
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**********************************************************************
00002  *<
00003     FILE: IDX9VertexShader.h
00005     DESCRIPTION: DirectX 9 Vertex Shader Interface Definition
00007     CREATED BY: Nikolai Snader and Norbert Jeske
00009     HISTORY: Created 9/22/00
00011  *> Copyright (c) 2000, All Rights Reserved.
00012  **********************************************************************/
00013 #pragma once
00015 #include "maxheap.h"
00016 #include <d3dx9.h>
00017 #include "IHardwareShader.h"
00019 #define DX9_VERTEX_SHADER_INTERFACE_ID Interface_ID(0x25065eae, 0x433c2537)
00021 struct DX9VSConstant: public MaxHeapOperators
00022 {
00023     float a,b,c,d;
00025     // Access operators
00026     float& operator[](int i) { return (&a)[i]; }     
00027     const float& operator[](int i) const { return (&a)[i]; }  
00028 };
00030 class ID3D9GraphicsWindow;
00031 class IDX9PixelShader;
00033 class IDX9VertexShader : virtual public IVertexShader, public BaseInterface
00034 {
00035 public:
00036     virtual Interface_ID GetID() { return DX9_VERTEX_SHADER_INTERFACE_ID; }
00038     // Confirm that the Direct3D Device can handle this VertexShader
00039     virtual HRESULT ConfirmDevice(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw) = 0;
00041     // Confirm that an associated PixelShader will work with this VertexShader
00042     virtual HRESULT ConfirmPixelShader(IDX9PixelShader *pps) = 0;
00044     // Can try tristrips for drawing or must geometry using this VertexShader
00045     // be drawn as triangles?  This should return 'true' unless additional per
00046     // vertex data is generated by this VertexShader and this data does not map
00047     // to the Mesh vertices in the same way as existing data the Mesh knows
00048     // about such as texture coordinates.
00049     virtual bool CanTryStrips() = 0;
00051     // Number of passes for the effect this VertexShader creates.  Note that
00052     // this value will depend on the hardware currently in use.
00053     virtual int GetNumMultiPass() = 0;
00055     // Retrieve the VertexShader handle for the specified pass for use in GFX
00056     virtual LPDIRECT3DVERTEXSHADER9 GetVertexShaderHandle(int numPass) = 0;
00058     // Set the VertexShader for the specified pass.  This call will be made at
00059     // least once per object to set the per object data for the VertexShader
00060     // such as the VertexShader constants.
00061     virtual HRESULT SetVertexShader(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, int numPass) = 0;
00064     // Drawing functions.  These functions are necessary as something other
00065     // than a simple default body if:
00066     //
00067     // 1. The VertexShader needs to add additional per vertex data unknown to
00068     //    the Mesh to the VertexBuffer.
00069     //
00070     // 2. The VertexShader needs to have per vertex data ordered differently
00071     //    than the standard position, normal, {color, tex coords ordering}.
00072     //
00073     // 3. The VertexShader is being used to create cached VertexBuffers or
00074     //    using higher order surfaces.
00075     //
00076     // In the first two cases, the VertexShader has the option of not only
00077     // locking and filling the VertexBuffer with data, but also of making the
00078     // actual DrawPrimitive call.  In the third case, the VertexShader must
00079     // make the DrawPrimitive call.  The VertexShader indicates that it has
00080     // done the drawing by returning 'true' in the Draw() functions below.
00081     //
00082     // In the case where the VertexShader does not want to do the drawing but
00083     // does want to fill in a VertexBuffer with data, the VertexShader can
00084     // request the GFX to create a VertexBuffer (and possibly an IndexBuffer)
00085     // of appropriate size.  The GetVertexBuffer and GetIndexBuffer calls on
00086     // the ID3D9GraphicsWindow object will do this and return the allocated
00087     // buffers in subsequent calls or reallocate them if necessary.
00088     //
00089     // Please note that if a PixelShader or PixelShaders are in use, these
00090     // Draw() functions may need to set them for the appropriate passes of a
00091     // multipass rendering if the drawing is done in these Draw() functions.
00092     // If the GFX is doing the drawing, then these Draw() functions are only
00093     // being used to fill in the VertexBuffer with data; the GFX will be doing
00094     // the drawing and will be setting the PixelShaders as appropriate.
00097     // Draw 3D Mesh as TriStrips.  Fill in the VertexBuffer with data in the
00098     // order desired by the VertexShader.  Return 'true' if the Mesh has
00099     // actually been drawn in this call, 'false' if the GFX is required to make
00100     // the DrawPrimitive call.
00101     virtual bool    DrawMeshStrips(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, MeshData *data) = 0;
00103     // Draw 3D Mesh as wireframe.  Fill in the VertexBuffer with data in the
00104     // order desired by the VertexShader.  Return 'true' if the Mesh has
00105     // actually been drawn in this call, 'false' if the GFX is required to make
00106     // the DrawPrimitive call.
00107     virtual bool    DrawWireMesh(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, WireMeshData *data) = 0;
00110     // Draw 3D lines.  A Mesh is being drawn by having line segments handed
00111     // down one at a time.
00113     // Pass in the Mesh data in preparation for drawing 3D lines.
00114     virtual void    StartLines(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, WireMeshData *data) = 0;
00116     // Add the connectivity information for one two point line segment.
00117     virtual void    AddLine(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD *vert, int vis) = 0;
00119     // Draw the line segments accumulated.  This should restart the filling of
00120     // a VertexBuffer with the next AddLine call if additional data needs to
00121     // be drawn before EndLines is called.  Return 'true' if the Mesh line
00122     // segments have actually been drawn in this call, 'false' if the GFX is
00123     // required to make the DrawPrimitive call.
00124     virtual bool    DrawLines(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw) = 0;
00126     // Let the Mesh know that all drawing and data access is finished.
00127     virtual void    EndLines(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, GFX_ESCAPE_FN fn) = 0;
00130     // Draw 3D triangles.  A Mesh is being drawn by having triangles handed
00131     // down one at a time.
00133     // Pass in the Mesh data in preparation for drawing 3D triangles.
00134     virtual void    StartTriangles(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, MeshFaceData *data) = 0;
00136     // Add the connectivity information for one triangle.
00137     virtual void    AddTriangle(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD index, int *edgeVis) = 0;
00139     // Draw the triangles accumulated.  This should restart the filling of a
00140     // VertexBuffer with the next AddTriangle call if additional data needs to
00141     // be drawn before EndTriangles is called.  Return 'true' if the Mesh
00142     // triangles have actually been drawn in this call, 'false' if the GFX is
00143     // required to make the DrawPrimitive call.
00144     virtual bool    DrawTriangles(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw) = 0;
00146     // Let the Mesh know that all drawing and data access is finished.
00147     virtual void    EndTriangles(ID3D9GraphicsWindow *gw, GFX_ESCAPE_FN fn) = 0;
00148 };