nParticle collision and dynamic properties attributes


By default, nParticle objects can collide with nCloth objects, passive collision objects, other nParticle objects, as well, with itself (self collisions). For collisions to take place between nParticles and other Nucleus objects, the objects must be assigned to the same Nucleus solver, and the Collide attribute on their respective nodes must be turned on.

Collisions and Dynamic Properties are Nucleus-based attributes that determine the behavior of nParticles when they collide with Nucleus objects and how nParticles react to Nucleus-based forces. Although other attributes, such as Force Field Generation attributes may also affect how nParticles interact with other Nucleus objects, the Collisions and Dynamic Properties attributes are related to how the Nucleus solver calculates collision data in the simulation.

Many nParticle Collisions attributes are the same as the nClothShape node’s Collisions attributes. In some cases, these attributes produce additive effects when nParticle and nCloth objects collide. For example, the total effect of Stickiness on colliding nParticles and nCloth is determined by the addition of the Stickiness value of both objects. Dynamic Properties, such as Mass and Drag, determine how Nucleus gravity and wind forces act on the nParticles in the simulation.

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