Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

Particle Sampler Info is a utility node to allow accessing attributes defined on the TdynParticleShape. This gives useful result only in software rendering.

In the table below, important attributes have their names listed in bold in the description column.

This node is MP safe

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

particleTranspMapper, particleColorMapper, particleIncandMapper, particleAgeMapper, particleCloud

Attributes (123)

Attribute quick index omitted (too many attributes to show them all).

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
particleAttrArray (paa) addr0inputconnectablehidden
dag Object pointer
particleOrder (podr) integer0inputconnectablehidden
particle order
objectType (otyp) charTrenderableObjectType::kParticleSysteminputconnectablehidden
The type of object being lit (volume or surface).
particleColor (pc) float3inputconnectablehidden
Computed particle color
particleColorR (pcr) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Color red value
particleColorG (pcg) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Color green value
particleColorB (pcb) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Color blue value
particleTransparency (pt) float3inputconnectablehidden
Computed particle transparency.
particleTransparencyR (ptr) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Transparency red value
particleTransparencyG (ptg) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Transparency green value
particleTransparencyB (ptb) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Transparency blue value
particleIncandescence (pi) float3inputconnectablehidden
Computed particle incandescence.
particleIncandescenceR (pir) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Incandescence red value
particleIncandescenceG (pig) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Incandescence green value
particleIncandescenceB (pib) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
Particle Incandescence blue value
particleAge (pa) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
The input to particleAgeMapper. This is to support blobby surface because the blobby's age is blended from multiple particles, which is different from age for an individual particle.
particleLifespan (pls) float0.0inputconnectablehidden
The input to particleColorMapper. This is to support blobby surface because the blobby's lifespan is blended from multiple particles, which is different from finalLifespanPP for an individual particle.
outUvCoord (ouv) float20.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Out UV Coord is the output coordinates calculated by this node. The return values for outUvCoord depend on the outUvType. In the case of normalized age or absolute age, U and V will have the same value. This attribute is equivalent to what particleAgeMapper used to supply.

This attribute should be connected to the UV Coord attribute of a 2d texture placement node.

outUCoord (ouc) float0.5outputconnectable
Output U Coord
outVCoord (ovc) float0.5outputconnectable
Output V Coord
outUvType (ouvt) enumDYN_RELATIVEAGEoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
OutUv Type: If it's relative age, then the output of this node (both U and V Coord) will be a fraction of the particle's total lifespan. That is, age/lifespan, which is a number between 0 and 1, where 1 is the total lifespan of the particular particle. So particles with a shorter lifespans will go through the whole texture quicker than particles with longer lifespans.

If it's absolute age, then the output of this node (both U and V Coord) will be the particle's current age, divided by the value of the Normalization Value attribute. For example, if Normalization Value is set to 5 seconds, and the particle is 1 second old, then the output of this node will be 0.2. So all particles will take the same amount of time to go through the texture, regardless of their lifespans.

If the particle age is greater than user defined lifespan, this node will map it back to a number between 0 and 1, based on the Normalization Method attribute (see below)

If it's parent uv, then the output will be (parentU, parentV) from particleShape.

If it's collision uv, then the output will be (collisionU, collisionV) from particleShape.

normalizationValue (nlv) float1.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Normalization Value is the value used to normalize outUvCoord to [0,1] range when absolute age is selected. It acts like particle lifespan does for the relative age option.

Note: The unit is in seconds, not frames or anything else.

normalizationMethod (nlm) enumDYN_OSCILLATEoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
normalization Method controls how this node deals with output values that go outside the 0 to 1 range. It is only meaningful with absolute age type, and some particles get older than the normalization value.

If Oscillate is used, then values above 1.0 are folding back, that is, turned around. If Clamp is used, then the values above 1.0 are clampped to 1.0.

