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FlyOffData Class Reference

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Detailed Description

See also:
Custom Controls, Class ICustButton.

This class uses four indices into the image list to describe the button in each of the possible states: Out&Enabled, In&Enabled, Out&Disabled and In&Disabled. An array of instances of this class are passed into the method ICustButton::SetFlyOff().
Data Members:
These four data members are indices into the image list. They indicate which images to use for each of the four possible button states:

You may specify a unique image for each one of these states by passing a different index for each state. Or you may supply a single image to be used for all the states by specifying the same index four times.

int iOutEn;


int iInEn;


int iOutDis;


int iInDis;


#include <custcont.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int  iOutEn
int  iInEn
int  iOutDis
int  iInDis
MaxBmpFileIcon mpIcon
MaxBmpFileIcon mpInIcon

Member Data Documentation

int iOutEn
int iInEn
int iOutDis
int iInDis

FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData
FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData FlyOffData