

You can search through the documentation for words or combinations of words using the search menu. Type your query into the text box and click the Search button. Matches from the Maya Help documentation and other websites, like the Autodesk forums and YouTube channels, are included in your search. Your results are ranked according to the number of occurrences of the keyword(s) and are listed from the highest rank to the lowest. Each match contains contextual details, including an excerpt of text, the name of its source, and the date it was last updated, so you can quickly navigate your results.

Search the local Help

If you search using the locally installed Help, you do not get results from online sources. In this case, you can use the following options to search the Help documentation that is installed on your system:

Search Method

Defines whether to find topics containing any of the keywords (or), all of the keywords (and), or phrases built using combinations of the keywords (phrase).

Match case

Considers upper or lower case when searching.


When on, all instances of the keyword(s) are highlighted in the result pages.

Find whole words only

When on, the search does not consider partial matches. For example, when Find whole words only is on, if you search for the keyword model, modeling does not match.

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