Saving assets to an .fbx file

To save assets to an .fbx file:

  1. To save the MotionBuilder scene using the same name, select File > Save. If you want to save the file under another name or save a new file, proceed to step 2.

    The FBX Save dialog appears.

    FBX Save dialog box

    If you are saving more than one .fbx file, this dialog box includes the Yes to All button that replaces the current .fbx files with the same names.

    The MotionBuilder scene is updated and saved.

  2. To save a new MotionBuilder scene or to save a MotionBuilder scene under another name, select File > Save As.

    The Save File dialog box appears.

    Save File dialog box

    The Save File options include the following options.

    Save options Description
    Embed Medias Activate to embed image files, video clips, and audio clips in the saved .fbx file. When you activate Embed Medias, the additional option Convert Images To Tiff File Format lets you embed all images using the .tif file format, regardless of their original format. Disable Embed Medias to save only the path where media files are located. When you disable Embed Medias, make sure the media files are not moved or deleted from the path specified by your scene, otherwise the .fbx file that you save is unable to locate the media. If you transfer .fbx files between computers, it is recommended that you embed media.
    Save One Take Per File Activate to save each enabled take in the Save Takes list as a separate .fbx file. The name of each new .fbx file is given the original file’s name and the name of the take it contains, unless you select the Use Take Name option. When you activate Save One Take Per File, each .fbx is saved using the take name. For example, if you entered sample.fbx as the file name and you have two takes named “Take1” and “Take2”, activating One Take Per File saves two files named Sample-Take1.fbx and Sample-Take2.fbx. In addition, when you activate Embed Medias, all media used in the file is embedded in each .fbx file saved.
  3. Select the appropriate Save options and click Save.

    The Save Options dialog appears.

    Save Options dialog box

  4. Use the Save Options dialog box to select which assets, settings, and takes to save.

    See Save Options dialog box.

  5. Click Save to save the selected assets, settings, and takes to the specified .fbx file.