
#ifndef _hwPhongShader
#define _hwPhongShader

// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// Simple node that implements Phong shading for the special
// case when the light is at the eye. We use a simple
// spherical reflection environment map to compute the Phong
// highlight

#include <maya/MPxHwShaderNode.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>

// For swatch rendering
#include <maya/MHardwareRenderer.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryData.h>

class hwPhongShader : public MPxHwShaderNode
    virtual         ~hwPhongShader();
    void            releaseEverything();

    virtual MStatus compute( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
    virtual void    postConstructor();

    // Internally cached attribute handling routines
    virtual bool getInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
    virtual bool setInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
                                              const MDataHandle&,

    // Interactive overrides
    virtual MStatus     bind( const MDrawRequest& request,
                              M3dView& view );
    virtual MStatus     unbind( const MDrawRequest& request,
                                M3dView& view );
    virtual MStatus     geometry( const MDrawRequest& request,
                                M3dView& view,
                                int prim,
                                unsigned int writable,
                                int indexCount,
                                const unsigned int * indexArray,
                                int vertexCount,
                                const int * vertexIDs,
                                const float * vertexArray,
                                int normalCount,
                                const float ** normalArrays,
                                int colorCount,
                                const float ** colorArrays,
                                int texCoordCount,
                                const float ** texCoordArrays);

    // Batch overrides
    virtual MStatus glBind(const MDagPath& shapePath);
    virtual MStatus glUnbind(const MDagPath& shapePath);
    virtual MStatus glGeometry( const MDagPath& shapePath,
                              int prim,
                              unsigned int writable,
                              int indexCount,
                              const unsigned int * indexArray,
                              int vertexCount,
                              const int * vertexIDs,
                              const float * vertexArray,
                              int normalCount,
                              const float ** normalArrays,
                              int colorCount,
                              const float ** colorArrays,
                              int texCoordCount,
                              const float ** texCoordArrays);

    MStatus         draw(
                              int prim,
                              unsigned int writable,
                              int indexCount,
                              const unsigned int * indexArray,
                              int vertexCount,
                              const int * vertexIDs,
                              const float * vertexArray,
                              int normalCount,
                              const float ** normalArrays,
                              int colorCount,
                              const float ** colorArrays,
                              int texCoordCount,
                              const float ** texCoordArrays);

    void            drawDefaultGeometry();

    // Overridden to draw an image for swatch rendering.
    virtual MStatus renderSwatchImage( MImage & image );
    void            drawTheSwatch( MGeometryData* pGeomData,
                                   unsigned int* pIndexing,
                                   unsigned int  numberOfData,
                                   unsigned int  indexCount );

    virtual int     normalsPerVertex();
    virtual int     texCoordsPerVertex();
    virtual int     getTexCoordSetNames(MStringArray& names);

    virtual bool    hasTransparency();

    static  void *  creator();
    static  MStatus initialize();

    MFloatVector    Phong ( double cos_a );
    void            init_Phong_texture ( void );
    unsigned int    PhongTextureId() const { return phong_map_id; }
    float           Transparency() const { return mTransparency; }
    const float3 *  Ambient() const { return &mAmbientColor; }
    const float3 *  Diffuse() const { return &mDiffuseColor; }
    const float3 *  Specular() const { return &mSpecularColor; }
    const float3 *  Shininess() const { return &mShininess; }

    void            printGlError( const char *call );

    bool            attributesChangedVP2() { return mAttributesChangedVP2; }
    void            resetAttributesChangedVP2() { mAttributesChangedVP2 = false; }

    static  MTypeId id;


    void attachSceneCallbacks();
    void detachSceneCallbacks();

    static void releaseCallback(void* clientData);


    // Attributes
    static MObject  aColor;
    static MObject  aDiffuseColor;
    static MObject  aSpecularColor;
    static MObject  aShininess;
    static MObject  aTransparency;
    static MObject  aGeometryShape;

    // Internal data
    GLuint          phong_map_id;

    MPoint          cameraPosWS;

    float3          mAmbientColor;
    float           mTransparency;
    float3          mDiffuseColor;
    float3          mSpecularColor;
    float3          mShininess;
    unsigned int    mGeometryShape;
    bool            mAttributesChanged; // Keep track if any attributes changed
    bool            mAttributesChangedVP2; // Keep track if any attributes changed for VP2

    // Callbacks that we monitor so we can release OpenGL-dependant
    // resources before their context gets destroyed.
    MCallbackId fBeforeNewCB;
    MCallbackId fBeforeOpenCB;
    MCallbackId fBeforeRemoveReferenceCB;
    MCallbackId fMayaExitingCB;


#endif /* _hwPhongShader */