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MFnNurbsSurface Class Reference

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Detailed Description

NURBS surface function set.

This is the function set for NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-spline) surfaces.

The shape of a NURBS surface is defined by an array of CVs (control vertices), an array of knot values in the U direction and an array of knot values in the V direction, a degree in U and in V, and a form in U and in V.

The U and V knot vectors for NURBS surfaces are of size (spansInU + 2*degreeInU -1) and (spansInV + 2*degreeInV -1). Note: spans = numCVs - degree.

There are 3 possible "forms" for the surface in the U and V directions: open, closed and periodic. These forms are described below. Note that the descriptions below apply to both the U and V directions.

The open and closed forms are quite similar, and in fact a closed surface will become and open surface if either the first or last CV is moved so that they are no longer coincident. To create an open or closed surface, of degree N, with M spans, you must provide M+N CVs. This implies that for a degree N surface, you must specify at least N+1 CVs to get a surface with a single span.

The number of knots required for the surface is M + 2N - 1. If you want the surface to start exactly at the first CV and end exactly at the last CV, then the knot vector must be structured to have degree N "multiplicity" at the beginning and end. This means that the first N knots must be identical, and the last N knots must be identical.

A periodic surface is a special case of a closed surface. Instead of having just the first and last CVs coincident, the last N CVs in the surface, where N is equal to the degree, overlap the first N CVs. This results in a surface with no tangent break where the ends meet. The last N CVs in a periodic surface are permanently bound to the first N CVs, and Maya will not allow those last N CVs to be repositioned. If one or more of the first N CVs of the surface are repositioned, the overlapping CV's will remain bound, and will also be moved.

In order to create a periodic surface, you must specify at least 2N+1 CVs, so that that last N can overlap the first N and you still have 1 non-overlapping CV left. The number of CVs required to create a periodic surface is still N+M (with a lower limit of 2N+1), but you must ensure that the positions of the last N CVs are identical to the positions of the first N.

You still need M + 2N - 1 knots for a periodic surface, but the knot values required are more restrictive than for open or closed surfaces because of the overlap of the last N CVs. The first N knots should be specified at the beginning of the knot array as values { -(N-1), -(N-2), ... 0 } in order to implement the overlap. Additionally there can be no knot multiplicity at the end of the surface, because that would compromise the tangent continuity property.

Managing different knot representations in external applications

Note that some third party applications use a different format for knots, where the number of knots required for a surface is M+2N+1 rather than M+2N-1 as used in Maya. Both knot representations are equivalent mathematically. To convert from one of these external representations into the Maya representation, simply omit the first and last knots from the external representation when creating the Maya representation. To convert from the Maya representation into the external representation, add two new knots at the beginning and end of the Maya knot sequence. The value of these new knots depends on the existing knot sequence. For a knot sequence with multiple end knots, simply duplicate the existing first and last knots once more, for example:

Maya representation: {0,0,0,...,N,N,N} External representation: {0,0,0,0,...,N,N,N,N}

For a knot sequence with uniform end knots, create the new knots offset at an interval equal to the existing first and last knot intervals, for example:

Maya representation: {0,1,2,...,N,N+1,N+2} External representation: {-1,0,1,2,...,N,N+1,N+2,N+3}


closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd.cpp, cvColorNode.cpp, fullLoftNode.cpp, intersectOnNurbsSurfaceCmd.cpp, scanDagCmd.cpp, scanDagSyntax.cpp, simpleLoftNode.cpp, surfaceBumpManip.cpp, surfaceCreate.cpp, and surfaceCreateCmd.cpp.

#include <MFnNurbsSurface.h>

Inheritance diagram for MFnNurbsSurface:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   Form {
  kInvalid = 0, kOpen, kClosed, kPeriodic,

Forms that a surface may take in a given parametric direction.

enum   BoundaryType {
  kInvalidBoundary = 0, kOuter, kInner, kSegment,

Boundary types for trimmed surfaces.


