Edge Width and Offset area

The Edge Width and Offset area governs the overall appearance of edges used by the Edge Cartoon shader.

Width and Min. Width

Enter a value in the Width field to set the width of the edge. If you increase the width, the object’s edge thickens.

The Min. Width field lets you specify the minimum edge width to be drawn when the camera zooms out from the object. As the camera moves away from the object, its edge is drawn using an increasingly smaller width. If you do not want the edge to become less than a specific width, specify the minimum width in the Min. Width field.

You can also use the Min. Width field to provide a constant edge. For example, if you draw an object using a Width of 0 and a Min. Width of 3, the object’s edge always has a width of 3 units, regardless of the camera’s position.


Enter a value in the Offset field to offset the edge according to the camera view. If you increase the offset, the edge is drawn closer to the camera and over the object.

You may need to specify an offset if a character is comprised of two or more objects that do not fit together perfectly, and the edge of one object is drawn behind another object.

For example, if the arm of a character is built from different objects, the shoulder may occasionally be drawn over the arm when the arm moves. This might not become apparent until a Cartoon shader is added.