
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************/
00002 // Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Autodesk, Inc.
00003 // All rights reserved.
00004 // 
00005 // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
00006 // unpublished proprietary information written by Autodesk, Inc., and are
00007 // protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third
00008 // parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
00009 // the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
00010 //**************************************************************************/
00011 #pragma once
00013 #include <WTypes.h>
00014 #include "..\strbasic.h"
00015 #include "..\maxnet_types.h"
00016 #include "MaxNetExport.h"
00018 // forward declarations
00019 class MaxNetManager;
00020 struct ConfigurationBlock;
00021 struct Job;
00022 class CJobText;
00026 MAXNETEXPORT MaxNetManager* CreateManager           ( );
00031 MAXNETEXPORT void           DestroyManager          (MaxNetManager* mgr);
00032 //-- Initializes a "Job" structure
00051 MAXNETEXPORT bool           jobReadMAXProperties    (char* max_filename, Job* job, CJobText& jobText);
00052 //-- Reads Render Data from a *.max file and fills in a Job structure
00060 MAXNETEXPORT void           jobSetJobDefaults       (Job* job);
00061 //-- Utilities
00062 MAXNETEXPORT void           NumberedFilename        (MCHAR* infile, MCHAR* outfile, int number);
00063 MAXNETEXPORT bool           IsMacNull               (BYTE *addr);
00064 MAXNETEXPORT bool           GetMacAddress           (BYTE* addr);
00065 MAXNETEXPORT bool           MatchMacAddress         (BYTE* addr1, BYTE* addr2);
00066 MAXNETEXPORT void           Mac2String              (BYTE* addr, MCHAR* string );
00067 MAXNETEXPORT void           Mac2StringCondensed     (BYTE* addr, MCHAR* string );
00068 MAXNETEXPORT void           StringCondensed2Mac     (MCHAR* string, BYTE* addr);
00069 MAXNETEXPORT void           InitConfigurationInfo   (ConfigurationBlock& cb, MCHAR workdisk = 0);
00070 MAXNETEXPORT bool           MatchServers            (HSERVER srv1, HSERVER srv2);
00090 MAXNETEXPORT bool           Maz                     (MCHAR* archivename, MCHAR* file_list, DWORD* filesize = 0);
00099 MAXNETEXPORT bool           UnMaz                   (MCHAR* archivename, MCHAR* output_path);
00100 //-- Localization Resources
00101 MAXNETEXPORT MCHAR*         ResString               (int id, MCHAR* buffer = 0);
00102 //-- Backburner helper
00103 MAXNETEXPORT bool           ConvertOldJobFile       (MCHAR* oldFile, MCHAR* newFile);
00105 enum MAXNET_PLATFORM { 
00107     MAXNET_PLATFORM_32BIT = 32,
00108     MAXNET_PLATFORM_64BIT =64
00109 };
00111     MAXNETEXPORT MaxNetManager* CreateManager       (int platform);
00112     MAXNETEXPORT bool           ConvertOldJobFile   (MCHAR* oldFile, MCHAR* newFile, int platform);
00113 #endif