

Copyright (C) 2010 Autodesk, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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#ifndef _TEXTURE_H
#define _TEXTURE_H

#include <fbxsdk.h>

class TextureManager
    TextureManager(const KString & pWorkingDir) : mWorkingDir(pWorkingDir) {}

    void Clear();

    bool LoadTexture(const KFbxFileTexture * pTexture, unsigned int * pTextureObject = NULL);

    bool LoadTextureFromFile(const KString & pFilePath, unsigned int & pTextureObject);

    typedef KMap<const KFbxFileTexture *, unsigned int> TextureMapType;
    TextureMapType mTextureMap;
    KString mWorkingDir;

class ShadingManager
    enum ShadingMode

    ShadingManager(const KString & pWorkingDir);

    void Initialize(const KFbxScene * pScene);
    void InitializeForOneFrame() const;

    ShadingMode GetShadingMode() const { return mShadingMode; }
    void SetShadingMode(ShadingMode pShadingMode) { mShadingMode = pShadingMode; }

    bool IsDrawNormal() const { return mDrawNormal; }
    void SetDrawNormal(bool pValue) { mDrawNormal = pValue; }

    double GetNormalScale() const { return mNormalScale; }
    void SetNormalScale(double pValue) { mNormalScale = pValue; }

    void SetMaterial(const KFbxNode * pNode, int pMaterialIndex) const;

    // Call glMultMatrix to set the transformation before calling SetLight
    void SetLight(KFbxLight::ELightType pType, const KFbxColor & pColor, double pSpotCutoff = 0) const;

    void Initialize(const KFbxNode * pNode);

    void SetMaterialProperty(const KFbxSurfaceMaterial * pMaterial,
        const char * pPropertyName, const char * pFactorPropertyName,
        unsigned int pOGLProperty) const;

    TextureManager * mTextureManager;
    ShadingMode mShadingMode;
    bool mDrawNormal;
    double mNormalScale;

    typedef KMap<const KFbxSurfaceMaterial *, unsigned int> TextureObjectsForMaterialType;
    TextureObjectsForMaterialType mTextureObjectsForMaterial;

    // For cache
    mutable const KFbxSurfaceMaterial * mLastMaterial;
    mutable unsigned int mLastTextureObject;

    mutable int mLightCount;
    int mOGLMaxLight;

#endif // #ifndef _TEXTURE_H