
functions related to animation


aimConstraint Constrain an object’s orientation to point at a target object or at the average position of a number of targets.
animCurveEditor Edit a characteristic of a graph editor
animDisplay This command changes certain display options used by animation windows.
animLayer This command creates and edits animation layers.
animView This command allows you to specify the current view range within an animation editor.
applyTake This command takes data in a device (refered to as a take) and converts it into a form that may be played back and reviewed.
autoKeyframe With no flags, this command will set keyframes on all attributes that have been modified since an “autoKeyframe -state
bakeClip This command is used to bake clips and blends into a single clip.
bakeResults This command allows the user to replace a chain of dependency nodes which define the value for an attribute with a single animation curve.
bakeSimulation This command operates on a keyset.
bindSkin This command binds the currently selected objects to the currently selected skeletons.
blendShape This command creates a blendShape deformer, which blends in specified amounts of each target shape to the initial base
blendShapeEditor This command creates an editor that derives from the base editor class that has controls for blendShape, control nodes.
blendShapePanel This command creates a panel that derives from the base panel class that houses a blendShapeEditor.
blendTwoAttr A blendTwoAttr nodes takes two inputs, and blends the values of the inputs from one to the other, into an output value.
boneLattice This command creates/edits/queries a boneLattice deformer. The name of the created/edited object is returned. Usually
bufferCurve This command operates on a keyset.
buildBookmarkMenu This command handles building the “dynamic” Bookmark menu, to show all bookmarks (“sets”) of a specified type (“sets
buildKeyframeMenu This command handles building the “dynamic” Keyframe menu, to show attributes of currently selected objects, filtered by
character This command is used to manage the membership of a character.
characterMap This command is used to create a correlation between the attributes of 2 or more characters.
characterize This command is used to scan a joint hierarchy for predefined joint names or labels.
choice The choice command provides a mechanism for changing the inputs to an attribute based on some (usually time-based) criteria.
clip This command is used to create, edit and query character clips.
clipEditor Create a clip editor with the given name.
clipMatching This command is used to compute an offset to apply on a source clip in order to automatically align it to a destination clip at a specified match element.
clipSchedule This command is used to create, edit and query clips and blends in the Trax editor. It operates on the clipScheduler
clipSchedulerOutliner This command creates/edits/queries a clip scheduler outliner control.
cluster The cluster command creates a cluster or edits the membership of an existing cluster.
connectJoint This cmd will connect two skeletons based on the selected two joints.
copyDeformerWeights Command to copy or mirror the deformer weights accross one of the three major axes.
copyFlexor This command copies an existing bone or joint flexor from one bone (joint) to another.
copyKey This command operates on a keyset.
copySkinWeights Command to copy or mirror the skinCluster weights accross one of the three major axes. The command can be used to mirror
currentTime When given a time argument (with or without the -edit flag) this command sets the current global time.
cutKey This command operates on a keyset.
dagPose This command is used to save and restore the matrix information for a dag hierarchy.
defineDataServer Connects to the specified data servername, creating a named device which then can be attached to device handlers.
defineVirtualDevice This command defines a virtual device.
deformer This command creates a deformer of the specified type.
deformerWeights Command to import and export deformer weights to and from a simple XML file. The weight data is stored in a per-vertex
deviceManager This command queriers the internal device manager for information on attached devices.
disconnectJoint This command will break a skeleton at the selected joint and delete any associated handles.
dopeSheetEditor Edit a characteristic of a dope sheet editor
dropoffLocator This command adds one or more dropoff locators to a wire curve, one for each selected curve point.
effector The effector command is used to set the name or hidden flag for the effector.
enableDevice Sets (or queries) the device enable state for actions involving the device.
filterCurve The filterCurve command takes a list of anim curve and filters them. Currently only a Euler filter is supported. The
findKeyframe This command operates on a keyset.
flexor This command creates a flexor.
flow The flow command creates a deformation lattice to `bend’ the object that is animated along a curve of a motion path animation.
geometryConstraint Constrain an object’s position based on the shape of the target surface(s) at the closest point(s) to the object.
getCurrentTime get the current time as a float
hikGlobals Sets global HumanIK flags for the application.
ikHandle The handle command is used to create, edit, and query a handle within Maya. The standard edit (-e) and query (-q) flags
ikHandleDisplayScale This action modifies and queries the current display size of ikHandle. The default display scale is 1.0. In query mode,
ikSolver The ikSolver command is used to set the attributes for an IK Solver or create a new one. The standard edit (-e) and
ikSystem The ikSystem command is used to set the global snapping flag for handles and set the global solve flag for solvers. The
ikSystemInfo This action modifies and queries the current ikSystem controls. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
ikfkDisplayMethod The ikfkDisplayMethodcommand is used to specify how ik/fk blending should be shown In query mode, return type is based
insertJoint This command will insert a new joint under the given or selected joint.
joint The joint command is used to create, edit, and query, joints within Maya. (The standard edit(-e) and query(-q) flags are
jointCluster The joint cluster command adds high-level controls to manage the cluster percentage values on a bound skin around a joint.