Public Member Functions

virtual MFn::Type  type () const
  Function set type.
virtual  ~MFnNurbsSurface ()
  MFnNurbsSurface ()
  Default constructor.
  MFnNurbsSurface (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  MFnNurbsSurface (const MDagPath &object, MStatus *ret=NULL)
MObject  create (const MPointArray &controlVertices, const MDoubleArray &uKnotSequences, const MDoubleArray &vKnotSequences, unsigned int degreeInU, unsigned int degreeInV, Form formU, Form formV, bool createRational, MObject parentOrOwner=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Creates a nurbs surface from the specified data and sets this function set to operate on the new surface.
MObject  copy (const MObject &source, MObject parentOrOwner=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  This method creates a copy of a nurbs surface.
MObject  cv (unsigned int indexU, unsigned int indexV, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns a component for the specified CV.
MObject  cvsInU (unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int endIndex, unsigned int rowIndex, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns a component for the specified CVs.
MObject  cvsInV (unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int endIndex, unsigned int rowIndex, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns a component for the specified CVs on the given V direction.
MStatus  getCVs (MPointArray &array, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  Get the positions of the CVs on this surface.
MStatus  setCVs (const MPointArray &array, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject)
  Set the CVs for this surface to the given points.
MStatus  getCV (unsigned int indexU, unsigned int indexV, MPoint &pnt, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  Get the location of the specified CV.
MStatus  setCV (unsigned int indexU, unsigned int indexV, MPoint &pnt, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  Set the location of the specified CV.
Form  formInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Return the form of this surface in U.
Form  formInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Return the form of this surface in V.
bool  isBezier (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Determine if the knot spacing gives us Bezier surface.
bool  isUniform (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Determine if the knot spacing is uniform.
bool  isKnotU (double param, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Check if the specified parameter value is a knot value.
bool  isKnotV (double param, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Check if the specified parameter value is a knot value.
bool  isParamOnSurface (double paramU, double paramV, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Check if the specified parameter is on this surface.
MStatus  getKnotDomain (double &startU, double &endU, double &startV, double &endV) const
  Returns the maximum and minimum U and V paramter values for this surface.
int  degreeU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the degree of the surface in U (1 - 3).
int  degreeV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the degree of the surface in V (1 - 3).
int  numSpansInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of spans in the u direction.
int  numSpansInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of spans in the v direction.
int  numNonZeroSpansInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of non-zero spans in the U direction.
int  numNonZeroSpansInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of non-zero spans in the V direction.
int  numCVsInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of CVs in the U direction (degree + spans).
int  numCVsInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of CVs in the V direction (degree + spans).
int  numKnotsInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of knots in U including multiple end knots (spans + 2 * degree - 1).
int  numKnotsInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of knots in V including multiple end knots (spans + 2 * degree - 1).
MStatus  getKnotsInU (MDoubleArray &array) const
  Get the knots along the U direction for this surface.
MStatus  getKnotsInV (MDoubleArray &array) const
  Get the knots along the V direction for this surface.
MStatus  setKnotsInU (const MDoubleArray &array, unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int endIndex)
  Set the specified U knot values for this surface.
MStatus  setKnotsInV (const MDoubleArray &array, unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int endIndex)
  Set the specified V knot values for this surface.
double  knotInU (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Retrieve the given knot value from this surface at the specified U index.
double  knotInV (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Retrieve the given knot value from this surface at the specified V index.
MStatus  setKnotInU (unsigned int index, double param)
  Set the value of the given existing knot at the specified U index.
MStatus  setKnotInV (unsigned int index, double param)
  Set the value of the given existing knot at the specified V index.
MStatus  removeKnotInU (double atThisParam, bool removeAll=false)
  Remove the U knot(s) at the specified parameter value from this surface.
MStatus  removeKnotInV (double atThisParam, bool removeAll=false)
  Remove the V knot(s) at the specified parameter value from this surface.
MStatus  removeOneKnotInU (double atThisParam)
  Remove one U knot at the specified parameter value from this surface.
MStatus  removeOneKnotInV (double atThisParam)
  Remove one V knot at the specified parameter value from this surface.
MVector  normal (double paramInU, double paramInV, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Retrieve the normal at the given parameter value on the surface.
MStatus  getTangents (double paramInU, double paramInV, MVector &vectorInU, MVector &vectorInV, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  Retrieve the tangents in the U and V directions at the given parameter value on the surface.
MStatus  getDerivativesAtParm (double paramInU, double paramInV, MPoint &pos, MVector &dU, MVector &dV, MSpace::Space space, MVector *dUU=NULL, MVector *dVV=NULL, MVector *dUV=NULL) const
  Evaluate the surface at the given (u,v) coordinate returning position, first derivatives and optionally second derivative information.
bool  isFoldedOnBispan () const
  Evaluate the surface to determine if it contains any folds or creases.
double  area (double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Calculates the surface area of this nurbs surface.
double  area (MSpace::Space space, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Calculates the surface area of this nurbs surface in world or local space.
MPoint  closestPoint (const MPoint &toThisPoint, double *paramU=NULL, double *paramV=NULL, bool ignoreTrimBoundaries=false, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Return the closest point on this surface to the given point.
MPoint  closestPoint (const MPoint &toThisPoint, bool paramAsStart, double *paramU, double *paramV, bool ignoreTrimBoundaries=false, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Return the closest point on this surface to the given point.
bool  isPointOnSurface (const MPoint &point, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Check if the given point is on this surface.
MStatus  getParamAtPoint (const MPoint &atThisPoint, double &paramU, double &paramV, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  This method is obsolete.
MStatus  getParamAtPoint (const MPoint &atThisPoint, double &paramU, double &paramV, bool ignoreTrimBoundaries, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon) const
  Get the parameter value corresponding to the given point on the surface (or underlying surface).
MStatus  getPointAtParam (double paramU, double paramV, MPoint &point, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
  Finds the point corresponding to the given parameter value on the surface.
double  distanceToPoint (const MPoint &pt, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the distance from the given point to the closest point on the surface.
MObject  tesselate (MTesselationParams &parms=MTesselationParams::fsDefaultTesselationParams, MObject parentOrOwner=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Performs tesselation on this surface and create a new mesh in the DAG.
bool  intersect (const MPoint &rayStartingPoint, const MVector &alongThisDirection, double &u, double &v, MPoint &intersectionData, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, bool calculateDistance=false, double *distance=NULL, bool calculateExactHit=false, bool *wasExactHit=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  This function determines the closest point of intersection of this spline surface with a ray (a vector at a point).
bool  intersect (const MPoint &rayStartingPoint, const MVector &alongThisDirection, MDoubleArray &u, MDoubleArray &v, MPointArray &intersectionData, double tolerance=kMFnNurbsEpsilon, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, bool calculateDistance=false, MDoubleArray *distances=NULL, bool calculateExactHit=false, bool *wasExactHit=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  This function determines all the points of intersection of this spline surface with a ray (a vector at a point).
bool  hasHistoryOnCreate (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  This method determines if the shape was created with history.
MStatus  updateSurface ()
  This method signals that this surface has changed and needs to be recalculated.
bool  isTrimmedSurface (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  This method determines if this surface is a trimmed surface.
unsigned int  numRegions (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns the number of trimmed regions for this surface or 0 if the surface is not a trimmed surface.
bool  isFlipNorm (unsigned int region, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Determines whether the normal for the specified region is flipped.
unsigned int  numBoundaries (unsigned int region, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns the number of boudaries for the specified region.
BoundaryType  boundaryType (unsigned int region, unsigned int boundary, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns the type of the specified boundary.
unsigned int  numEdges (unsigned int region, unsigned int boundary, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Return the number of edges for the specified trim boundary.
MObjectArray  edge (unsigned int region, unsigned int boundary, unsigned int edge, bool paramEdge=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Return the specified edge of a trim boundary.
bool  isPointInTrimmedRegion (double u, double v, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  Returns true if the given point is in a trimmed away region of a trimmed surface.
MStatus  getTrimBoundaries (MTrimBoundaryArray &result, unsigned int region, bool paramEdge=true)
  Returns all trim boundaries of a region on this surface.
MStatus  trimWithBoundaries (const MTrimBoundaryArray &mBoundaries, bool flipNormal=false, double e_tol=1e-3, double pe_tol=1e-5)
  This function trims this surface with given trim boundaries.
MStatus  projectCurve (MDagPath &curve, MVector *direction=NULL, bool constructionHistory=false)
  Project the given curve onto this surface creating a curve on surface.
MStatus  trim (MDoubleArray &locatorU, MDoubleArray &locatorV, bool constructionHistory=false)
  Trim this surface to its curves on surface.
unsigned int  numPatches (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of non-zero patches in this surface.
unsigned int  numPatchesInU (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of non-zero patches along u, in this surface.
unsigned int  numPatchesInV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of non-zero patches along v, in this surface.
int  numUVs (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
  Returns the number of texture (uv) coordinates for this surface.
MStatus  setUVs (const MFloatArray &uArray, const MFloatArray &vArray)
  Sets all of the texture coordinates (uvs) for this surface.
MStatus  getUVs (MFloatArray &uArray, MFloatArray &vArray) const
  This method copies the texture coordinate list for this surface into the given uv arrays.
MStatus  setUV (int uvId, float u, float v)
  Sets the specified texture coordinate.
MStatus  getUV (int uvId, float &u, float &v) const
  Get the value of the specified texture coordinate from this surface's uv list.
MStatus  getPatchUV (int patchId, int cornerIndex, float &u, float &v) const
  Get the value of the specified texture coordinate for a patch corner in a patch.
MStatus  getPatchUVs (int patchId, MFloatArray &uArray, MFloatArray &vArray) const
  Get the values of the texture coordinate on a specified patch.
MStatus  getPatchUVid (int patchId, int cornerIndex, int &uvId) const
  Get the id of the specified texture coordinate for a corner in a patch.
MStatus  assignUV (int patchId, int cornerIndex, int uvId)
  Maps a texture coordinate to a the specified corner of a patch.
MStatus  assignUVs (const MIntArray &uvCounts, const MIntArray &uvIds)
  This method maps all texture coordinates for the surface.
MStatus  clearUVs ()
  This method clears out all texture coordinates for the nurbsSurface, and leaves behind an empty UVset.
MStatus  getAssignedUVs (MIntArray &uvCounts, MIntArray &uvIds) const
  Get assigned UVs.
MObject  tesselate (MTesselationParams &parms, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
  This method is obsolete.
MObject  getDataObject () const
  Returns an MObject if the class has been constructed with an MFn::kNurbsSurfaceData entity, otherwise MObject::kNullObj is returned.
  MFnNurbsSurface (const MObject &object, MStatus *ret=NULL)

