
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**********************************************************************
00002  *<
00003     FILE: IMixer.h
00005     DESCRIPTION:  Mixer classes
00007     CREATED BY: Susan Amkraut
00009     HISTORY: created summer 2000
00011  *> Copyright (c) 2000, All Rights Reserved.
00012  **********************************************************************/
00014 /**********************************************************************
00017 Many of the mixer functions cause changes to the raw mix .
00018 If you call a function or functions which would change the raw mix, 
00019 then in order to see biped perform the updated raw mix, you must call:
00020 IMixer::InvalidateRawMix();
00022 If you call a function which changes the arrangement of clips in a
00023 transition track, then to update the display and computation of that 
00024 track, you may have to call:  
00025 IMXtrack::ComputeTransClips();
00026 It's possible this may have been called for you, depending on what you did.  
00027 But if you encounter any incomplete updates, call this.
00029 Most of the mixer SDK works the same way as the mixer user interface.  
00030 There are a few exceptions.  The user interface does not allow the user to overlap clips.  
00031 But some SDK functions make it possible to overlap clips.  This is not advisable.  
00032 All mixer SDK functions take into account the snap to frames variable 
00033 as well as the lock transitions variable, both settable in the SDK.  
00034 They do not, however, take into account the snap to clips variable, 
00035 both for technical reasons and because this is more of a user interface feature.
00036 ************************************************************************/
00039 #pragma once
00041 #include "..\maxheap.h"
00042 #include "BipExp.h"
00043 #include "Tracks.h"
00044 #include "CSConstants.h"
00045 #include "..\assetmanagement\AssetUser.h"
00047 // forward definition
00048 class IMixer;
00050 class IMXclip: public MaxHeapOperators
00051 {
00052   public:
00053         virtual ~IMXclip() {;}
00054     //**************** timing ***********************
00055     // The original bounds are the time boundaries of the file loaded into the clip.
00056     // These bounds never change unless a new file is loaded into the clip.
00057     virtual void GetOriginalBounds(int *orgstart, int *orgend)=0;
00058     //
00059     // The trimmed bounds are the trimmed boundaries of the clip.
00060     // They are the same as or a subregion of the original bounds.
00061     // These values do not change when you scale a clip.
00062     // These boundaries are visible in the mixer when you are in trim mode.  
00063     virtual void GetTrimBounds(int *trimstart, int *trimend)=0;
00064     // This also trims the weight curve and time warp appropriately
00065     // trimstart and trimend must be within the original bounds
00066     virtual void SetClipTrim(int trimstart, int trimend)=0;
00067     //
00068     // The global bounds indicate where the trimmed bounds of the clip are mapped globally.
00069     // The clip's scale is defined by the relationship between the trimmed interval (trimend - trimstart)
00070     // and the global interval (globend - globstart).  If those intervals are equal, the clip's scale is 1.
00071     virtual void GetGlobalBounds(int *globstart, int *globend)=0;
00072     // globstart must be less than globend.  
00073     // If not, these return false and do nothing.  Otherwise these return true.
00074     // Setting these is like pulling one edge of the clip.  It actually scales the clip.
00075     // This also scales the weight curve, time warp, and the in/out points appropriately
00076     virtual BOOL SetClipGlobalStart(int globstart)=0;
00077     virtual BOOL SetClipGlobalEnd(int globend)=0;
00078     //
00079     virtual void MoveClip(int timeInc)=0;
00080     //
00081     // These also scale the weight curve, time warp, and the in/out points appropriately
00082     virtual void ScaleClip(float scale)=0;
00083     virtual void SetClipScale(float scale)=0;
00085     //**************** timing conversion ***********************
00086     // The following functions are useful for converting between various time spaces described below:
00087     //
00088     // local: a time between trimstart and trimend, inclusive
00089     //
00090     // scaled local: a time between 0 and the length of the scaled clip, which can be found this way:
00091     // GetGlobalBounds(&g1,&g2);  int length = g2 - g1;
00092     //
00093     // global: a global time value
00094     //
00095     virtual float GetClipScale()=0;
00096     virtual int LocalToScaledLocal(int t)=0;
00097     virtual int ScaledLocalToLocal(int t)=0;
00098     virtual int LocalToGlobal(int t)=0;
00099     virtual int GlobalToLocal(int t)=0;
00100     virtual int GlobalToScaledLocal(int t)=0;
00101     virtual int ScaledLocalToGlobal(int t)=0;
00102     virtual int GlobalInpoint()=0;
00103     virtual int GlobalOutpoint()=0;
00105     //**************** transitions ***********************
00106     // Transition information is stored in each clip, whether it is currently a valid clip in a transition track or not.
