MEL Profiler


The MEL Profiler is a profiling system that monitors tool usage and records the metrics needed to identify bottlenecks. Additionally, the profiling data can be used for rapid and easy diagnosis of MEL toolsets.


Proc Name
The procedure name.
Percent of Runtime
The percentage of total run-time for the procedure based on the time span of profiling (Self Time).
Self Time (ms)
The total amount of time (in milliseconds) the procedure took to execute, excluding the time its child procedures incurred.
Number of calls
The number of times the procedure is called.
Total Time (ms)
The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in the procedure over its various invocations.
NoteThis value includes the time incurred by the procedure's child procedures.
Average Call Time (ms)
The average amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in the procedure per invocation.
Proc Location
The location of the procedure if it is known. All local procedures are listed as Unknown.

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