Protected Member Functions

virtual const char *  className () const
  Class name.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Form

Forms that a surface may take in a given parametric direction.




Edges are independent.


Edges are coincident.


Edges overlap such that there is no break in tangency.



Boundary types for trimmed surfaces.




Outer boundary, counter clockwise.


Inner boundary, clockwise.


Curve on a face.


Closed curve on a face.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MFnNurbsSurface ( MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in] object The MObject to attach the function set to
[out] ReturnStatus the return status
Status Codes:
MFnNurbsSurface ( const MDagPath object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given constant MDagPath object.

[in] object The const MDagPath to attach the function set to
[out] ReturnStatus The return status
Status Codes:
MFnNurbsSurface ( const MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in] object The MObject to attach the function set to
[out] ReturnStatus the return status
Status Codes:

Member Function Documentation

MFn::Type type ( ) const [virtual]

Function set type.

Return the class type : MFn::kNurbsSurface.

Reimplemented from MFnDagNode.

const char * className ( ) const [protected, virtual]

Class name.

Return the class name : "MFnNurbsSurface".

Reimplemented from MFnDagNode.

MObject create ( const MPointArray controlVertices,
const MDoubleArray uKnotSequences,
const MDoubleArray vKnotSequences,
unsigned int  degreeInU,
unsigned int  degreeInV,
MFnNurbsSurface::Form  formU,
MFnNurbsSurface::Form  formV,
bool  createRational,
MObject  parentOrOwner = MObject::kNullObj,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a nurbs surface from the specified data and sets this function set to operate on the new surface.

The parentOrOwner argument is used to specify the owner of the new surface.

If the parentOrOwner is kNurbsSurfaceData then the created surface will be of type kNurbsSurfaceGeom and will be returned. The parentOrOwner will become the owner of the new surface.

If parentOrOwner is NULL then a new transform will be created and returned which will be the parent for the surface. The new transform will be added to the DAG.

If parentOrOwner is a DAG node then the new surface will be returned and the parentOrOwner will become its parent.

Note that the knot vectors must be of length spans + 2*degree - 1.

[in] controlVertices an array of control vertices
[in] uKnotSequences an array of U knot values
[in] vKnotSequences an array of V knot values
[in] degreeInU degree of first set of basis functions
[in] degreeInV degree of second set of basis functions
[in] formU open, closed, periodic in U
[in] formV open, closed, periodic in V
[in] createRational create as rational (true) or non-rational (false) surface
[in] parentOrOwner specifies what to do with the surface. If a DAG object or NULL is given then a transform will be created for the new surface and placed under the specified (optional)parent. If kNurbsSurfaceData is given then the surface will become its data.
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • If parentOrOwner is NULL then the transform for this surface is returned
  • If parentOrOwner is a DAG object then the new surface shape is returned
  • The surface geometry is returned if parentOrOwner is of type kNurbsSurfaceData
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The method was successful.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameters were specified.
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available.
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure An object error has occurred.
  • MS::kInvalidForm Form was not one of the MFnNurbsSurface::Form types
  • MS::kInvalidNumberOfCVs Number of CVs doesn't match the number of knots. The number of CVs must be (numberOfUSpans+degreeInU)*(numberOfVSpans+degreeInV)
  • MS::kInvalidNumberOfKnots Number of knots in one direction is zero.
  • MS::kNotEnoughSpans Number of spans in one direction is zero. It should be (numberOfKnotsInU-(2*degreeInU)+1) or (numberOfKnotsInV-(2*degreeInV)+1)
  • MS::kDecreasingKnots Knot vector was found to be decreasing. eg. (0,0,0,1,1,0.9) It should be non-decreasing, ie. same or increasing is okay, eg. (0,0,0,1,1,1.1)
  • MS::kKnotMultiplicityTooHigh Knot vector has more than more than "degree" knots that are the same. It should have at most "degree" knots that are the same.
fullLoftNode.cpp, simpleLoftNode.cpp, surfaceCreate.cpp, and surfaceCreateCmd.cpp.
MObject copy ( const MObject source,
MObject  parentOrOwner = MObject::kNullObj,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

This method creates a copy of a nurbs surface.

The parentOrOwner argument is used to specify the owner of the new surface.

If the parentOrOwner is kNurbsSurfaceData then the created surface will be of type kNurbsSurfaceGeom and will be returned. The parentOrOwner will become the owner of the new surface.

If parentOrOwner is NULL then a new transform will be created and returned which will be the parent for the surface. The new transform will be added to the DAG.

If parentOrOwner is a DAG node then the new surface will be returned and the parentOrOwner will become its parent.

[in] source the surface to be copied
[in] parentOrOwner the DAG parent or kNurbsSurfaceData the new surface will belong to
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • If parentOrOwner is NULL then the transform for this surface is returned
  • If parentOrOwner is a DAG object then the new surface shape is returned
  • The surface geometry is returned if parentOrOwner is of type kNurbsSurfaceData
Status Codes:
MObject cv ( unsigned int  indexU,
unsigned int  indexV,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns a component for the specified CV.

Components are used to specify one or more CVs and are usefull in operating on groups of non-contiguous CVs for a curve or surface. Components do not contain any information about the surface that they refer to so an MDagPath must be specified when dealing with components.

[in] indexU U index of CV
[in] indexV V index of CV
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The cv component
Status Codes:
MObject cvsInU ( unsigned int  startIndex,
unsigned int  endIndex,
unsigned int  rowIndex,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns a component for the specified CVs.

Components are used to specify one or more CVs and are usefull in operating on groups of non-contiguous CVs for a curve or surface. Components do not contain any information about the surface that they refer to so an MDagPath must be specified when dealing with components.

