Navigation wheels

The Full Navigation wheels combine the 3D navigation tools found on the View Object and Tour Building wheels.

The Full and Mini Navigator SteeringWheels

The Full Navigation wheel is divided into the following wedges:

Wedge Function
Zoom Adjusts the magnification of the current view.
Rewind Restores the most recent view. You can move backward or forward through previous views.
Pan Repositions the current view by panning.
Orbit Rotates the current view around a fixed pivot point.
Center Specifies a point on a model to adjust the center of the current view or change the target point used for some of the navigation tools.
Walk Simulates walking through a model.
Look Swivels the current view.
Up/Down Slides the current view of a model along the Y axis of the screen

The Mini Navigation wheel is divided into the following wedges:

Wedge Function
Zoom (Top wedge) Adjusts the magnification of the current view.
Walk (Upper right wedge) Simulates walking through a model.
Rewind (Right wedge) Restores the most recent view. You can move backward or forward through previous views.
Up/Down (Lower right wedge) Slides the current view of a model along the Y axis of the screen.
Pan (Bottom wedge) Repositions the current view by panning.
Look (Lower left wedge) Swivels the current view.
Orbit (Left wedge) Rotates the current view around a fixed pivot point.
Center (Upper left wedge) Specifies a point on a model to adjust the center of the current view or change the target point used for some of the navigation tools.