Testing Dynamics Events


By Rob Tesdahl and Jonathan Southard, Autodesk (formerly Alias) Santa Barbara Development Center.

This script, dynTestEvent.mel, tests the functionality of particles and particle collision events. It creates two emitters over a tilted plane. The particles emitted are affected by gravity as they collide with the tilted plane. Upon collision the particles either split or emit, depending on which emitter they came from.


// dynTestEvent.mel
// Alias Script File
// Creation Date: 4 September 1996; Modified 09 January 2000
// Author: robt, js
// Procedure Name:
// dynTestEvent
// Description:
// Test the basic functionality of collision events.
// Input Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// Number of errors that occurred in the test.
// ========== dynTestEvent ==========
// Test the basic functionality of collision events.
global proc int dynTestEvent()
 // First delete anything that might be left over
 // from a previous test.
 file -force -new;
 currentTime -e 1;
 int $errors = 0;
 // Create the planes to bounce off.
 nurbsPlane -d 3 -p 0 0 0 -w 1.5cm -lr 1 -axis 0cm 0cm 0cm 
 -name table;
 scale 10 10 10;
 rotate -1.5708rad 0rad 0rad;
 move -os 0.5 0.5 0;
 move -r -5 0 5;
 rotate -r 10 0 0;
 // Create the particle shapes to do the bouncing and splitting.
 // Material assignments will be interesting only if the lighting is
 // set.
 particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3 -n blueParticles;
 addAttr -ln colorBlue -dv 1.0 -at double blueParticlesShape;
 particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3.5 -n redParticles;
 addAttr -ln colorRed -dv 1.0 -at double redParticlesShape;
 particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3.5 -n greenParticles;
 addAttr -ln colorGreen -dv 1.0 -at double redParticlesShape;
 gravity -pos 10 10 10 -m 20 -name gravityField;
 // Warning: Changing resilience will change the (hardcoded)
 // number of particles that this test expects to create.
 collision -r 1.0 -f 0.01 table;
 connectDynamic -f gravityField -c table blueParticles redParticles
 event -split 2 -sp 0.2 blueParticles;
 event -emit 3 -die true -sp 0.2 redParticles;
 event -emit 1 greenParticles;
 // Set up the playback options.
 float $frames = 55;
 playbackOptions -min 1 -max $frames -loop once;
 // Time how long it takes to play the scene and then determine the 
 // playback frame rate. Make sure when getting the frame rate
 // that no values are divided by zero.
 float $startTime = `timerX`;
 play -wait;
 float $elapsed = `timerX -st $startTime`;
 float $fps = ($elapsed == 0.0 ? 0.0 : $frames/$elapsed);
 // Check whether any blue particles went through the boundary.
 if ( `getAttr blueParticles.boundingBoxMinZ` 
 < `getAttr table.boundingBoxMinZ` )
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: \"blueParticles\" particles "
 + "went through boundary.\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // Check whether any red particles went through the boundary.
 if ( `getAttr redParticles.boundingBoxMinZ` 
 < `getAttr table.boundingBoxMinZ` )
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: \"redParticles\" particles "
 + "went through boundary.\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // Make sure that the blue particle hit one Z wall, creating two 
 // particles that each hit the other Z wall to create four total particles.
 // This is visually apparent from the side and front views together.
 int $blueParticles_i = `particle -count -q blueParticles`;
 if ( $blueParticles_i != 4 && ! $errors ) // Warning Magic#
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: There are " + $blueParticles_i
 + " \"blueParticles\" particles instead of the correct "
 + "value, 4.\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // Test that the number of events resulting in a red particle
 // creation is correct.
 int $redParticles_i = `particle -count -q redParticles`;
 if ( $redParticles_i != 9 && ! $errors ) // Warning Magic#
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: There are " + $redParticles_i
 + " \"redParticles\" particles instead of the correct "
 + "value, 9.\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // Check the totalEventCount variable.
 if ((`getAttr redParticles.totalEventCount` != 4) ||
 (`getAttr blueParticles.totalEventCount` != 3))
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: Event count attributes had " +
 "incorrect value(s).\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // Check the event attribute on the green particles.
 float $event[] = `particle -at event -order 0 -q greenParticlesShape`;
 if ($event[0] != 2)
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: Event attribute had incorrect" +
 "value(s).\n" );
 $errors += 1;
 // If there are no errors, the events passed this test.
 if ( $errors == 0 )
 print( "dynTestEvent: Passed. (" );
 print( "dynTestEvent: Failed. (" );
 // Print the frames per second (fps) in the form X.X.
 print( (int)($fps * 10)/10.0 + " fps)\n" );
 // Reset the current time to zero so user can replay the test.
 currentTime -e 1;
 return $errors;
} // dynTestEvent //

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