Adding a custom property to the HUD element properties


You can customize the HUD element properties by adding a custom property from the Property Editor > Custom Properties window. This helps to display more information in the Viewer.

To add a custom property to the HUD element properties:

  1. Click the Editor button in the right pane of the Navigator window.

    The Property Editor window appears.

  2. Click the Custom Properties tab.
    • The Add Property pane displays the custom properties.
    • The Destination pane displays all HUD elements that you added.
  3. In the Add Property pane, select a custom property.
  4. In the Destination pane, select a HUD element to which you want to add the custom property.
  5. Click Create Custom Properties of the selected type button.

    In the following figure, the Number custom property is added to the Duration HUD element.

    The Number custom property appears in the Duration HUD element properties.