
#ifndef _cgfxShaderNode_h_
#define _cgfxShaderNode_h_
// Copyright (C) 2002-2003 NVIDIA
// File: cgfxShaderNode.h
// Dependency Graph Node: cgfxShaderNode
// Author: Jim Atkinson
// Changes:
//  10/2003  Kurt Harriman - +1-415-893-1023
//           - Multiple UV sets; user-specified texcoord assignment;
//             error handling.
//  12/2003  Kurt Harriman - +1-415-893-1023
//           - attrDefList() no longer calls fAttrDefList->addRef()
//           - Added members: fTechniqueList, getTechniqueList()
//           - Deleted members: fCallbackSet, callbackSet(),
//             setCallback(), technique()
//           - Deleted class cgfxShaderNode::InternalError.
//           - Made protected instead of public: setShaderFxFile,
//             setTechnique, setTexCoordSource
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"

#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MNodeMessage.h>
#include <maya/MObjectArray.h>
#include <maya/MPxHwShaderNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MStateManager.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>

// Viewport 2.0 includes
#include <maya/MPxShaderOverride.h>

#include "cgfxEffectDef.h"
#include "cgfxAttrDef.h"

// Largest possible number of texture units (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS) for any
// OpenGL implementation, according to the OpenGL 1.2 multitexture spec.

class cgfxShaderNode : public MPxHwShaderNode
    friend class cgfxShaderCmd;
    friend class cgfxAttrDef;
    friend class cgfxShaderOverride;

    virtual void        postConstructor();
    virtual             ~cgfxShaderNode();

    // Typically, hardware shaders to not need to compute any outputs.
    virtual MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data );

    // Create the node ...
    static  void*       creator();

    // ... and initialize it.
    static  MStatus     initialize();
    static  void        initializeNodeAttrs();

    // We want to track the changes to the shader attribute because
    // it causes us a large amount of work every time it is modified
    // and we want to do that work as rarely as possible.
    virtual void copyInternalData( MPxNode* pSrc );
    virtual bool getInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
    virtual bool setInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
                                              const MDataHandle&,

    // Tell Maya that Cg effects can be batched
    virtual bool    supportsBatching() const;

    // Tell Maya we require inverted texture coordinates
    virtual bool    invertTexCoords() const;

    // Indicate pass transparency options
    virtual bool    hasTransparency();
    virtual unsigned int    transparencyOptions();

    // Set up the graphics pipeline for drawing with the shader
    virtual MStatus glBind(const MDagPath& shapePath);
    void            bindAttrValues();
    void            bindViewAttrValues(const MDagPath& shapePath);

    // Render a swatch
    virtual MStatus renderSwatchImage( MImage & image );

    // Restore the graphics pipeline back to its original state
    virtual MStatus glUnbind(const MDagPath& shapePath);

    // Put the pixels on the screen
    virtual MStatus     glGeometry( const MDagPath& shapePath,
        int prim,
        unsigned int writable,
        int indexCount,
        const unsigned int * indexArray,
        int vertexCount,
        const int * vertexIDs,
        const float * vertexArray,
        int normalCount,
        const float ** normalArrays,
        int colorCount,
        const float ** colorArrays,
        int texCoordCount,
        const float ** texCoordArrays);

    // Return the desired number of texture coordinates per vertex
    virtual int     getTexCoordSetNames( MStringArray& names );

    // Return the desired colours per vertex
    virtual int     getColorSetNames( MStringArray& names );
    virtual int     colorsPerVertex();

    // Return the desired number of normals per vertex
    virtual int     normalsPerVertex();

    // Data accessor for the attrDefList
    cgfxAttrDefList*    attrDefList() const { return fAttrDefList; };

    void setAttrDefList(cgfxAttrDefList* list);

    // Data accessor for the .fx file name (the value of the shader
    // attribute).
    MString shaderFxFile() const { return fShaderFxFile; };
    bool shaderFxFileChanged() const { return fShaderFxFileChanged; }
    void setShaderFxFileChanged(bool val) { fShaderFxFileChanged = val; }

    // Data accessor for the name of the chosen technique.
    MString         getTechnique() const { return fTechnique; };
    const MStringArray& getTechniqueList() const { return fTechniqueList; }

    // Data accessor the attribute list string (the value of the
    // attributeList attribute).
    void getAttributeList(MStringArray& attrList) const;
    void setAttributeList(const MStringArray& attrList);

    // Set the current per-vertex attributes the shader needs (replacing any existing set)
    void                setVertexAttributes( cgfxVertexAttribute* attributeList);

    // Set the data set names that will be populating our vertex attributes
    void                setVertexAttributeSource( const MStringArray& sources);

    // Analyse the per-vertex attributes to work out the minimum set of data we require
    void                analyseVertexAttributes();

    // Data accessor for the texCoordSource attribute.
    const MStringArray& getTexCoordSource() const;

    // Data accessor for the colorSource attribute.
    const MStringArray& getColorSource() const;

    // Data accessor for list of empty UV sets.
    const MStringArray& getEmptyUVSets() const;
    const MObjectArray& getEmptyUVSetShapes() const;

    // Data accessor for whether to use nodes for textures
    inline bool getTexturesByName() const { return fTexturesByName; };

    // Data accessor for the effect itself.
    CGeffect effect() { return fEffect; };
    void setEffect(CGeffect effect);

    MStatus shouldSave ( const MPlug & plug, bool & ret );

    // Get cgfxShader version string.
    static MString  getPluginVersion();


    // Try and create a missing effect (e.g. once a GL context is available)
    bool            createEffect();

