
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// Write frame by frame values in a file in XML format.
// Flags:
// -on/outputName <string>: Name of the output file. When not set, the
//      result goes into the standard output.
// -s/start <frameNumber>: Starting frame. When not set the start 
//      frame is read from the render globals or the animation slider.
// -e/end <frameNumber>: End frame. When not set the end 
//      frame is read from the render globals or the animation slider.
// -by/byFrame <frameNumber>: Frame increment. When not set the 
//      frame increment is read from the render globals or defaults to 1.
// -cam/camera <name>: Name of the camera to be tracked. Multiple
//      such flags can be used, resulting in several camera being
//      tracked. When not set, all the renderable cameras are tracked.
// -p/plug <name>: Additionnal values tracked per frame. Any plug 
//      name can be used.
// Examples:
//      // Track two cameras, x translate and y rotation of object pCube1
//      animInfo -cam top -cam persp -p pCube1.tx -p pCube1.ry;
//      // Write renderable cameras into file /tmp/tstData, frame 1 to 10
//      animInfo -on "/tmp/tstData" -s 1 -e 10;
//      // Print renderable cameras into standard output. Frame range
//      // is read from the render global or the animation slider
//      // depending on user settings.
//      animInfo;
// The command may take a long time to run. If it is aborted with the
// ESC key, the the current frame data is completed (Current <TIME>
// </TIME> data, and an <INTERRUPT> tag is printed before closing the
// <SEQUENCE> data.

#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MFloatMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MTime.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnCamera.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MItDag.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MAnimControl.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MComputation.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>

#define mCommandName "animInfo"             // Command name

#define INDENT_STEP  2                      // Indentation steps

#define MAX_NB_PLUGS 100                    // Max number of plugs
#define MAX_NB_CAM   32                     // Max number of camera
#define FILE_TYPE    "Maya per frame data"  // File type
#define VERSION_ID   0                      // Version number

static char * stIndentStr = "                                                ";

class animInfoCmd : public MPxCommand
    virtual     ~animInfoCmd();

    virtual MStatus doIt ( const MArgList& args );

    static void* creator();

    static MStatus nodeFromName(MString name, MObject & obj);
    const char * indent() const {return stIndentStr+strlen(stIndentStr)-fIndent;}

    MStatus parseArgs ( const MArgList& args );
    void readSceneStartEnd();
    MStatus writeFrameInfo( double frame );
    MStatus writeCameraInfo( const MFnCamera & cam );

    double      fStartFrame;
    double      fEndFrame;
    double      fByFrame;
    int         fIndent;
    FILE *      fOutput;

    int         fNbCameraPath;
    MDagPath    fCameraPath[MAX_NB_CAM];

    // We cannot use MPlugArray, as MPlugArray::append does not copy
    // the MPlug object...
    int         fNbPlugs;
    MPlug       fPlugs[MAX_NB_PLUGS];

animInfoCmd::animInfoCmd() :
    fEndFrame  (-2),
    fByFrame   ( 1),
    fIndent    (INDENT_STEP),
    fOutput    (stdout),
    fNbPlugs   (0)

animInfoCmd::~animInfoCmd() {}


MStatus animInfoCmd::nodeFromName(MString name, MObject & obj)
    MSelectionList tempList;
    tempList.add( name );
    if ( tempList.length() > 0 ) 
        tempList.getDependNode( 0, obj );
        return MS::kSuccess;
    return MS::kFailure;

// Read the arguments, and make sure they are consistant
#define MATCH(str, shortName, longName) \
static int stringArg(const MArgList& args, unsigned int &indx, MString & res)
    if (indx < args.length())
        MStatus stat;
        res = args.asString( indx, &stat );
        if (stat == MS::kSuccess) 
            return 1;
    return 0;

static int doubleArg(const MArgList& args, unsigned int &indx, double & res)
    if (indx < args.length())
        MStatus stat;
        res = args.asDouble( indx, &stat );
        if (stat == MS::kSuccess) 
            return 1;
    return 0;

// this method currently unused
// static int intArg(const MArgList& args, unsigned int &indx, int & res)
// {
//  if (indx < args.length())
//  {
//      MStatus stat;
//      indx++;
//      res = args.asInt( indx, &stat );
//      if (stat == MS::kSuccess) 
//          return 1;
//  }
//  return 0;
// }

