confirmBox(title, message, yes='Yes', no='No', *moreButtons, **kwargs)

Prompt for confirmation.

title : str
The title of the confirmation window
message : str
The message in the body of the window
yes : str
The label of the first/’yes’ button
no : str
The label of the second/’no’ button
moreButtons : tuple of str
strings indicating the labels for buttons beyond the second
returnButton : boolean
by default, if there are only two buttons, the return value is a boolean indicating whether the ‘yes’ button was pressed; if you wish to always force the label of the pressed button to be returned, set this to True
kwargs : dict of objects
keyword args to pass to the underlying confirmDialog call
result : bool or str
by default, if there are only two buttons, the return value is a boolean indicating whether the ‘yes’ button was pressed; otherwise, if there were more than two buttons or the returnButton keyword arg was set to True, the name of the pressed button is returned (or the dismissString, as explained in the docs for confirmDialog)

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