[in] startIndex start CV index in U
[in] endIndex end CV index in U
[in] rowIndex row index
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The component for the CVs on the given U direction.
Status Codes:
MObject cvsInV ( unsigned int  startIndex,
unsigned int  endIndex,
unsigned int  rowIndex,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns a component for the specified CVs on the given V direction.

Components are used to specify one or more CVs and are usefull in operating on groups of non-contiguous CVs for a curve or surface. Components do not contain any information about the surface that they refer to so an MDagPath must be specified when dealing with components.

[in] startIndex start CV index in V
[in] endIndex end CV index in V
[in] rowIndex row index
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The component for the CVs
Status Codes:
MStatus getCVs ( MPointArray array,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

Get the positions of the CVs on this surface.

The returned group can be accessed via the MPointArray class. numCVsInU() * numCVsInV() points will be returned. Converting from uIndex, vIndex is done by "index = numCVsInV() * uIndex + vIndex".

Any modifications to these CVs will not affect this surface. setCVs should be called to modify the original surface. updateSurface should be called to cause the surface to redraw itself.

[out] array the array of point values for the CVs
[in] space specifies the coordinate system for this operation
MStatus setCVs ( const MPointArray array,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 

Set the CVs for this surface to the given points.

numCVsInU() * numCVsInV() points must be provided. Converting from uIndex, vIndex is done by "index = numCVsInV() * uIndex + vIndex".

[in] array The array of point values of the CVs
[in] space specifies the coordinate system for this operation
MStatus getCV ( unsigned int  indexU,
unsigned int  indexV,
MPoint pnt,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

Get the location of the specified CV.

[in] indexU U index of CV
[in] indexV V index of CV
[out] pnt storage for the CV location
[in] space coordinate space for the CV
MStatus setCV ( unsigned int  indexU,
unsigned int  indexV,
MPoint pt,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

Set the location of the specified CV.

If the surface is periodic then overlapping CVs will be ignored, that is, only indices in U and V that are less that the number of spans in U and V respectively will be considered.

[in] indexU U index of CV
[in] indexV V index of CV
[in] pt new location for the CV
[in] space coordinate space for the CV
MFnNurbsSurface::Form formInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Return the form of this surface in U.

Form can be kOpen, kClosed, kPeriodic, or kUnknownForm.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The form of this surface in U
Status Codes:
MFnNurbsSurface::Form formInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Return the form of this surface in V.

Form can be kOpen, kClosed, kPeriodic, or kUnknownForm.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The form of this surface in V
Status Codes:
bool isBezier ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Determine if the knot spacing gives us Bezier surface.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • true Bezier surface
  • false B-spline surface
Status Codes:
bool isUniform ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Determine if the knot spacing is uniform.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • true Uniform knot spacing
  • false Non-uniform knot spacing
Status Codes:
bool isKnotU ( double  param,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Check if the specified parameter value is a knot value.

[in] param parameter value to test
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
Boolean value: true if the parameter value is a knot value, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
bool isKnotV ( double  param,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Check if the specified parameter value is a knot value.

[in] param parameter value to test
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
Boolean value: true if the parameter value is a knot value, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
bool isParamOnSurface ( double  paramU,
double  paramV,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Check if the specified parameter is on this surface.

[in] paramU U parameter value
[in] paramV V parameter value
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
Boolean value: true if the parameter value on this surface, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
MStatus getKnotDomain ( double &  startU,
double &  endU,
double &  startV,
double &  endV 
) const

Returns the maximum and minimum U and V paramter values for this surface.

[out] startU Start U parameter value
[out] endU End U parameter value
[out] startV Start V parameter value
[out] endV End V parameter value
int degreeU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the degree of the surface in U (1 - 3).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The degree in U
Status Codes:
int degreeV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the degree of the surface in V (1 - 3).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The degree in V
Status Codes:
int numSpansInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of spans in the u direction.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of spans in U
Status Codes:
int numSpansInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of spans in the v direction.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of spans in V
Status Codes:
int numNonZeroSpansInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of non-zero spans in the U direction.

This value will be equivalent to the value returned by numSpansInU() if all of the internal (non-end) knots are of multiplicity 1. If some of the internal knots have higher multiplicity, this value will be lower than that returned by numSpansInU(). You can use the number of non-zero spans to count the number of visual spans on the surface in the U direction, since the empty (zero) spans do not appear as a separate span/patch in the display.

Further, the NURBS face components have the valid index range bounded by this value in U direction (i.e., the NURBS face component index runs from 0 to numNonEmptySpansInU()-1 inclusivelly.)

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of non-empty (non-zero, visual) spans in U
Status Codes:
int numNonZeroSpansInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of non-zero spans in the V direction.

This value will be equivalent to the value returned by numSpansInV() if all of the internal (non-end) knots are of multiplicity 1. If some of the internal knots have higher multiplicity, this value will be lower than that returned by numSpansInV(). You can use the number of non-zero spans to count the number of visual spans on the surface in the V direction, since the empty (zero) spans do not appear as a separate span/patch in the display.

Further, the NURBS face components have the valid index range bounded by this value in V direction (i.e., the NURBS face component index runs from 0 to numNonEmptySpansInV()-1 inclusivelly.)

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of non-empty (non-zero, visual) spans in V
Status Codes:
int numCVsInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of CVs in the U direction (degree + spans).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of CVs in U
Status Codes:
int numCVsInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of CVs in the V direction (degree + spans).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of CVs in V
Status Codes:
int numKnotsInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of knots in U including multiple end knots (spans + 2 * degree - 1).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of knots in U
Status Codes:
int numKnotsInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of knots in V including multiple end knots (spans + 2 * degree - 1).

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of knots in V
Status Codes:
MStatus getKnotsInU ( MDoubleArray array ) const

Get the knots along the U direction for this surface.

[out] array Storage for the knot values
MStatus getKnotsInV ( MDoubleArray array ) const

Get the knots along the V direction for this surface.

[out] array Storage for the knot values
MStatus setKnotsInU ( const MDoubleArray array,
unsigned int  startIndex,
unsigned int  endIndex 

Set the specified U knot values for this surface.

[in] array The knot values to be set
[in] startIndex The start knot index
[in] endIndex The end knot index
MStatus setKnotsInV ( const MDoubleArray array,
unsigned int  startIndex,
unsigned int  endIndex 

Set the specified V knot values for this surface.

[in] array The knot values to be set
[in] startIndex The start knot index
[in] endIndex The end knot index
double knotInU ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Retrieve the given knot value from this surface at the specified U index.

Knots are indexed from 0 to numKnots-1.

[in] index The U index of the knot value to get
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The knot value
Status Codes:
double knotInV ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Retrieve the given knot value from this surface at the specified V index.