00107     // A clip stores mostly information for the transition from itself to the next clip.
00108     // It also stores some information for the transition from the previous clip to itself.
00109     //
00110     // Inpoints and outpoints are stored and set in the clip's scaled local time.
00111     //
00112     // Preserve Height is stored inside each track, not inside individual clips.
00113     //
00114     // The best way to manipulate transition values in a transition track is to loop through the clips
00115     // in sequential transition order by using the following IMXtrack functions described in IMXtrack:
00116     // ComputeTransClips()
00117     // NumTransClips()
00118     // GetTransClip(int index)
00119     //
00120     // The inpoint must be greater than the outpoint.
00121     // The inpoint must be less than the scaled local trimmed end.
00122     // If you try to set the inpoint out of bounds, it will not be set and the function will return false.
00123     // Otherwise, the inpoint will be set and the function will return true.
00124     virtual int GetNextTransitionInpoint()=0;
00125     virtual BOOL SetNextTransitionInpoint(int inpt)=0;
00126     //
00127     virtual float GetNextTransitionAngle()=0;
00128     virtual void SetNextTransitionAngle(float angle)=0;
00129     //
00130     // When setting the focus, if the value sent in is acceptable (FOCUS_AUTO, FOCUS_COM, FOCUS_LFOOT, FOCUS_RFOOT) 
00131     // then the focus will be set, and the function will return true.
00132     // Otherwise, the focus will not be set, and the function will return false.
00133     virtual int  GetNextTransitionFocus()=0;  // returns one of the following: FOCUS_AUTO, FOCUS_COM, FOCUS_LFOOT, FOCUS_RFOOT, FOCUS_BFEET
00134     virtual BOOL SetNextTransitionFocus(int focus)=0;
00135     //
00136     virtual BOOL IsNextTransitionRolling()=0;
00137     virtual void SetNextTransitionRolling()=0;
00138     virtual void SetNextTransitionFixed()=0;
00139     //
00140     // Each ease value, and the sum of the ease values, must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
00141     // If not, the set function will not set the values and it will return false.
00142     virtual void GetNextTransitionEase(float *easeIn, float *easeOut)=0;
00143     virtual BOOL SetNextTransitionEase(float easeIn, float easeOut)=0;
00144     //
00145     // Inpoints and outpoints are stored and set in the clip's scaled local time.
00146     // The outpoint must be less than the inpoint.
00147     // The outpoint must be greater than the scaled local trimmed start.
00148     // If you try to set an outpoint out of bounds, it will not be set and the function will return false.
00149     // Otherwise, the outpoint will be set and the function will return true.
00150     virtual int  GetPrevTransitionOutpoint()=0;
00151     virtual BOOL SetPrevTransitionOutpoint(int outpt)=0;
00152     //
00153     virtual BOOL IsPrevTransitionRolling()=0;
00154     virtual void SetPrevTransitionRolling()=0;
00155     virtual void SetPrevTransitionFixed()=0;
00157     //***************** clip animation file **************************
00158     virtual const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser & GetFile()=0;
00159     // LoadOption must be one of the following: RE_SOURCE_CLIP_ONLY, RE_SOURCE_INSTANCES, RE_SOURCE_FILEGROUP
00160     // RE_SOURCE_CLIP_ONLY: the file will be loaded into just this single clip
00161     // RE_SOURCE_INSTANCES: the file will be loaded into this clip and all instances of this clip
00162     // RE_SOURCE_FILEGROUP: the file will be loaded into this clip and all instances and adaptations of this clip
00163     virtual BOOL LoadFile(int LoadOption, const MCHAR *fname, BOOL ZeroFootHgt)=0;
00165     //***************** weight curve **************************
00166     // The weight curve for a clip is only relevant if the clip is in a layer track
00167     // All time values are in the clip's scaled local time (see note above about the meaning of scaled local time)
00168     virtual int NumWeights()=0;
00169     virtual float GetWeight(int i)=0; // returns weight at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0.0
00170     virtual int GetWeightTime(int i)=0; // returns time at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0
00171     virtual BOOL DeleteWeight(int i)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds
00172     virtual BOOL SetWeight(int i, float w)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds, or weight is not between 0.0 and 1.0
00173     virtual BOOL SetWeightTime(int i, int t)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds or time is not inbetween prevoius and next time
00175     // If t is at a key in the weight curve, this returns the weight at that key.