MStatus animInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
    // Parse the arguments.
    MString arg;
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    MString str;
    MObject cameraNode;
    unsigned int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
        arg = args.asString( i, &stat );
        if (stat != MS::kSuccess)

        if (MATCH(arg, "-on", "-outputName") && stringArg(args, i, str))
            FILE *f;
            if ( NULL != (f = fopen(str.asChar(), "w")))
                fOutput = f;
                fprintf(stderr, "cannot open '%s'\n", str.asChar());
        else if (MATCH(arg, "-s", "-start"))
            doubleArg(args, i, fStartFrame);
        else if (MATCH(arg, "-e", "-end"))
            doubleArg(args, i, fEndFrame);
        else if (MATCH(arg, "-by", "-byFrame"))
            doubleArg(args, i, fByFrame);
        else if (MATCH(arg, "-cam", "-camera") && stringArg(args, i, str))
            if (fNbCameraPath >= MAX_NB_CAM)

            nodeFromName(str, cameraNode);
            MStatus status;
            MDagPath::getAPathTo(cameraNode, fCameraPath[fNbCameraPath]);
            MFnCamera cam(fCameraPath[fNbCameraPath], &status);
            if (status == MS::kSuccess)
        else if (MATCH(arg, "-p", "-plug") && stringArg(args, i, str))
            MSelectionList plugList;
            plugList.add( str );
            // Find the plugs out of the names in the selectionList
            for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k<plugList.length() ; k++)
                if (fNbPlugs >= MAX_NB_PLUGS)

                if (plugList.getPlug(k, fPlugs[fNbPlugs]) == MS::kSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument '%s'\n", arg.asChar());

    if (fByFrame<=0) fByFrame = 1;

    if (fNbCameraPath == 0)
        // User did not specify a valid camera. Find one.
        MItDag dagIterator( MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kCamera);
        for (; !dagIterator.isDone();
            if (fNbCameraPath >= MAX_NB_CAM)

            bool        renderable;
            if ( !dagIterator.getPath(fCameraPath[fNbCameraPath]) )
            renderable = false;
            MFnCamera fnCameraNode( fCameraPath[fNbCameraPath] );
            fnCameraNode.findPlug( "renderable" ).getValue( renderable );
            if (renderable)

    return MS::kSuccess;

void animInfoCmd::readSceneStartEnd()
    MTime startFrame;
    MTime endFrame;

    // Get the render globals node
    int rangeIsSet = 0;
    MObject renderGlobNode;
    if (nodeFromName("defaultRenderGlobals", renderGlobNode) == MS::kSuccess)
        MFnDependencyNode fnRenderGlobals( renderGlobNode );

        // Check if the time-slider or renderGlobals is used for 
        // the frame range
        MPlug animPlug = fnRenderGlobals.findPlug( "animation" );
        short anim;
        animPlug.getValue( anim );

        if ( anim ) {
            float byFrame;
            fnRenderGlobals.findPlug( "startFrame"  ).getValue(startFrame);
            fnRenderGlobals.findPlug( "endFrame"    ).getValue(endFrame);
            fnRenderGlobals.findPlug( "byFrameStep" ).getValue(byFrame);
            fByFrame = (double) byFrame;
            rangeIsSet = 1;
    if (!rangeIsSet)    {
        startFrame = MAnimControl::minTime();
        endFrame   = MAnimControl::maxTime();
        fByFrame = 1;
    fStartFrame = (int) MTime::uiUnit() );
    fEndFrame   = (int) MTime::uiUnit() );

// Print info for a given time frame
MStatus animInfoCmd::writeFrameInfo( double frame )
    int i;
    MStatus status;
    MGlobal::viewFrame (frame);             // Set the current frame

    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<TIME VAL=%g>\n", indent(), frame);
    fIndent += INDENT_STEP;

    for (i = 0 ; i<fNbCameraPath ; i++)
        MFnCamera cam(fCameraPath[i], &status);
        if (status == MS::kSuccess)

    double val;
    for (i = 0 ; i<fNbPlugs ; i++)
        if (fPlugs[i].getValue(val) == MS::kSuccess)
            fprintf(fOutput, "%s<PARAM NAME=\"%s\" VAL=%lg>\n", 
                    indent(), fPlugs[i].name().asChar(), val);

    fIndent -= INDENT_STEP;
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s</TIME>\n", indent());
    return MS::kSuccess;