Knots are indexed from 0 to numKnots-1.

[in] index The V index of the knot value to get
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The knot value
Status Codes:
MStatus setKnotInU ( unsigned int  index,
double  param 

Set the value of the given existing knot at the specified U index.

Knots are indexed from 0 to numKnots-1. Note that this routine does not insert a new knot, it simply changes the value of a knot that already exists.

If a knot value is set that breaks the non-decreasing requirement for the knot array, the knot value will be changed and a kInvalidParameter error will be returned.

[in] index The U index of the existing knot to be set
[out] param The new parameter value for the knot
MStatus setKnotInV ( unsigned int  index,
double  param 

Set the value of the given existing knot at the specified V index.

Knots are indexed from 0 to numKnots-1. Note that this routine does not insert a new knot, it simply changes the value of a knot that already exists.

If a knot value is set that breaks the non-decreasing requirement for the knot array, the knot value will be changed and a kInvalidParameter error will be returned.

[in] index The V index of the existing knot to be set
[in] param The new value for the knot
MStatus removeKnotInU ( double  atThisParam,
bool  removeAll = false 

Remove the U knot(s) at the specified parameter value from this surface.

If there are multiple knots at this parameter then removeAll is used to specify how to do the removal.

[in] atThisParam Parameter of knot to be removed
[in] removeAll If true then remove all the knots at the given parameter, otherwise remove all except one knot
MStatus removeKnotInV ( double  atThisParam,
bool  removeAll = false 

Remove the V knot(s) at the specified parameter value from this surface.

If there are multiple knots at this parameter then removeAll is used to specify how to do the removal.

[in] atThisParam Parameter of knot to be removed
[in] removeAll If true then remove all the knots at the given parameter, otherwise remove all except one knot
MStatus removeOneKnotInU ( double  atThisParam )

Remove one U knot at the specified parameter value from this surface.

[in] atThisParam Parameter of knot to be removed
MStatus removeOneKnotInV ( double  atThisParam )

Remove one V knot at the specified parameter value from this surface.

[in] atThisParam Parameter of knot to be removed
MVector normal ( double  paramInU,
double  paramInV,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Retrieve the normal at the given parameter value on the surface.

[in] paramInU U parameter at which to obtain normal
[in] paramInV V parameter at which to obtain normal
[in] space Coordinate space for the returned vector
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The normal vector
Status Codes:
MStatus getTangents ( double  paramInU,
double  paramInV,
MVector vectorInU,
MVector vectorInV,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

Retrieve the tangents in the U and V directions at the given parameter value on the surface.

The returned tangent vectors are normalized.

This method does not fail if the given parameter lies within a trimmed away region of a trimmed surface. Use the 'isPointInTrimmedRegion' method to determine if the uv point lies within such a region.

[in] paramInU U parameter value at which to obtain tangents
[in] paramInV V parameter value at which to obtain tangents
[out] vectorInU Storage for the U tangent vector
[out] vectorInV Storage for the V tangent vector
[in] space Coordinate space for the returned vectors
MStatus getDerivativesAtParm ( double  paramInU,
double  paramInV,
MPoint pos,
MVector dU,
MVector dV,
MSpace::Space  space,
MVector dUU = NULL,
MVector dVV = NULL,
MVector dUV = NULL 
) const

Evaluate the surface at the given (u,v) coordinate returning position, first derivatives and optionally second derivative information.

The returned derivative vectors are not normalized. If either dUU, dVV, or dUV is set to NULL, the second derivatives will not be computed and execution time wil be faster.

[in] paramInU U parameter value to evaluate
[in] paramInV V parameter value to evaluate
[out] pos Storage for the XYZ position of (u,v)
[out] dU Storage for the first order partial derivative with respect to u
[out] dV Storage for the first order partial derivative with respect to v
[in] space Coordinate space for the returned vectors
[out] dUU Pointer to storage for the second order partial derivative with respect to u
[out] dVV Pointer to storage for the second order partial derivative with respect to v
[out] dUV Pointer to storage for the second order partial derivative with respect to u then v
bool isFoldedOnBispan ( ) const

Evaluate the surface to determine if it contains any folds or creases.

The entire surface including trimmed regions is examined. This function will only check for folds on bispan boundaries and thus will not catch all cases.

  • true There are folds or creases detected
  • false The surface is believed to have continuous curvature
double area ( double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Calculates the surface area of this nurbs surface.

A value of 0.0 will be returned if the area cannot be determined successfully.

[in] tolerance tolerance value to be used for computations
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The area of this surface
Status Codes:
double area ( MSpace::Space  space,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Calculates the surface area of this nurbs surface in world or local space.

A value of 0.0 will be returned if the area cannot be determined successfully.

[in] space Coordinate space for the returned vectors
[in] tolerance Tolerance value to be used for computations
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The area of this surface
Status Codes:
MPoint closestPoint ( const MPoint toThisPoint,
double *  paramU = NULL,
double *  paramV = NULL,
bool  ignoreTrimBoundaries = false,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Return the closest point on this surface to the given point.

[in] toThisPoint Point to be compared.
[out] paramU U parameter value of the closest point. Ignored if null.
[out] paramV V parameter value of the closest point. Ignored if null.
[in] ignoreTrimBoundaries If this is true and the surface is trimmed, look for the point on the entire, untrimmed surface ignoring any trim curves.
[in] tolerance Tolerance value to be used for computations.
[in] space Coordinate space in which perform this operation,
[out] ReturnStatus Status code.
The closest point on this surface to the given point
Status Codes:
MPoint closestPoint ( const MPoint toThisPoint,
bool  paramAsStart,
double *  paramU,
double *  paramV,
bool  ignoreTrimBoundaries = false,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Return the closest point on this surface to the given point.

Performance can be greatly increased by supplying a starting parameter value that is reasonably close to the final point and setting 'paramAsStart' to true. However great care must be taken with the use of this parameter and the choice of starting value.

If 'paramAsStart' is true, the algorithm will begin to search for the closest point at the given parameter value, and will check the local surface to see which direction will bring it closer to the given point. It then offsets in this direction and repeats the process, iteratively traversing the surface until it finds the closest point.

This algorithm will fail if it encounters a seam before reaching the closest point, or if it finds a local closest point, such as a bulge on a mesh where an offset in any direction will take it further from the given point, even if that is not the true closest point on the mesh. For this reason it is advisable to avoid using this option unless absolutely sure that the initial point will be a good enough approximation to the final point that these conditions will not occur.