00176     // Otherwise, it returns the interpolated weight at time t.
00177     // If there are no weights, this returns 1.0.
00178     virtual float GetWeightAtTime(int t)=0;
00180     // If there is a key at time t on the weight curve, this will reset the weight at that key.
00181     // If not, this will create a new key at time t with weight w.
00182     // Be sure that t is within the scaled local bounds of the clip.
00183     virtual int SetWeightAtTime(int t, float w)=0;
00185     //***************** time warp **************************
00186     // All time values are in the clip's scaled local time (see note above about the meaning of scaled local time)
00187     virtual BOOL IsTimeWarpActive()=0;
00188     virtual BOOL ActivateTimeWarp()=0;
00189     virtual BOOL DeactivateTimeWarp()=0;
00190     // Removes all existing time warps, activates time warp,
00191     // and initializes with one warp at the begining and one at the end of the clip
00192     virtual BOOL InitializeTimeWarp()=0;
00193     virtual int NumTimeWarps()=0;
00194     virtual TimeValue GetTwOrgTime(int i)=0; // returns original time at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0
00195     virtual TimeValue GetTwWarpTime(int i)=0;// returns warped time at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0
00196     virtual TimeValue GetOrgTimeAtWarpedTime(TimeValue t)=0; // returns what original time has been warped to this time
00197                                                  // if t is out of bounds of the warped time, returns 0
00198     virtual TimeValue GetWarpedTimeAtOrgTime(TimeValue t)=0; // returns what this original time has been warped to
00199                                                  // if t is out of bounds of the original time, returns 0
00200     virtual BOOL DeleteTw(int i)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds
00201     virtual BOOL SetTwOrgTime(int i, TimeValue t)=0;// returns false if i is out of bounds or t is not inbetween 
00202                                               // the two original times of the warp indices surrounding i
00203     virtual BOOL SetTwWarpTime(int i, TimeValue t)=0;// returns false if i is out of bounds or t is not inbetween 
00204                                               // the two warped times of the warp indices surrounding i
00205     // if t is at an existing warp key's original time value, or t is out of bounds of the clip's scaled local bounds,
00206     // then this returns false.  Otherwise it sets a new time warp key, computing the warped time for this key such
00207     // that the flow is continuous
00208     virtual BOOL InsertWarpAtOrgTime(TimeValue t)=0;
00209 };
00211 class IMXtrack: public MaxHeapOperators
00212 {
00213   public:
00214         virtual ~IMXtrack() {;}
00215     virtual int NumClips(int row)=0;
00216     virtual IMXclip *GetClip(int index, int row = BOT_ROW)=0; // For layer tracks, row should always be BOT_ROW
00217     virtual int GetTrackType()=0;                             // returns LAYERTRACK or TRANSTRACK
00218     virtual void SetTrackType(int toType)=0;                  // must be set to LAYERTRACK or TRANSTRACK
00219     virtual BOOL GetMute()=0;
00220     virtual BOOL SetMute(BOOL val)=0;
00221     virtual BOOL GetSolo()=0;
00222     virtual BOOL SetSolo(BOOL val)=0;
00223     virtual void GetInterval(Interval& iv)=0;                 // gets the total time interval of the track, including all clips
00224     virtual void Clear()=0;
00225     // The specified bip file will be loaded into the new clip, and the reservoir, using the ZeroFootHeight parameter.  
00226     // For layer tracks, the start of the new clip will be appended interval time from the end of the last clip in the track.  
00227     // The interval variable must be >= 0.   
00228     // For transition tracks, the interval parameter is ignored.  The start of the new clip will be at 
00229     // the inpoint of the last clip in the track, and it will be on the opposite row of the last clip.  
00230     // It will start later if it collides with another clip.  For both layer and transition tracks, 
00231     // if there are no clips in the track, the new clip will start at frame 0.  This returns false if 
00232     // the specified file could not be loaded.  Otherwise, it returns true.
