
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************/
00002 // Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Autodesk, Inc.
00003 // All rights reserved.
00004 // 
00005 // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
00006 // unpublished proprietary information written by Autodesk, Inc., and are
00007 // protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third
00008 // parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
00009 // the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
00010 //**************************************************************************/
00011 #pragma once
00013 #include <WTypes.h>
00014 #include "maxheap.h"
00015 #include "Animatable.h"
00017 // Callback for EnumAnimTree:
00018 //
00019 // Scope values:
00021 #define SCOPE_DOCLOSED 1        //!< Enumerate "closed" animatables.
00022 #define SCOPE_SUBANIM  2        //!< Enumerate sub-anims 
00023 #define SCOPE_CHILDREN 4        //!< Enumerate node children
00024 #define SCOPE_OPEN  (SCOPE_SUBANIM|SCOPE_CHILDREN) //!< Enumerate all open animatables
00025 #define SCOPE_ALL   (SCOPE_OPEN|SCOPE_DOCLOSED)     //!< do all animatables
00027 // Return values for AnimEnum procs
00028 #define ANIM_ENUM_PROCEED 1     
00029 #define ANIM_ENUM_STOP    2
00030 #define ANIM_ENUM_ABORT   3
00032 // R5 and later only
00033 #define ANIM_ENUM_SKIP    4   //!< Do not include this anim in the hierarchy.
00034 #define ANIM_ENUM_SKIP_NODE 5 //!< Do not include this node and its subAnims, but include its children.
00040 class AnimEnum: public MaxHeapOperators {
00041     protected:
00042         int depth;
00043         int scope;  
00044         DWORD tv;
00045     public:
00048         AnimEnum(int s = SCOPE_OPEN, int deep = 0, DWORD tv=0xffffffff) 
00049             {scope = s; depth = deep; this->tv = tv;}
00051         virtual ~AnimEnum() {;}
00055         void SetScope(int s) { scope = s; }
00071         int Scope() { return scope; }
00074         void IncDepth() { depth++; }
00077         void DecDepth() { depth--; }
00080         int Depth() { return depth; }
00081         DWORD TVBits() {return tv;}
00095         virtual int proc(Animatable *anim, Animatable *client, int subNum)=0;
00096     };
00099 class ClearAnimFlagEnumProc : public AnimEnum
00100 {
00101     DWORD flag;
00102 public:
00104     ClearAnimFlagEnumProc(DWORD f)
00105         : flag(f)
00106     {
00107         // empty
00108     }
00109     int proc(Animatable* anim, Animatable* client, int subNum)
00110     {
00111         UNUSED_PARAM(client);
00112         UNUSED_PARAM(subNum);
00113         anim->ClearAFlag(flag);
00114         return ANIM_ENUM_PROCEED;
00115     }
00116 };