
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <math.h>

#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVector.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshVertex.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MFnSingleIndexedComponent.h>
#include <maya/MMutexLock.h>
#include <maya/MRenderUtil.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>

class cvColorShader : public MPxNode
    virtual         ~cvColorShader();

    virtual MStatus compute( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
    virtual void    postConstructor();

    static  void *  creator();
    static  MStatus initialize();

    //  Id tag for use with binary file format
    static  MTypeId id;


    static inline float dotProd(const MFloatVector &, const MFloatVector &); 

    static MStatus      getTriangleInfo(
                            const MDagPath& meshPath,
                            long            triangleId,
                            MPointArray&    vertPositions,
                            MColorArray&    vertColours

    static MMutexLock   fCriticalSection;

    // Input attributes

    static MObject aReverseAlpha;

    static MObject aPointObj;               // Implicit attribute
    static MObject aPrimitiveId;            // Implicit attribute
    static MObject aObjectId;           // Implicit attribute

    // Output attributes
    static MObject aOutColor;
    static MObject aOutAlpha;

// Static data
MTypeId cvColorShader::id( 0x8000f );
MMutexLock cvColorShader::fCriticalSection;

// Attributes 
MObject cvColorShader::aReverseAlpha;
MObject cvColorShader::aPointObj;
MObject cvColorShader::aPrimitiveId;
MObject cvColorShader::aObjectId;
MObject cvColorShader::aOutColor;
MObject cvColorShader::aOutAlpha;

void cvColorShader::postConstructor( )



void * cvColorShader::creator()
    return new cvColorShader();

MStatus cvColorShader::initialize()
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;

    aReverseAlpha = nAttr.create( "reverseAlpha", "ra", 
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setDefault( true ) );

    aPointObj  = nAttr.createPoint( "pointObj", "po" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aPrimitiveId = nAttr.create( "primitiveId", "pi", MFnNumericData::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aObjectId = nAttr.createAddr("objectId", "oi");
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setHidden(true) );

    aOutColor = nAttr.createColor( "outColor", "oc" );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    aOutAlpha = nAttr.create( "outAlpha", "oa", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
    CHECK_MSTATUS (  nAttr.setDisconnectBehavior(MFnAttribute::kReset) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setStorable(false) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setReadable(true) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( nAttr.setWritable(false) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aPointObj) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aReverseAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aPrimitiveId) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( addAttribute(aObjectId) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aPointObj,     aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aPrimitiveId,  aOutColor) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aObjectId,  aOutColor) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aReverseAlpha, aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aPointObj,     aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aPrimitiveId,  aOutAlpha) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( attributeAffects(aObjectId,  aOutAlpha) );

    return MS::kSuccess;

// dot product on vectors
inline float cvColorShader::dotProd(
    const MFloatVector & v1,
    const MFloatVector & v2) 
    return  v1.x*v2.x +  v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;

MStatus cvColorShader::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block ) 
    if ((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor) && 
        (plug != aOutAlpha))
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    MStatus status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();

    bool rev_flag = block.inputValue(aReverseAlpha).asBool();
    long triangleId = block.inputValue(aPrimitiveId).asLong();
    void* objectId = block.inputValue(aObjectId).asAddr();

    // Location of the point we are shading
    MFloatVector& pointObj = block.inputValue( aPointObj ).asFloatVector();

    MColor resultColor;

    // It's only worth continuing if the renderer was able to supply us
    // with a surface.
    if (objectId != NULL) {
        // Get the mesh that we are shading.
        MDagPath        meshPath;
        MSelectionList  list;
        status = MRenderUtil::renderObjectItem(objectId, list);
        list.getDagPath(0, meshPath);

        // Get the positions and colours of the triangle's vertices.
        // Note that we could get the triangle's vertices
        MPointArray pos;
        MColorArray colours;
        status = getTriangleInfo(meshPath, triangleId, pos, colours);

        MFloatVector pos1((float)pos[0].x, (float)pos[0].y, (float)pos[0].z);
        MFloatVector pos2((float)pos[1].x, (float)pos[1].y, (float)pos[1].z);
        MFloatVector pos3((float)pos[2].x, (float)pos[2].y, (float)pos[2].z);

        // Compute the barycentric coordinates of the sample.

        pointObj = pointObj - pos3;             // Translate pos3 to origin
        pos1 = pos1 - pos3;
        pos2 = pos2 - pos3;

        MFloatVector norm = pos1 ^ pos2;        // Triangle normal
        float len = dotProd(norm, norm);
        len = dotProd(norm, pointObj)/len;

        pointObj = pointObj - (len * norm);     // Make sure the point is
                                                // in the triangle

        float aa = dotProd(pos1, pos1);
        float bb = dotProd(pos2, pos2);
        float ab = dotProd(pos1, pos2);
        float am = dotProd(pos1, pointObj);
        float bm = dotProd(pos2, pointObj);
        float det = aa*bb - ab*ab;

        // a, b, c are the barycentric coordinates (assuming pnt
        // is in the triangle plane, best least square fit
        // otherwise.
        float a = (am*bb - bm*ab) / det;
        float b = (bm*aa - am*ab) / det;
        float c = 1-a-b;

        resultColor = (a*colours[0]) + (b*colours[1]) + (c*colours[2]);

        if( rev_flag == true )
            resultColor.a = 1.0f - resultColor.a;

    MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
    MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
    outColor.x = resultColor.r;
    outColor.y = resultColor.g;
    outColor.z = resultColor.b;

    MDataHandle outAlphaHandle = block.outputValue( aOutAlpha );
    float& outAlpha = outAlphaHandle.asFloat();
    outAlpha = resultColor.a;

    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus cvColorShader::getTriangleInfo(
    const MDagPath& meshPath,
    long            triangleId,
    MPointArray&    vertPositions,
    MColorArray&    vertColours
) {
    MStatus st;

    //  'triangleId' refers to the triangle currently being shaded. We need
    //  to find the positions and colours of the triangle's three vertices.
    //  We could use the 'vertexCamera*' render attributes to determine the
    //  positions of the triangle's vertices, but to determine the color at
    //  a vertex we need to know the vertex's index within the mesh and
    //  there is no render attribute which will give us that. We will have
    //  to determine it ourselves by finding the face to which the triangle
    //  belongs and then using MItMeshPolygon::getTriangle() to get the
    //  indices of the triangle's vertices. The call to getTriangle() also
    //  happens to return the positions of the vertices, so we won't bother
    //  with the 'vertexCamera*' render attributes.
    //  The way we find the face to which the triangle belongs is by
    //  running through all of the mesh's faces and counting the number of
    //  triangles in each one. When the count exceeds the value of
    //  'triangleId', the face which put us over is the face containing the
    //  triangle.
    //  The renderer does not assign triangle ids to the mesh all at once,
    //  but separately for each shading group. For example, let's say that
    //  a mesh has 20 faces comprised of a total of 30 triangles, assigned
    //  to two different shaders, as follows:
    //  - 12 faces, having a total of 19 triangles, are assigned to
    //    the first shader
    //  - 5 faces, having a total of 7 triangles, are assigned to
    //    the second shader
    //  - the remaining 3 faces, having a total of 4 triangles,
    //    are not assigned to any shader.
    //  The 19 triangles in the first shader will be given primitiveIds 0 to 18.
    //  The 7 trianges in the second shader will be given primitiveIds 19 to 25.
    //  The 4 triangles which are not assigned to any shader won't have any
    //  primitiveIds assigned to them.
    //  So when we're counting triangles, we must do it in shader order.

    //  The first step is to get all of the shaders used by this mesh and the
    //  faces to which they are assigned.
    MFnMesh         meshFn(meshPath);
    MObjectArray    shaders;
    MObjectArray    components;

        meshPath.instanceNumber(), shaders, components, true

    int         polygonId = -1;
    int         triangleCount = 0;
    MIntArray   vertIndices;

    //  Step through each shader.
    for (unsigned int s = 0; (polygonId < 0) && (s < shaders.length()); ++s) {
        //  Iterate over the faces assigned to this shader.
        //  The constructor for MItMeshPolygon is not threadsafe as it may
        //  initiate a recalculation of the mesh's normals. So we must lock
        //  the thread while making the call.
        //  Similarly, MItMeshMeshPolygon::hasValidTriangulation() may
        //  trigger triangulation of the mesh, which is also not thread
        //  safe. So we want to keep our lock until after the first call to
        //  it.
        bool    isLocked = true;
        MItMeshPolygon faceIter(meshPath, components[s]);

        for (; !faceIter.isDone(); {
            if (faceIter.hasValidTriangulation()) {
                //  Get the number of triangles in the current face.
                int nTri;

                //  If this face will put the count over 'triangleId' then
                //  the triangle must belong to this face.
                if (triangleId < triangleCount + nTri) {
                    //  Get the positions and indices of the triangle's
                    //  vertices, then break out of the loop. We subtract
                    //  'triangleCount' from 'triangleId' to get the index
                    //  of the triangle within the face.
                    polygonId = faceIter.index();
                    st = faceIter.getTriangle(
                            triangleId - triangleCount,


                //  We haven't found the right face yet. Add the number of
                //  triangles in this face to the count and keep going.
                triangleCount += nTri;

            //  If hasValidTriangulation() was going to triangulate the
            //  mesh it will have done so by now. Subsequent calls will
            //  use the existing triangulation so it's safe to remove the
            //  lock now.
            if (isLocked) {
                isLocked = false;

        //  If the shader has no face components assigned to it then the
        //  'for' loop above will not have run and fCriticalSection will
        //  still be locked, in which case we must unlock it now.
        if (isLocked) {

    if ((polygonId == -1) || !st) {
        return MS::kFailure;

    //  Now that we know the indices of the triangle's vertices, get their
    //  colours.
    MItMeshVertex vertIter(meshPath);
    int preIndex = 0;

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.setIndex( vertIndices[0], preIndex) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.getColor( vertColours[0], polygonId ) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.setIndex( vertIndices[1], preIndex) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.getColor( vertColours[1], polygonId ) );

    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.setIndex( vertIndices[2], preIndex) );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( vertIter.getColor( vertColours[2], polygonId ) );

    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
    const MString UserClassify( "utility/color" );
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "5.0", "Any");
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( plugin.registerNode( "cvColorShader", cvColorShader::id, 
                         MPxNode::kDependNode, &UserClassify ) );

    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
    CHECK_MSTATUS ( plugin.deregisterNode( cvColorShader::id ) );

    return MS::kSuccess;