00233     virtual BOOL AppendClip(const MCHAR *fname, BOOL ZeroFootHeight = true, int interval = 5)=0;
00235     /******************** transition track functions (not for layer tracks) **************************/
00236     // If any of these functions are called for layer tracks, they will return false and do nothing.
00237     // The track must be a transition track.
00238     //
00239     virtual BOOL IsHeightPreservedDuringTransitions()=0;
00240     virtual BOOL SetTransPreserveHeight(BOOL val)=0;
00241     // PreferredTransLength and the search ranges must be positive values.  They are in frames.  
00242     // If they are negative values, the optimization will not be performed and the function will return false.  
00243     // Otherwise, the function will return true/false describing whether or not it was successful.  
00244     // If optimization requires clips to be trimmed to avoid visual overlap, then they will be trimmed.
00245     virtual BOOL OptimizeTransitions(int PreferredTransLength, BOOL SearchEntireClip, int SearchRangeBefore, int  SearchRangeAfter)=0;
00246     // See notes above.
00247     // The ClipIndex is an index into the tracks's trans clips.
00248     // If the ClipIndex is out of range of the trans clips, the optimization will not be performed and the function will return false.
00249     virtual BOOL OptimizeClipsNextTransition(int PreferredTransLength, BOOL SearchEntireClip, int SearchRangeBefore, int  SearchRangeAfter, int ClipIndex)=0;
00251     // The following three functions provide a way of looping through the clips in a transition track in 
00252     // sequential order, based on how they transition from one to another, regardless of what row they are in.
00253     // A greyed out clip will not be included in the transclips, since it is not part of the series of transitions.
00254     // If you change ANYTHING in a transition track (clip timiing, transition timing or parameters), 
00255     // then you must call ComputeTransClips before looping through the trans clips
00256     virtual void ComputeTransClips()=0;
00257     virtual int NumTransClips()=0;
00258     virtual IMXclip *GetTransClip(int index)=0; 
00260     //***************** weight curve **************************
00261     // The weight curve for a track is only relevant if the track is a transition track
00262     virtual int NumWeights()=0;
00263     virtual float GetWeight(int i)=0; // returns weight at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0.0
00264     virtual int GetWeightTime(int i)=0; // returns time at index i, if i is out of bounds, returns 0
00265     virtual BOOL DeleteWeight(int i)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds
00266     virtual BOOL SetWeight(int i, float w)=0; // returns false if i is out of bound, or weight is not between 0.0 and 1.0
00267     virtual BOOL SetWeightTime(int i, int t)=0; // returns false if i is out of bounds or time is not inbetween prevoius and next time
00268     // If t is at a key in the weight curve, this returns the weight at that key.
00269     // Otherwise, it returns the interpolated weight at time t.
00270     // If there are no weights, this returns 1.0.
00271     virtual float GetWeightAtTime(int t)=0;
00273     // If there is a key at time t on the weight curve, this will reset the weight at that key.
00274     // If not, this will create a new key at time t with weight w.
00275     // If this weight curve belongs to a clip, you need to make sure that t is within the 
00276     // scaled local bounds of the clip. (see note below about the meaning of scaled local)
00277     virtual int SetWeightAtTime(int t, float w)=0;
00278 };
00280 class IMXtrackgroup: public MaxHeapOperators
00281 {
00282   public:
00283     virtual ~IMXtrackgroup() {;}
00284     virtual int NumTracks()=0;
00285     virtual IMXtrack *GetTrack(int index)=0;
00286     virtual const MCHAR *GetName()=0;
00287     virtual BOOL SetName(const MCHAR *str)=0;
00288     // the index for the following two filter functions must be one of the follwing track id's defined in track.h:
00291     virtual BOOL GetFilter(int index)=0;
00292     virtual BOOL SetFilter(int index, int val)=0;
