To place a joint in an existing joint chain
- In the menu set (press F2), select Skeleton > Insert Joint Tool.
- The does not have tool settings.
- You can insert joints into the joint chains of skinned characters. However, for the newly inserted joint to influence the
skin, you need to add it to the skin as an influence (Skin > Edit Smooth Skin > ).
- Click the joint you want as the parent of the new joint, and then drag it to where you want to place the new joint.
- Repeat step 2 until you finish inserting all the joints you want.
- Press
(Windows and Linux) or
(Mac OS X).Bones for the inserted joints
are automatically oriented along the axes of the joint chain’s existing bones.
If you inserted joints into the skeleton of a bound character, the character’s bind pose automatically adjusts and its skin
history is retained.
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