[in] toThisPoint Point to be compared
[in] paramAsStart If true use the value pointed to by paramU and paramV as a starting point for the search
[in,out] paramU Returns the U parameter value of the closest point. if 'paramAsStart' is true then the value initially passed in by the caller will be used as the starting U value for the search. Ignored if null.
[in,out] paramV Returns the V parameter value of the closest point. if 'paramAsStart' is true then the value initially passed in by the caller will be used as the starting V value for the search. Ignored if null.
[in] ignoreTrimBoundaries if this is true and the surface is trimmed, look for the point on the entire, untrimmed surface ignoring any trim curves.
[in] tolerance tolerance value to be used for computations
[in] space Coordinate space in which perform this operation
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The closest point on this surface to the given point
Status Codes:
bool isPointOnSurface ( const MPoint point,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Check if the given point is on this surface.

[in] point Point to test
[in] tolerance tolerance value to be used for computations
[in] space Coordinate space for this operation
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
Boolean value: true if the given point is on this surface, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
MStatus getParamAtPoint ( const MPoint atThisPoint,
double &  paramU,
double &  paramV,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

This method is obsolete.

This method is obsolete and simply calls the overloaded MFnNurbsSurface::getParamAtPoint method with ignoreTrimBoundaries set to false.
[in] atThisPoint
[out] paramU
[out] paramV
[in] space
Status code
MStatus getParamAtPoint ( const MPoint atThisPoint,
double &  paramU,
double &  paramV,
bool  ignoreTrimBoundaries,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon 
) const

Get the parameter value corresponding to the given point on the surface (or underlying surface).

Note, when ignoreTrimBoundaries if false, the UV parameters will still be returned if found on the untrimmed surface even though MS::kFailure is returned. This may be useful in cases where you are walking a trim edge and points are determined to be trimmed away because of slight differences between the trim edge and the actual trimmed surface.

[in] atThisPoint Location of parameter to obtain
[out] paramU storage for the U parameter value
[out] paramV storage for the V parameter value
[in] ignoreTrimBoundaries if this is true and the surface is trimmed, look for the param on the entire, untrimmed surface ignoring any trim curves.
[in] space Coordinate space in which to perform this operation
[in] tolerance tolerance used in this operation
MStatus getPointAtParam ( double  paramU,
double  paramV,
MPoint point,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject 
) const

Finds the point corresponding to the given parameter value on the surface.

This method does not fail if the given parameter lies within a trimmed away region of a trimmed surface. Use the 'isPointInTrimmedRegion' method to determine if the uv point lies within such a region.

[in] paramU U parameter value
[in] paramV V parameter value
[out] point storage for the found point
[in] space Coordinate space in which to perform this operation
double distanceToPoint ( const MPoint pt,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Returns the distance from the given point to the closest point on the surface.

[in] pt Point to calculate distance from
[in] space Coordinate space for which to perform operation
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The distance to the given point from this surface
Status Codes:
MObject tesselate ( MTesselationParams parms = MTesselationParams::fsDefaultTesselationParams,
MObject  parentOrOwner = MObject::kNullObj,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Performs tesselation on this surface and create a new mesh in the DAG.

The type of tesselation can be controlled by providing the tesselation parameters (see MTesselationParams).

The parentOrOwner argument is used to specify the owner of the new surface.

If the parentOrOwner is kMeshData then the created surface will be of type kMeshGeom and will be returned. The parentOrOwner will become the owner of the new mesh.

If parentOrOwner is NULL then a new transform will be created and returned which will be the parent for the mesh. The new transform will be added to the DAG.

If parentOrOwner is a DAG node then the new mesh will be returned and the parentOrOwner will become its parent.

[in] parms Tesselation parameters
[in] parentOrOwner the DAG parent or kMeshData the new mesh will belong to
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • If parentOrOwner is NULL then the transform for this surface is returned
  • If parentOrOwner is a DAG object then the new surface shape is returned
  • The surface geometry is returned if parentOrOwner is of type kMeshData
Status Codes:
bool intersect ( const MPoint rayStartingPoint,
const MVector alongThisDirection,
double &  u,
double &  v,
MPoint pntOfIntersection,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
bool  calculateDistance = false,
double *  distance = NULL,
bool  calculateExactHit = false,
bool *  wasExactHit = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

This function determines the closest point of intersection of this spline surface with a ray (a vector at a point).

[in] rayStartingPoint Starting location of ray to test.
[in] alongThisDirection Direction of ray to test.
[out] u U parameter of intersection (if any).
[out] v V parameter of intersection (if any).
[out] pntOfIntersection Closest point of intersection (if any).
[in] tolerance The epsilon value in the calculation.
[in] space Specifies the coordinate system for this operation.
[in] calculateDistance Specifies whether to calculate the distance of the startPoint to the point of intersection
[out] distance Distance of intersection point from startPoint. Ignored if 'calculateDistance' is false.
[in] calculateExactHit Specifies whether to determine if the point of intersection actually hit the object or just came within tolerance of it.
[out] wasExactHit Returns true if the point of intersection is an exact hit, false otherwise. Ignored if 'calculateExactHit' if false.
[out] ReturnStatus Status code.
Boolean value: true if an intersection point has been found, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
bool intersect ( const MPoint rayStartingPoint,
const MVector alongThisDirection,
MDoubleArray uArray,
MDoubleArray vArray,
MPointArray points,
double  tolerance = kMFnNurbsEpsilon,
MSpace::Space  space = MSpace::kObject,
bool  calculateDistance = false,
MDoubleArray distances = NULL,
bool  calculateExactHit = false,
bool *  wasExactHit = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

This function determines all the points of intersection of this spline surface with a ray (a vector at a point).

[in] rayStartingPoint Starting location of ray to test.
[in] alongThisDirection Direction of ray to test.
[out] uArray U parameters of intersections.
[out] vArray V parameters of intersections.
[out] points Points of intersection.
[in] tolerance The epsilon value in the calculation.
[in] space Specifies the coordinate system for this operation.
[in] calculateDistance Specifies whether to calculate the distances of the startPoint to the all the points of intersection.
[out] distances Distances of intersection points from startPoint. Ignored if 'calculateDistance' is false.
[in] calculateExactHit Specifies whether to determine if the point of intersection actually hit the object or just came within tolerance of it.
[out] wasExactHit Returns true if the point of intersection is an exact hit, false otherwise. Ignored if 'calculateExactHit' if false.
[out] ReturnStatus Status code.
Boolean value: true if an intersection point has been found, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
bool hasHistoryOnCreate ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL )

This method determines if the shape was created with history.

If the object that this function set is attached to is not a shape then this method will fail.

[out] ReturnStatus
Boolean value: true if the shape has history, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
MStatus updateSurface ( )

This method signals that this surface has changed and needs to be recalculated.

This method is useful when a large number of CVs for the surface are being modified. Instead of updating the surface every time a CV is changed it is more efficient to call this method once after updating all of the CVs.

bool isTrimmedSurface ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL )

This method determines if this surface is a trimmed surface.