For example, lets say you set normalization value to 10 seconds, and your particles live longer than that. Here is the output of this node:

Oscillate :
Particle Age:  7    8    9    10   11   12   13
Output U or V:.7   .8   .9   1.0   .9   .8   .7
Particle Age:  7    8    9    10   11   12   13
Output U or V:.7   .8   .9   1.0   1.0  1.0  1.0
inverseOutUv (iouv) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
inverse out uv affects outUvCoord. If it's false, the final uv is the computed uv. Otherwise, the final uv is one minus the computed uv.
outColor (oc) float3outputconnectable
outColor. This attribute returns rgbPP if it exists on the particleShape, or it will return (colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue). The most common usage would be to connect this attribute to the Color attribute of a shader. This attribute is equivalent to what particleColorMapper can supply.
outColorR (ocr) float0.0outputconnectable
out color red value
outColorG (ocg) float0.0outputconnectable
out color green value
outColorB (ocb) float0.0outputconnectable
out color blue value
outTransparency (ot) float3outputconnectable
OutTransparency. This attribute returns 1 - opacityPP if opscityPP exists on the particleShape, or it will return 1 - opacity. The opacityPP and opacity have only one channel, the particleTransparency will always be grey scale, i.e. same values in red, green, and blue channels. The most common usage is to connect this attribute to the Transparency attribute of a shader. This is equivallent to what particleTranspMapper can supply.
outTransparencyR (otr) float0.0outputconnectable
out transparency red value
outTransparencyG (otg) float0.0outputconnectable
out transparency green value
outTransparencyB (otb) float0.0outputconnectable
out transparency blue value
outIncandescence (oi) float3outputconnectable
outIncandescencePP. This attribute returns incandescencePP if incandescencePP exists on the particleShape, or it will return incandescence. The most common usage is to connect this attribute to the Incandescence attribute of a shader. This is equivallent to what particleIncandMapper can supply.
outIncandescenceR (oicr) float0.0outputconnectable
incandescence red value
outIncandescenceG (oicg) float0.0outputconnectable
incandescence green value
outIncandescenceB (oicb) float0.0outputconnectable
incandescence blue value
finalLifespanPP (flp) float1.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
ageNormalized (anl) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
particleId (pid) integer0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
age (ag) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
lifespan (lsp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
lifespanPP (lpp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
acceleration (acc) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
accelerationX (accx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
accelerationY (accy) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
accelerationZ (accz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthTime (bt) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
force (frc) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
forceX (frx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
forceY (fry) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
forceZ (frz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
position (pos) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
positionX (posx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
positionY (posy) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
positionZ (posz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthPosition (bpos) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthPositionX (bpox) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthPositionY (bpoy) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthPositionZ (bpoz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthWorldPosition (bwpo) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthWorldPositionX (bwpx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthWorldPositionY (bwpy) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
birthWorldPositionZ (bwpz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
velocity (vel) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
velocityX (velx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
velocityY (vely) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
velocityZ (velz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldPosition (wps) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldPositionX (wpsx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldPositionY (wpsy) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldPositionZ (wpsz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldVelocity (wvl) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldVelocityX (wvlx) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldVelocityY (wvly) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
worldVelocityZ (wvlz) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
parentU (pau) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
parentV (pav) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
collisionU (clu) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
collisionV (clv) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
colorRed (cr) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
colorGreen (cg) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
colorBlue (cb) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
rgbPP (rgb) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
rPP (rpp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
gPP (gpp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
bPP (bpp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescencePP (oipp) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescencePPR (ippr) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescencePPG (ippg) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescencePPB (ippb) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescence (in) float30.5, 0.5, 0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescenceR (inr) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescenceG (ing) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
incandescenceB (inb) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
opacity (op) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
opacityPP (opp) float0.5outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
radius (rds) float1.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
radiusPP (rdp) float1.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userScalar1PP (uds1) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userScalar2PP (uds2) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userScalar3PP (uds3) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userScalar4PP (uds4) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userScalar5PP (uds5) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector1PP (udv1) float3outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector1PPX (uv1x) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector1PPY (uv1y) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector1PPZ (uv1z) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector2PP (udv2) float3outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector2PPX (uv2x) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector2PPY (uv2y) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector2PPZ (uv2z) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector3PP (udv3) float3outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector3PPX (uv3x) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector3PPY (uv3y) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector3PPZ (uv3z) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector4PP (udv4) float3outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector4PPX (uv4x) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector4PPY (uv4y) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector4PPZ (uv4z) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector5PP (udv5) float3outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector5PPX (uv5x) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector5PPY (uv5y) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.
userVector5PPZ (uv5z) float0.0outputconnectable
Provides this attribute from the particle shape, see particle shape for definition.