Workflow for redirecting animation

  1. Step forward in your animation to where you want your character’s redirection to occur.
  2. Select the character (if you are redirecting an entire character, this would be its root joint) or the part of a character (if you are redirecting the motion of a character’s back, this would be one of its spine joints) you want to redirect.
  3. Create the desired (translation, rotation, or translation and rotation) redirection controls. See Redirecting character animation.
  4. Reposition your redirection controls.
    • For the rotation redirection control, move it to the point around which you want your character to rotate. For example, if you want to use the rotation redirection control to make a character go around a corner during its walk cycle, you would move the rotation redirection control to the ball of the foot the character pivots on when rounding the corner.
    • For the translation redirect control, move it to where you want the character or the part of a character to move to.
  5. Step backward in your character’s animation to where you want the character’s redirection to begin.
  6. Key the appropriate channels for your controls.
  7. Step forward in your character’s animation to where in the Trax timeline you inserted the redirection controls.
  8. Manipulate your redirection controls.
    • Rotate your rotation redirection control.
    • Translate your translation redirection control.
  9. Key the Rotate or Translate channels for your redirection controls once again.

This forms the redirection animation that redirects the character’s original animation.

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