[out] ReturnStatus
Boolean value: true if the surface is trimmed, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
unsigned int numRegions ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL )

Returns the number of trimmed regions for this surface or 0 if the surface is not a trimmed surface.

For each region there may be several boundary curves, an outer curve and possibly several inner boundary curves which define holes. These boundary curves are made up of one or more curves called edges.

[out] ReturnStatus
The number of regions for this surface
Status Codes:
bool isFlipNorm ( unsigned int  region,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Determines whether the normal for the specified region is flipped.

This method is only valid for trimmed surfaces.

[in] region Trimmed region to check. Must be in the range 0 to numRegions() - 1.
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
  • true normal = -dS/du X dS/dv
  • false normal = dS/du X dS/dv
Status Codes:
unsigned int numBoundaries ( unsigned int  region,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns the number of boudaries for the specified region.

The surface must be a trimmed surface.

For each region there may be several boundary curves, an outer curve and possibly several inner boundary curves which define holes. These boundary curves are made up of one or more curves called edges.

[in] region The trimmed region to examine
[out] ReturnStatus status code
The number of boundaries for the specified region
Status Codes:
MFnNurbsSurface::BoundaryType boundaryType ( unsigned int  region,
unsigned int  boundary,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns the type of the specified boundary.

The surface must be a trimmed surface.

Possible boundary types are Inner, kOuter, kSegment, kClosedSegment, and kInvalidBoundary

[in] region the region to examine
[in] boundary the boundary to examine
[out] ReturnStatus status code
The boundary type:
  • kInner an inner boundary, clockwise
  • kOuter an outer boundary, counter clockwise
  • kSegment a boundary segment (a curve on face)
  • kClosedSegment a closed boundary segment (a closed curve on face)
  • kInvalidBoundary an invalid boundary type
Status Codes:
unsigned int numEdges ( unsigned int  region,
unsigned int  boundary,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Return the number of edges for the specified trim boundary.

For each region there may be several boundary curves, an outer curve and possibly several inner boundary curves which define holes. These boundary curves are made up of one or more curves called edges.

[in] region Region to examine
[in] boundary Boundary to examine
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of edges for the specified boundary
Status Codes:
MObjectArray edge ( unsigned int  region,
unsigned int  boundary,
unsigned int  edge,
bool  paramEdge = false,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Return the specified edge of a trim boundary.

For each region of a trimmed surface there may be several boundary curves; an outer curve and possibly several inner boundary curves (which define holes). These boundary curves are made up of one or more curves called edges. The edge is returned as an MObjectArray as the edge may consist of more than one curve. The returned edge, or trim curve, can be a 2D parameter edge or a 3D edge curve. To identify an edge you must specify the trimmed region, the boundary of that region, and the edge of that boundary.

Note that for closed surfaces some of the 3d edges may be 0 length in which case an empty MObjectArray is returned. An example of this is the poles of a sphere.

[in] region the trimmed region containing the edge
[in] boundary the boundary to examine
[in] edge the boundary edge to examine
[in] paramEdge if true then 2D param edges are returned, otherwise a 3D edge is returned.
[out] ReturnStatus status code
A curve for the specified edge
Status Codes:
bool isPointInTrimmedRegion ( double  u,
double  v,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns true if the given point is in a trimmed away region of a trimmed surface.

A trimmed away region is the part of the surface that is cut away as a result of a trim operation.

[in] u u parameter of point on surface to test
[in] v v parameter of point on surface to test
[out] ReturnStatus status code
Boolean value: true if the point on surface is within a trimmed away region, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
MStatus getTrimBoundaries ( MTrimBoundaryArray result,
unsigned int  region,
bool  paramEdge = true 

Returns all trim boundaries of a region on this surface.

[out] result All trim boundaries of the given region in this surface.
[in] region the trimmed region that containing the boundaries
[in] paramEdge If true, then 2D curves are returned, otherwise 3D curves.
MStatus trimWithBoundaries ( const MTrimBoundaryArray mBoundaries,
bool  flipNormal = false,
double  e_tol = 1e-3,
double  pe_tol = 1e-5 

This function trims this surface with given trim boundaries.

NOTE: The curves specified in the MTrimBoundaryArray are in UV space. As a result, they must be 2D curves. The MFnNurbsCurve functionset provides a method for creating 2D curves.

[in] mBoundaries The boundaries used for the trim. A boundary may consist of several curves. They must present a closed boundary, must be in UV (parameter) space, and must be on the surface. Boundaries[0] is the outer boundary which goes counterclockwise around the surface normal. All other boundaries must be inner boundaries inside the outer boundary defined region. If an inner boundary goes clockwise, it defines a hole, otherwise it should define an island inside a hole. Boundaries[0] can be empty. In this case, the native boundary is used as outer boundary. The boundaries should not intersect to each other or to itself.
[in] flipNormal Whether to flip the trimmed surface normal
[in] e_tol The 3d edge tolerance with which to trim
[in] pe_tol The parameter edge tolerance with which to trim
MStatus projectCurve ( MDagPath curve,
MVector direction = NULL,
bool  constructionHistory = false 

Project the given curve onto this surface creating a curve on surface.

Projection will be done using the surface normals unless a direction vector to project along is given.

[in] curve curve to be projected
[in] direction direction of projection. If this is null then the surface normals is used
[in] constructionHistory keep construction history
MStatus trim ( MDoubleArray locatorU,
MDoubleArray locatorV,
bool  constructionHistory = false 

Trim this surface to its curves on surface.

Regions which are kept are specified by passing in two arrays of u,v parameters.

This method will create a new trimmed surface in the DAG. The surface attached to this function set will remain unchanged.

[in] locatorU array of U parameters indicating regions to keep
[in] locatorV array of V parameters indicating regions to keep
[in] constructionHistory keep construction history
unsigned int numPatches ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of non-zero patches in this surface.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of non-zero patches in this surface.
Status Codes:
unsigned int numPatchesInU ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of non-zero patches along u, in this surface.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of non-zero patches along u, in this surface.
Status Codes:
unsigned int numPatchesInV ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of non-zero patches along v, in this surface.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of non-zero patches along v, in this surface.
Status Codes:
int numUVs ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL ) const

Returns the number of texture (uv) coordinates for this surface.

The uv's are stored in a list which is referenced by patches requiring textures on a per-patch per-patchCorner basis. This method returns the number of elements in this list.

[out] ReturnStatus Status code
The number of texture coordinates
Status Codes:
MStatus setUVs ( const MFloatArray uArray,
const MFloatArray vArray 

Sets all of the texture coordinates (uvs) for this surface.

The uv arrays must be of equal size and must be at least of length numUVs(). If the arrays are larger than numUVs() then the uv list for this surface will be grown to accommodate the new uv values.