00293     virtual void Clear()=0;  // removes all clips from the trackgroup
00294     virtual BOOL InsertTrack(int index, int tracktype)=0;
00295     // gets the total time interval of the trackgroup, including all tracks
00296     virtual BOOL DeleteTrack(int index)=0;
00297     virtual void GetInterval(Interval& iv)=0;
00298 };
00300 class IMixer: public MaxHeapOperators
00301 {
00302   public:
00303         virtual ~IMixer() {;}
00304     //**************** trackgroups ***********************
00305     virtual int NumTrackgroups()=0;
00306     virtual IMXtrackgroup *GetTrackgroup(int index)=0;  
00307     virtual BOOL InsertTrackgroup(int index)=0; 
00308     virtual BOOL DeleteTrackgroup(int index)=0;
00310     //**************** mixer ***********************
00311     virtual float GetBalancePropagation()=0;  // between 0.0 and 1.0
00312     virtual BOOL  SetBalancePropagation(float val)=0;
00313     virtual float GetBalanceLateralRatio()=0; // between 0.0 and 1.0
00314     virtual BOOL  SetBalanceLateralRatio(float val)=0;
00315     virtual BOOL  GetBalanceMute()=0;
00316     virtual BOOL  SetBalanceMute(BOOL val)=0;
00317     virtual BOOL  IsPerformingMixdown()=0; // if this returns false, the biped is performing a raw mix
00318     virtual void InvalidateRawMix()=0;
00319     virtual void EffectRawMix()=0;
00320     virtual void EffectMixdown()=0;
00321     // ContinuityRange between 0 and 100, MaxKneeAngle between 0.0 and 180.0
00322     virtual BOOL Mixdown(BOOL KeyPerFrame, BOOL EnforceIkConstraints, int ContinuityRange, BOOL FilterHyperExtLegs, float MaxKneeAngle)=0;
00323     virtual void CopyClipSourceToBiped(IMXclip *iCP)=0; 
00324     virtual void CopyMixdownToBiped()=0; // This will only work if a mixdown exists
00325     virtual BOOL LoadMixFile(const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw)=0;
00326     virtual BOOL SaveMixFile(const MCHAR *fname)=0;
00327     // gets the total time interval of the mixer, including all trackgroups and tracks
00328     virtual void GetInterval(Interval& iv)=0;
00329     virtual BOOL ExistingMixdown()=0;
00330     // clear all clips, tracks, and trackgroups - the mixer will be empty
00331     virtual void ClearMixer()=0;
00333     // This group of functions actually applies not to the individual mixer,
00334     // but to the mixer dialog and display.  Many of these just get and set
00335     // display preferences.
00336     virtual BOOL   GetSnapFrames()=0;
00337     virtual void   SetSnapFrames(BOOL onOff)=0;
00338     virtual BOOL   GetShowTgRangebars()=0;
00339     virtual void   SetShowTgRangebars(BOOL onOff)=0;
00340     virtual BOOL   GetShowWgtCurves()=0;
00341     virtual void   SetShowWgtCurves(BOOL onOff)=0;
00342     virtual BOOL   GetShowTimeWarps()=0;
00343     virtual void   SetShowTimeWarps(BOOL onOff)=0;
00344     virtual BOOL   GetShowClipBounds()=0;
00345     virtual void   SetShowClipBounds(BOOL onOff)=0;
00346     virtual BOOL   GetShowGlobal()=0;
00347     virtual void   SetShowGlobal(BOOL onOff)=0;
00348     virtual BOOL   GetShowClipNames()=0;
00349     virtual void   SetShowClipNames(BOOL onOff)=0;
00350     virtual BOOL   GetShowClipScale()=0;
00351     virtual void   SetShowClipScale(BOOL onOff)=0;
00352     virtual BOOL   GetShowTransStart()=0;
00353     virtual void   SetShowTransStart(BOOL onOff)=0;
00354     virtual BOOL   GetShowTransEnd()=0;
00355     virtual void   SetShowTransEnd(BOOL onOff)=0;
00356     virtual BOOL   GetShowBalance()=0;
00357     virtual void   SetShowBalance(BOOL onOff)=0;
00358     virtual BOOL   GetSnapToClips()=0;
00359     virtual void   SetSnapToClips(BOOL onOff)=0;
00360     virtual BOOL   GetLockTransitions()=0;
00361     virtual void   SetLockTransitions(BOOL onOff)=0;
00362     virtual void   SetAnimationRange()=0;
00363     virtual void   ZoomExtents()=0;
00364     virtual void   UpdateDisplay()=0;
00365     virtual void   AddToDisplay()=0;      // adds this mixer to the mixer dialog
00366     virtual void   RemoveFromDisplay()=0; // removes this mixer from the mixer dialog
00367     virtual void   ShowMixer()=0;         // shows the mixer dialog
00368     virtual void   HideMixer()=0;         // hides the mixer dialog
00369 };