What's New in SDK

For more information about accessing and installing the MotionBuilder SDK Help, see About the MotionBuilder SDK Help.

New Functionalities and Exposures

Stereo camera rig
New classes include FBCameraStereo, FBCameraStereotype, and FBStereoDisplayMode with extensions to FBVideoGrabOptions.
Webcam input
The FBVideoIn class has been extended to include this new functionality, which is demonstrated in the new sample Python script VideoInput.py.
Vertex color display
Vertex color display is now exposed. Parameter changes have been made to FBGeometry VertexInit and VertexAdd, and there have been many changes to FBGeometry. Look for objects including the name "color", for example VertexColorSet. This new functionality is demonstrated in VertexColor.py.
Hybrid motion capture device
A new function is FBAnimationNode::WriteGlobalData. This functionality is demonstrated in two new C++ sample projects deviceopticalhybrid (the device) and opticalhybriddevicetester (a server to output test data).
TimeWarp curve
TimeWarp curve is now exposed in the new class FBTimeWarpManager. The new sample, TimeWarp.py, shows the usage of FBTimeWarpManager by creating a model and its animation, then creating and merging a TimeWarp onto its animation node.
Optical tool exposed in Python
The following new classes have been exposed in Python: FBOpticalGap, FBModelOpticalAdvance, FBOpticalSegment, FBRigidBody, FBModelMarkerOptical, FBPropertyListMarkerSegment, FBPropertyListOpticalSegement, FBPropertyListOpticalGap, and FBModelOpticalAdvanced.
Exposure of simple math functions in Python
The following simple math functions have been exposed in Python: matrix, T,R,S to matrix, matrix to T,R,S, local/global conversions, vector operations, vertex operations, rotation utilities, and others.

The following classes have been extended: FBVector2d, FBVector3d, FBVector4d, FBSVector, FBNormal, FBVertex, FBUV, FBColor, FBColorAndAlpha, and FBMatrix. Functionality is demonstrated in MathUtilities.py, Matrix.py, and Vectors.py.

Setting the initial state of a checkbox using FBTree
FBTreeNode has a new boolean attribute, checked, that you can use to set the state of CheckBoxes created with FBTree.
Time code property support
In the FBEvaluateInfo class, the functions GetLocalTime and GetSystemTime replace GetLocalStart, GetLocalStop, GetSystemStart, and GetSystemStop.
Create an auxiliary effector
You can now create an auxiliary effector. The FBCharacter class includes two new functions CreateAuxiliary and GetEffectorModel. The new functionality is demonstrated in the new Python script MatchAuxiliaryEffectors.py.
FBTake class now includes the MergeLayers function. The new functionality is demonstrated in the new Python script MergeAnimationLayer.py.
Geometry cache recording and playback

New classes

  • FBPointCacheManager
  • FBDeformer
  • FBDeformerType
  • FBPointCacheFile

New functions

  • FBCharacter::GetSkinModelList
  • FBModel::NoFrustumCullingRequire
  • FBModel::NoFrustumCullingRelease
  • FBModel::UseFrustrumCulling
  • FBModel::Deformers
  • FBModel::SkeletonDeformable
  • FBModel::BlendShapeDeformable
  • FBModel::ConstrainDeformable
  • FBModel::PointCacheDeformable

New sample

  • CharacterPointCache.py shows the character point cache workflow.

Changes to the development environment