After using this method to set the UV values, you can call assignUVs to assign the corresponding UVids to the geometry.

Also, note that API methods that modify uv data, work correctly either when called through a plug-in node that is in the history of the shape, or when used on a surface shape that does not have history. Modifying uvs directly on a shape with history will result in the modifications getting over-written by the next evaluation of the history attached to the shape.

[in] uArray The array of u values to be set
[in] vArray The array of v values to be set
MStatus getUVs ( MFloatArray uArray,
MFloatArray vArray 
) const

This method copies the texture coordinate list for this surface into the given uv arrays.

[out] uArray Storage for the u texture coordinate list
[out] vArray Storage for the v texture coordinate list
MStatus setUV ( int  uvId,
float  u,
float  v 

Sets the specified texture coordinate.

The uvId is the element in the uv list that will be set. If the uvId is greater than or equal to numUVs() then the uv list will be grown to accommodate the specified uv.

Also, note that API methods that modify uv data, work correctly either when called through a plug-in node that is in the history of the shape, or when used on a surface shape that does not have history. Modifying uvs directly on a shape with history will result in the modifications getting over-written by the next evaluation of the history attached to the shape.

[in] uvId the element in the uv list to be set
[in] u the new u value that is to be set
[in] v the new v value that is to be set
MStatus getUV ( int  uvId,
float &  u,
float &  v 
) const

Get the value of the specified texture coordinate from this surface's uv list.

The uvId is the element in the uv list that will be retrieved.

[in] uvId the element in the uv list to examine
[out] u storage for the u value
[out] v storage for the v value
MStatus getPatchUV ( int  patchId,
int  cornerIndex,
float &  u,
float &  v 
) const

Get the value of the specified texture coordinate for a patch corner in a patch.

Since texture coordinates (uv's) are stored per-patch per-corner you must specify both the patch and the corner that the u and v values are mapped to.

[in] patchId The patch to examine
[in] cornerIndex The patch-relative corner to examine
[out] u storage for the u value
[out] v storage for the v value
MStatus getPatchUVs ( int  patchId,
MFloatArray uArray,
MFloatArray vArray 
) const

Get the values of the texture coordinate on a specified patch.

Since texture coordinates (uvs) are stored per-patch per-corner, the u and v values mapped to all corners of the specified patch are returned.

[in] patchId The patch to examine
[out] uArray storage for u values
[out] vArray storage for v values
MStatus getPatchUVid ( int  patchId,
int  cornerIndex,
int &  uvId 
) const

Get the id of the specified texture coordinate for a corner in a patch.

[in] patchId The patch to examine
[in] cornerIndex The patch-relative corner to examine (local index)
[out] uvId storage for the uv index
MStatus assignUV ( int  patchId,
int  cornerIndex,
int  uvId 

Maps a texture coordinate to a the specified corner of a patch.

Since texture coordinates (uvs) are stored per-patch per-patchCorner you must specify both the patch and the patchCorner that the uv entry is mapped to.

The cornerIndex is the corner within the patch that the uv will be mapped to. This index must be in the range 0 to patchCornerCount(patchId).

Also, note that API methods that modify uv data, work correctly either when called through a plug-in node that is in the history of the shape, or when used on a surface shape that does not have history. Modifying uvs directly on a shape with history will result in the modifications getting over-written by the next evaluation of the history attached to the shape.

[in] patchId The patch to map to
[in] cornerIndex The corner of the patch to map to
[in] uvId The uv entry from the uv list that will be mapped
MStatus assignUVs ( const MIntArray uvCounts,
const MIntArray uvIds 

This method maps all texture coordinates for the surface.

The setUV/setUVs method is used to create the texture coordinate table for the surface. After the table is created, this method is used to map those values to each patch on a per-corner basis. The setUV/setUVs method should be called before the assignUVs method.

The uvCounts array should contain the number of uvs per patch. Since uvs are mapped per-patch per-corner, the entries in this array should match the corner counts for each patch in the surface.

If an entry in this array is '0' then the corresponding patch will not be mapped. The sum of all the entries in the uvCounts array must be equal to the size of the uvIds array or this method will fail.

The uvIds array should contain the UV indices that will be mapped to each patch-corner in the surface. The entries in this array specify which uvs in the surface's uv table are mapped to each patch-corner. Each entry in the uvIds array must be less than numUVs(). The size of the uvIds array is equivalent to adding up all of the entries in the uvCounts array, so for a cube with all patches mapped there would be 24 entries.

Also, note that API methods that modify uv data, work correctly either when called through a plug-in node that is in the history of the shape, or when used on a surface shape that does not have history. Modifying uvs directly on a shape with history will result in the modifications getting over-written by the next evaluation of the history attached to the shape.

[in] uvCounts The uv counts for each patch in the surface
[in] uvIds The uv indices to be mapped to each patch-corner
MStatus clearUVs ( )

This method clears out all texture coordinates for the nurbsSurface, and leaves behind an empty UVset.

This method should be used if it is needed to shrink the actual size of the UV table. In this case, the user should call clearUVs, setUVs and then assignUVs to rebuild the mapping info.

When called on a dataNurbsSurface, the UVs are removed. When called on a shape with no history, the UVs are removed and the attributes are set on the shape. When called on a shape with history, the polyDelMap command is invoked and a polyMapDel node is created.

MStatus getAssignedUVs ( MIntArray uvCounts,
MIntArray uvIds 
) const

Get assigned UVs.

This method finds all texture coordinates for the surface that have been mapped, and returns them in the same format as assignUVs. The setUV/setUVs method is used to create the texture coordinate table for the surface and this method is used to map those values to each patch on a per-corner basis.

The uvCounts array should contain the number of uv's per patch. Since uvs are mapped per-patch per-corner, the entries returned in this array will match the corner counts for each patch in the surface. For example, suppose that we have a cube with 2 of the faces mapped: the array for this cube would be { 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 } since there are 6 patches each with 4 vertices. A face either has all its vertives mapped, or none

The uvIds array will contain the UV indices that will be mapped to each patch-corner in the surface. Use the getUV method to get the actual uv values for these id's.

[out] uvCounts The uv counts for each patch in the surface
[out] uvIds The uv indices to be mapped to each patch-corner
MObject tesselate ( MTesselationParams parms,
MStatus ReturnStatus 

This method is obsolete.


Performs tesselation on this surface and returns the tesselated polygonal object. The type of tesselation can be controlled by providing the tesselation parameters (see MTesselationParams).

[in] parms Tesselation parameters
[out] ReturnStatus Status code
A polygonal representation of this surface
Status Codes:
MObject getDataObject ( ) const

Returns an MObject if the class has been constructed with an MFn::kNurbsSurfaceData entity, otherwise MObject::kNullObj is returned.

An MObject

MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface
MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface MFnNurbsSurface