    // Set internal attributes.
    void            setShaderFxFile( const MString& fxFile )
        if (fxFile != fShaderFxFile)
            // Mark when the shader has changed
            fShaderFxFile = fxFile;
            fShaderFxFileChanged = true;
    void            setTechniqueHasBlending( CGtechnique technique );
    void            setTechnique( const MString& techn );
    void            setDataSources( const MStringArray* texCoordSources, const MStringArray* colorSources );
    void            updateDataSource( MStringArray& sources, MIntArray& typeList, MIntArray& indexList );
    void            setTexturesByName( bool texturesByName, bool updateAttributes = false);

    // Error reporting
    void            reportInternalError( const char* function, size_t errcode);


    // The typeid is a unique 32bit indentifier that describes this node.
    // It is used to save and retrieve nodes of this type from the binary
    // file format.  If it is not unique, it will cause file IO problems.
    static  MTypeId sId;

    // There needs to be a MObject handle declared for each attribute that
    // the node will have.  These handles are needed for getting and setting
    // the values later.
    // Input shader attribute
    static  MObject sShader;
    static  MObject sTechnique;

    // Input list of attributes that map to CgFX uniform parameters
    static  MObject sAttributeList;

    // Input list of attributes that map to CgFX varying parameters
    static  MObject sVertexAttributeList;

    // Input list of where to get vertex attributes
    static  MObject sVertexAttributeSource;

    // Input list of where to get texcoords
    static  MObject sTexCoordSource;

    // Input list of where to get colors
    static  MObject sColorSource;

    // Should we use string names or file texture nodes for textures?
    static  MObject sTexturesByName;

    // Cg Context
    static  CGcontext   sCgContext;

    // Cg Profiles
    static  CGprofile   sCgBestVtxProfile;
    static  CGprofile   sCgBestGeomProfile;
    static  CGprofile   sCgBestFragProfile;

    // Cg error callback
    static void         cgErrorCallBack();

    // Cg error handler
    static void         cgErrorHandler(CGcontext cgContext, CGerror cgError, void* userData);


    // Our description of the effect and it's varying parameters
    cgfxEffect      fNewEffect;

    // The (merged) set of varying parameters the current technique requires
    // and the mapping onto Maya geometry data sets
    cgfxVertexAttribute*    fVertexAttributes;

    // This is a mapping of names to cgfxAttrDef pointers.  Each cgfxAttrDef
    // defines one dynamic attribute
    cgfxAttrDefList* fAttrDefList;

    // Values of internal attributes
    MString         fShaderFxFile;
    bool            fShaderFxFileChanged;
    MString         fTechnique;
    bool            fTechniqueHasBlending;
    MStringArray    fAttributeListArray;
    MStringArray    fVertexAttributeListArray;
    MStringArray    fVertexAttributeSource;
    bool            fTexturesByName;

    // Backward compatibility: these are the old versions of fVertexAttributeSource
    MStringArray    fTexCoordSource;
    MStringArray    fColorSource;

    // The list of maya data we need
    MStringArray    fUVSets;
    MStringArray    fColorSets;
    int             fNormalsPerVertex;

    // These values are derived from the fTexCoordSource value
    // For each texture coord / colour unit, we describe what kind of
    // data should go in there (i.e. should this data be populated with
    // a uv set, a colour set, tangent, normal, etc) AND which set of
    // data to use (i.e. put uv set 0 in texcoord1, and colour set 2 in
    // texcoord 5)
    MIntArray       fTexCoordType;
    MIntArray       fTexCoordIndex;
    MIntArray       fColorType;
    MIntArray       fColorIndex;
    MStringArray    fDataSetNames;

    // This is a pointer to the actual CGeffect for this shader.
    CGeffect        fEffect;

    // Cached info derived from the current CGeffect
    MStringArray    fTechniqueList;

    // Rendering state (only valid between glBind and glUnbind)
    GLboolean       fDepthEnableState;
    GLint           fDepthFunc;
    GLint           fBlendSourceFactor;
    GLint           fBlendDestFactor;

    // Error handling
    bool            fConstructed;      // true => ok to call MPxNode member functions
    short           fErrorCount;
    short           fErrorLimit;

    // Maya event callbacks
    MIntArray       fCallbackIds;

// ===================================================================================
// viewport 2.0 implementation
// ===================================================================================

class MHWRender::MDrawContext;
// Override for the cgfxShaderNode
class cgfxShaderOverride : public MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride
    static MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride* Creator(const MObject& obj);

    virtual ~cgfxShaderOverride();

    // Initialize phase
    virtual MString initialize(MObject object);

    // Update phase
    virtual void updateDG(MObject object);
    virtual void updateDevice();
    virtual void endUpdate();

    // Draw phase
    virtual void activateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context);
    virtual bool draw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context,
                      const MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItemList) const;
    virtual void terminateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context);

    // Override properties
    virtual bool isTransparent();

    virtual bool rebuildAlways()
        // Any attribute changes will trigger a re-evaluation
        // to handle stream input changes.
        return true;

    static const MString drawDbClassification;
    static const MString drawRegistrantId;

    cgfxShaderOverride(const MObject& obj);

    // bind uniform attributes
    void bindAttrValues() const; 

    // bind varying attributes
    void bindViewAttrValues(const MHWRender::MDrawContext& context) const;

    cgfxShaderNode *fShaderNode;
    mutable bool fNeedPassSetterInit;

    const MHWRender::MBlendState* fOldBlendState;
    const MHWRender::MDepthStencilState* fOldDepthStencilState;
    const MHWRender::MRasterizerState* fOldRasterizerState;

    static cgfxShaderNode* sActiveShaderNode;
    static cgfxShaderNode* sLastDrawShaderNode;

#endif /* _cgfxShaderNode_h_ */