MSamplerState Class Reference

Detailed Description

Container class for an acquired complete GPU sampler state.

MSamplerState wraps an acquired composite GPU sampler state. This sampler state can be used to set the current GPU sampler state using MStateManager::setSamplerState(myShader, 0, mySamplerState).

Instances of MSamplerState cannot be created or modified by users. You can read the descriptor for an MSamplerState using MSamplerState::desc(), but you cannot set or alter the descriptor directly.

MSamplerState can only be obtained via MStateManager::acquireSamplerState(). To use MStateManager::acquireSamplerState(), create and fill an MSamplerStateDesc instance with the requested state and pass it to MStateManager::acquireSamplerState() which will return the cached unique sampler state of that description. If the unique sampler state did not previously exist in the cache, it is created.

The information included in the sampler state includes texture filter selection, texture address mode selection, mip LOD controls, anisotropy control, and the border color.

Any single given sampler state can be bound to as many GPU sampler stages as needed.

The advantages of using this class rather than setting sampler states explicitly are:

1. Since the states are cached internally, state setting is much faster than setting individual states. 2. Since state is set through the Maya viewport API, Maya can maintain accurate knowledge of the current GPU state, even in the presence of arbitrary plug-ins. This also speeds state setup by reducing redundant state setting and OGL queries. 3. The information is device aware, meaning that it will return the correct results based on the current active device. For example it will return the appropriate values for DirectX versus an OpenGL device.

#include <MStateManager.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   TextureFilter {
  kMinMagMipPoint = 0, kMinMagPoint_MipLinear = 1, kMinPoint_MagLinear_MipPoint = 0x4, kMinPoint_MagMipLinear = 0x5,
  kMinLinear_MagMipPoint = 0x10, kMinLinear_MagPoint_MipLinear = 0x11, kMinMagLinear_MipPoint = 0x14, kMinMagMipLinear = 0x15,
  kAnisotropic = 0x55

Indicates how to filter a texture sample.

enum   TextureAddress { kTexWrap = 1, kTexMirror = 2, kTexClamp = 3, kTexBorder = 4 }

Indicates how to handle texture addresses beyond the canonical (0..1, 0..1) range.


Public Member Functions

  ~MSamplerState ()
const MSamplerStateDesc desc (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Get the sampler state descriptor that was used to create the state object.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char *  className ()
  Returns the name of this class.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Indicates how to filter a texture sample.


Use point sampling for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification and magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification and mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification and mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification and magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.


Use anisotropic filtering for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.

Indicates how to handle texture addresses beyond the canonical (0..1, 0..1) range.


Wrap addresses beyond the [0,1] tile back into the [0.1] range, repeating the texture over the surface.


Similar to wrap, but with odd tiles mirrored in u and v.


Clamp address in the [0, 1] range.

Extends edge pixels beyond range.


Clamp samples out of [0, 1] range to border color.

Member Function Documentation

const MSamplerStateDesc & desc ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Get the sampler state descriptor that was used to create the state object.

[out] ReturnStatus return status
A reference to the sampler state descriptor
Status Codes:
const char * className ( ) [static]

Returns the name of this class.

Name of this class.

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