keeps the Viewer window in an always active state for that particular session only.

To turn on the Always refresh viewer checkbox permanently, click the Save User Settings button in the Profiling Center. This saves the setting to the MotionBuilder configuration.

Profiling Center A. Always refresh viewer checkbox B. Save User Settings button

For more information on the settings in the Profiling Center window, see Profiling Center window.