Roll Extraction

The settings in the Roll Extraction group adjust the roll of arms and legs, and work with the optional roll bones defined in the Roll group of slots (see Roll slots).

Modifiers > Roll Extraction settings

Roll Solver

This menu lets you choose to use the MotionBuilder 7.0 Roll Solver or the MotionBuilder 7.5 Roll Solver. The Roll Solver is set to version 7.0 by default.

Select the 7.5 Roll Solver if you want the local axes of IK effectors for the elbows and knees to always sync with the local axes of the first FK roll objects in the arms and legs, and if you want to ensure that upper arm and leg Roll Extraction solving is always done correctly as you manipulate the elbows and knees.

Roll Extraction Mode

This menu lets you select Absolute or Relative.

The rest of the Roll Extraction settings let you specify the bones that receive a percentage of the roll axis movement. For example, if your model’s forearm includes a roll bone, you can transfer part of the roll animation onto the roll bone using the Left or RightForeArm Roll settings.

To specify how much of the roll transfers from the limb to the roll object (the default setting is 60%), set a percentage using the following guidelines: