
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001  /**********************************************************************
00003     FILE: IADTObjMgr.h
00005     DESCRIPTION:  Public interface for working with (file)linked ADT Objects 
00007     CREATED BY: Attila Szabo, Discreet
00009     HISTORY: - created Sep.25.02
00011  *> Copyright (c) 1998-2002, All Rights Reserved.
00012  **********************************************************************/
00014 #pragma once
00015 #include "ref.h"
00016 #include "iFnPub.h"
00017 #include "maxtypes.h"
00018 #include "GetCOREInterface.h"
00020 // --- Forward declaration
00021 class IADTCategory;
00022 class IADTStyle;
00023 class INode;
00024 class RemapDir;
00026 // --- Interface IDs
00027 #define ADT_OBJ_MGR_INTERFACE Interface_ID(0x3d8514f1, 0x7c9252af)
00029 // class IADTObjMgr
00030 //
00031 // This interface allows different parts of the system (max) and plugins
00032 // to create, destroy and work with ADT Objects.
00033 //
00034 // ADT objects have categories and styles associated with them. 
00035 // Examples of categories are wall, window, etc. Each category has a number 
00036 // of styles. Styles have components. Each style component defines the dimensions
00037 // of some part of the ADT object, display and rendering properties.
00038 //
00039 // Although in ADT objects don't have components, only styles have, when transferred
00040 // into max (or derived products), the ADT objects will have components the user
00041 // can select and work with. These components will correspond to the components of
00042 // the style that is associated with the ADT object and we sometimes reffer to them
00043 // as style instances
00044 //
00045 // This is how client code can create style instances (that is, associate category, 
00046 // style and style component information with nodes):
00047 // (i) Make sure that desired category and style exist. Call:
00048 //    IADTStyle* IADTObjMgr::GetStyle(const MCHAR* pCategName, const MCHAR* pStyleName)
00049 // (ii) Create an instance of the desired style.  
00050 //    IADTStyle::Iterator IADTStyle::SetInstance(INode& styleInst, bool hasCompVisOverrides);
00051 // (iii) Add style component instances to the style instance created above.
00052 //    bool IADTStyle::SetComponent(IADTStyle::Iterator i, INode& styleCompInst, 
00053 //                              const MCHAR* pCompName, bool mtlOverride, 
00054 //                              bool keepRelativeTransform);
00055 //
00056 // Style instances are destroyed when the nodes associated with a style and style
00057 // component are deleted, rather than by deleting a style or a category.
00058 // For more deatils see iADTObjMgr.h, iADTStyle.h, iADTCategory.h
00059 class IADTObjMgr : public ReferenceTarget, public FPStaticInterface
00060 {
00061     public:
00063         // Makes sure the given category and the given style within that category 
00064         // exist. If the category and\or the style exist, simply returns a pointer
00065         // to the style - it doesn't create a new one. The resulting style can be 
00066         // used by client code to create instances of that style (ADT objects that
00067         // are associated with that style). The category and style names cannot 
00068         // be NULL and are case in-sensitive.
00069         // - const MCHAR* pCategName - The name of ADT object category (wall, window, etc)
00070         // - const MCHAR* pStyleName - The name of ADT Style. This cannot be NULL.
00071     // - Returns NULL if it doesn't succeed, otherwise the style within the given category
00072       virtual IADTStyle* GetStyle(const MCHAR* pCategName, const MCHAR* pStyleName) = 0;
00074     // Checks whether a node is associated with an ADT Style. If yes, it means
00075     // it's a style instance and the method returns a pointer to the instanced 
00076     // style or style component.
00077     // - INode& n - the node we want to know if it's a style instance
00078         virtual IADTStyle* IsInstance(INode& n) const = 0;
00080         // Returns the node that represents the top of an ADT object. In other words,
00081         // if parameter n is a component of an ADT object, this method returns the node
00082         // that is an instance of the style whose component n is.
00083         // If n is not a style instance, return NULL.
00084         virtual INode* GetInstanceTop(INode& n) const = 0;
00086     // Returns the number of all nodes in the scene that represent style instances 
00087     // (this number doesn't include style component instances) 
00088     virtual unsigned long NumInstances() const = 0;
00090         // Fills out the provided array with all the nodes in the scene that represent 
00091     // style instances. Returns their count
00092         virtual unsigned long GetInstances(Tab<INode*>& instances) const = 0;
00094     // Returns true if the node is a style instance and if that style has 
00095         // more then one instance 
00096         virtual bool CanMakeUnique(INode& node) const = 0;
00098         // Makes unique the given style instance. This means, that after this operation 
00099         // the style instance (node) will be associate with a unique style, but it will
00100         // maintain its material override and visibility override flags.
00101         // When called with a node that is a style composite instance, the components of that 
00102         // style instance are also made unique (the child nodes that are style instances)
00103         // To find out if a style instance can be made unique, call IADTObjMgr::CanMakeUnique
00104         // NOTE: this method does not make unique the objects referenced by the node;
00105         // it only makes unique the style makes the new style reference the given node.
00106     // A node should be always referenced by only one style - a node can be the instance of
00107     // one style only.
00108         // - INode& - the Node that represents the style instance. 
00109         // - RemapDir* - allows for making style instances unique with respect to 
00110         // each other or not
00111         // - Returns a pointer to the style of the unique style instance or NULL if the
00112         // operation failed
00113         virtual IADTStyle* MakeUnique(INode& node, RemapDir* pRemapDir) const = 0;
00115         // Creates a name that is unique among the names of all categories and it's 
00116         // based on the given name. The unique name is seeded by passing in a seed-name
00117         // through the MSTR&
00118         // - MSTR& - Input\Output parameter. As input parameter, it represents a seed
00119         // for the the unique name. As output parameter, it holds the unique name that 
00120         // was generated
00121         virtual void MakeUniqueCategoryName(MSTR& name) const = 0;
00123         // TOOD: Category iteration
00124         virtual unsigned long NumCategories() const = 0;
00126         // Retrieves all Categories within the current drawing
00127         virtual unsigned long GetCategories(Tab<IADTCategory*>& categories) const = 0;
00129         // Retrieves a category given a category name
00130         virtual IADTCategory* FindCategory(const MCHAR* pCategName) const = 0;
00132         // For each node in the given array that represents a style instance, extends 
00133         // the current selection set with the nodes that represent instances of components
00134         // of that style
00135         virtual void ExpandSelection(INodeTab& nodes) const = 0;
00137     // This is how client code can get to the ADT Object Manager
00138         static IADTObjMgr* GetADTObjMgr()
00139         {
00140             return static_cast<IADTObjMgr*>(GetCOREInterface(ADT_OBJ_MGR_INTERFACE));
00141         }
00142 }; 