// Print info for a given time frame
MStatus animInfoCmd::writeCameraInfo( const MFnCamera & cam )
    MStatus status;
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<CAMERA NAME=\"%s\">\n", 
    fIndent += INDENT_STEP;

    MPoint pt = cam.eyePoint(MSpace::kWorld, &status);
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<EYE X=%g Y=%g Z=%g>\n", indent(), pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);

    MVector v = cam.viewDirection(MSpace::kWorld);
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<DIR X=%g Y=%g Z=%g>\n", indent(), v.x, v.y, v.z);

    v = cam.upDirection(MSpace::kWorld);
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<UP X=%g Y=%g Z=%g>\n", indent(), v.x, v.y, v.z);

    v = cam.rightDirection(MSpace::kWorld);
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<RIGHT X=%g Y=%g Z=%g>\n", indent(), v.x, v.y, v.z);

    pt = cam.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace::kWorld, &status);
    if (status == MS::kSuccess)
        fprintf(fOutput, "%s<COI X=%g Y=%g Z=%g>\n", indent(), pt.x,pt.y,pt.z);
        fprintf(fOutput, "%s<COI NONE>\n", indent());

    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<ASPECTRATIO VAL=%g>\n", indent(), cam.aspectRatio());
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<FSTOP VAL=%g>\n", indent(), cam.fStop());
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<FOCALLENGTH VAL=%g>\n", indent(), cam.focalLength());
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<FOCUS VAL=%g NEAR=%g FAR=%g>\n", indent(),
            cam.nearFocusDistance(), cam.farFocusDistance());

    MFloatMatrix mat = cam.projectionMatrix();
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s<MAT A00=%g A01=%g A02=%g A03=%g\n", indent(),
            mat(0,0), mat(0,1), mat(0,2), mat(0,3));
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s     A10=%g A11=%g A12=%g A13=%g\n", indent(),
            mat(1,0), mat(1,1), mat(1,2), mat(1,3));
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s     A20=%g A21=%g A22=%g A23=%g\n", indent(),
            mat(2,0), mat(2,1), mat(2,2), mat(2,3));
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s     A30=%g A31=%g A32=%g A33=%g>\n", indent(),
            mat(3,0), mat(3,1), mat(3,2), mat(3,3));

    fIndent -= INDENT_STEP;
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s</CAMERA>\n", indent());

    return MS::kSuccess;

// Main routine
MStatus animInfoCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
    // parse the command arguments
    MStatus stat = parseArgs(args);
    if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
        if (fOutput != stdout) 
        return stat;

    if (fStartFrame > fEndFrame)

    // Remember the frame the scene was at so we can restore it later.
    MTime currentFrame = MAnimControl::currentTime();
    fprintf(fOutput, "<FILE TYPE=\"%s\" VERSION=%d>\n", FILE_TYPE, VERSION_ID);
    fprintf(fOutput, "\n%s<SEQUENCE START=%g END=%g STEP=%g>\n", 
            indent(), fStartFrame, fEndFrame, fByFrame);
    fIndent += INDENT_STEP;

    MComputation computation;

    for (double frame = fStartFrame ; frame <= fEndFrame ; frame += fByFrame)
        if (computation.isInterruptRequested())
            fprintf(fOutput, "%s<INTERRUPTION>\n", indent());
            break ;

    fIndent -= INDENT_STEP;
    fprintf(fOutput, "%s</SEQUENCE>\n", indent());

    if (fOutput != stdout) 

    // Return to the frame we were at before we ran the animation
    MGlobal::viewFrame (currentFrame);

    return MS::kSuccess;

void * animInfoCmd::creator() { return new animInfoCmd(); }

MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "4.0", "Any");

    MStatus status = plugin.registerCommand(mCommandName,
                                            animInfoCmd::creator );
    if (!status) status.perror("registerCommand");

    return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj );

    MStatus status = plugin.deregisterCommand(mCommandName);
    if (!status) status.perror("deregisterCommand");

    return status;