Information and Technical Support

This topic provides a set of references for information and technical support.

An array of sources of information are available for FBX SDK users including the Autodesk FBX website, the FBX SDK Programmer's Guide, the C++ Reference, the Autodesk Developer Network (Sparks), The AREA discussion forums, and the FBX SDK development team itself.

FBX SDK Programmer's Guide

The document you are currently reading is the FBX SDK Programmer's Guide. Its purpose is to get you familiar with key concepts in the FBX SDK. Its topics point you towards insightful sample programs or relevant documentation within the FBX SDK Reference Guide. For any last minute documentation changes, also refer to the readme.txt file in the root folder of your FBX SDK installation.

C++ Reference

The C++ Reference contains the API documentation for each class, member function, enum, etc. Note that the FBX SDK was used to develop the FBX plug-ins for Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya. It was also used to develop the FBX Converter and FBX for QuickTime programs. The functionality of these tools provides a good introduction to the capabilities of the FBX SDK (for links to these tools, see

Reference Guide Naming Conventions

The header files and sample programs in the reference guide generally abide to the following naming conventions.

Prefix Notes
KFbx Most FBX SDK class names begin with KFbx. Examples: KFbxNode, KFbxScene, KFbxCamera
K Many utility classes begin with upper case “K”. Examples: KString, KTime
p Parameters passed to a member function begin with lower case “P”. Examples: pWriteFileFormat, pScene, pFilename
l Local variables begin with lower-case “L”. Examples: lWriteFileFormat, lScene, lFilename
g Global variables begin with lower-case “G”. Examples: gStart, gStop, gCurrentTime
m Member data (member variables) begin with lower-case “M”. Examples: mDescription, mImportname, mSelect

Autodesk Developer Network (Sparks)

Technical support for the FBX SDK is provided through the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) Sparks 3rd party developer program. The ADN Sparks program is based on an annual membership fee. Program details, benefits, and pricing are found on the Autodesk Developer Center web page (

Discussion Forums

For free, user-to-user discussion forums for developers and others, visit the FBX section of AREA, Autodesk’s community for digital entertainment and visualization:

The FBX SDK development team

The development team for FBX SDK welcomes your feedback at