jointDisplayScale This action modifies and queries the current display size of skelton joints.
jointLattice This command creates/edits/queries a jointLattice deformer. The name of the created/edited object is returned. Usually
keyTangent This command operates on a keyset.
keyframe This command operates on a keyset.
keyframeOutliner This command creates/edits/queries a keyframe outliner control.
keyframeStats All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
keyingGroup This command is used to manage the membership of a keying group.
lattice This command creates a lattice deformer that will deform the selected objects.
listAnimatable This command list the animatable attributes of a node.
marker The marker command creates one or two markers, on a motion path curve, at the specified time and location.
mirrorJoint This command will duplicate a branch of the skeleton from the selected joint symmetrically about a plane in world space.
movIn Imports a .mov file into animation curves connected to the listed attributes.
movOut Exports a .mov file from the listed attributes.
movieInfo movieInfo provides a mechanism for querying information about movie files.
mute The mute command is used to disable and enable playback on a channel.
nonLinear This command creates a functional deformer of the specified type that will deform the selected objects.
normalConstraint Constrain an object’s orientation based on the normal of the target surface(s) at the closest point(s) to the object.
orientConstraint Constrain an object’s orientation to match the orientation of the target or the average of a number of targets.
pairBlend The pairBlend node allows a weighted combinations of 2 inputs to be blended together. It is created automatically when
parentConstraint Constrain an object’s position and rotation so that it behaves as if it were a child of the target object(s).
pasteKey The pasteKey command pastes curve segment hierarchies from the clipboard onto other objects or curves. If the object
pathAnimation The pathAnimation command constructs the necessary graph nodes and their interconnections for a motion path animation.
percent This command sets percent values on members of a weighted node such as a cluster or a jointCluster. With no flags
play This command starts and stops playback.
playbackOptions This command sets/queries certain values associated with playback: looping style, start/end times, etc.
playblast This command playblasts the current playback range.
pointConstraint Constrain an object’s position to the position of the target object or to the average position of a number of targets.
pointOnPolyConstraint Constrain an object’s position to the position of the target object or to the average position of a number of targets.
poleVectorConstraint Constrains the poleVector of an ikRPsolve handle to point at a target object or at the average position of a number of
pose This command is used to create character poses.
readTake This action reads a take (.mov) file to a defined device.See also: writeTake, applyTake
recordDevice Starts and stops server side device recording.
removeJoint This command will remove the selected joint or the joint given at the command line from the skeleton.
reorderDeformers This command changes the order in which 2 deformation nodes affect the output geometry.
reroot This command will reroot a skeleton.
retarget This command is used to take motion from one character and retarget it to a second character of a different size.
rotationInterpolation The rotationInterpolation command converts the rotation curves to the desired rotation interpolation representation. For
scaleConstraint Constrain an object’s scale to the scale of the target object or to the average scale of a number of targets.
scaleKey This command operates on a keyset.
sculpt This command creates/edits/queries a sculpt object deformer.
sequenceManager The sequenceManager command manages sequences, shots, and their related scenes. In query mode, return type is based on
setCurrentTime set the current time
setDrivenKeyframe This command sets a driven keyframe.
setInfinity Set the infinity type before (after) a paramCurve’s first (last) keyframe. In query mode, return type is based on
setKeyPath The setKeyPath command either creates or edits the path (a nurbs curve) based on the current position of the selected
setKeyframe This command creates keyframes for the specified objects, or the active objects if none are specified on the command line.
setKeyframeBlendshapeTargetWts This command can be used to keyframe per-point blendshape target weights.
shot Use this command to create a shot node or manipulate that node.
shotRipple When Ripple Edit Mode is enabled, neighboring shots to the shot that gets manipulated are moved in sequence time to
simplify This command operates on a keyset.
skinCluster The skinCluster command is used for smooth skinning in maya. It binds the selected geometry to the selected joints or
skinPercent This command edits and queries the weight values on members of a skinCluster node, given as the first argument. If no
snapKey This command operates on a keyset.
snapshot This command can be used to create either a series of surfaces evaluated at the times specified by the command flags, or
softMod The softMod command creates a softMod or edits the membership of an existing softMod. The command returns the name of
sound Creates an audio node which can be used with UI commands such as soundControl or timeControl which support sound
substituteGeometry This command can be used to replace the geometry which is already connected to deformers with a new geometry.
tangentConstraint Constrain an object’s orientation based on the tangent of the target curve[s] at the closest point[s] to the object.
timeWarp This command is used to create a time warp input to a set of animation curves.
ubercam Use this command to create a “ubercam” with equivalent behavior to all cameras used by shots in the sequencer.
volumeBind Command for creating and editing volume binding nodes.
wire This command creates a wire deformer.In the create mode the selection list is treated as the object(s) to be deformed,
wrinkle The wrinkle command is used to create a network of wrinkles on a surface.
writeTake This action writes a take from a device with recorded data to a take (.mov) file.

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