Error Handling


Many member functions of FBX classes may trigger an error. In such a case:

Error Handling Sample

The following code appears in Common/Common.cxx. It illustrates the error-handling procedure for a file import operation, including password protection. Some code has been replaced by "// ..." to emphasize the error-handling functionality.

bool LoadScene(KFbxSdkManager* pSdkManager, KFbxDocument* pScene, const char* pFilename)
    // ...

    bool lStatus;
    char lPassword[1024];

    // ...
    // Create an importer.
    KFbxImporter* lImporter = KFbxImporter::Create(pSdkManager,"");

    // Initialize the importer by providing a filename.
    const bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(pFilename, -1, pSdkManager->GetIOSettings());
    // ...

        printf("Call to KFbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n");
        printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetLastErrorString());
        if (lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::eFILE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET ||
            lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::eFILE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ANYMORE)
            // ... Print an error message ...
        return false;
    // ...

    // Import the scene.
    lStatus = lImporter->Import(pScene);

    if(lStatus == false && lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::ePASSWORD_ERROR)
        printf("Please enter password: ");

        lPassword[0] = '\0';

        scanf("%s", lPassword);
        KString lString(lPassword);

        (*(pSdkManager->GetIOSettings())).SetStringProp(IMP_FBX_PASSWORD,      lString);
        (*(pSdkManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_PASSWORD_ENABLE, true);

        lStatus = lImporter->Import(pScene);

        if(lStatus == false && lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::ePASSWORD_ERROR)
            printf("\nPassword is wrong, import aborted.\n");

    // Destroy the importer.

    return lStatus;